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Indian human spaceflight program

Sir u are 100percent right. even most top scientists did said that NASA faked 1969 moon mission. They even proved it live on tv. Sir you are 110percent right about some people here. Am sure they got green signal to have a go at me because they really dont like hearing truth. Even some indians now used to some bullsh*ts like su-30mki vs jf-11, orion vs p8i etc etc. List is too big. Am very sure this people got job to provoke me. i will ignore them now. Thank you for letting me know sir.

Yes the Apollo Moon Landing was faked -- it's very obvious once you carefully examine the evidence, I won't list them out here since it's so easy to search for it yourself. :)

Now back on topic: Imagine how far we can go if India + China + NASA + Japan + EU + Russia + Brazil + etc joined forces.
Apollo was very much fake. There are even photos of the actual studio where they filmed the 'landing' with backdrop of the moon and all. The evidence is out there and it's very easy to search for. :)
i aint your mate you sick head. Now lick the knowledge that your brain really wants urgently. By the way its just TOP 10 FAILURES OF NASA and NOT WHOLE FAILURES LIST BECOZ LIST IS TO MUCH BIG. Now go and start licking the knowledge. Thank you
The Top 10 Failed NASA Missions | Popular Science

Mate, sick in head is not a problem. Most people do have sinusitis or other ailments from time to time. But, mate, handicapped brain is a big issue, which is precisely what you unluckily possess. Yes, mate, that’s right mate.

Mate, your 1st problem is that, mate, you are frustrated at my interest in Sino-India relationship. Why? Maybe the truth hurts. But truth only hurts handicapped brain, mate. If this is not a syndrome of your handicapped brain, what is this, mate? Why my personal interest will frustrate a person with healthy brain? Tell everybody, mate.

Your second manifest of the syndrome is that, my mate, your clownish claim that IAF is delighted at roads and railways on the Chinese side, because, mate you claim, all these infrastructures become IAF’s happy targets. Mate, while I showed you the proof that India is actually worried about those infrastructure, you give no evidence to support your rant. Mate, yes, mate, that’s precisely what we call it: rant. Yes mate, you are ranting most of your time without you even noticing it!

3rdly, mate, you ranted that India is the first one to find water trace in the moon and other did nothing. Mate, this rant only comes out from someone who has suffered short-term memory loss as results of the handicap. Just read the following excerpt, mate, in an attempt to recover you lost memory that your feeble brain can’t sustain. Hope it will help to heal your erratic behaviour, mate.

New data and images from flybys of the Moon by the Cassini, the US Deep Impact spacecraft, and a NASA instrument on India's Chandrayaan-1 orbiter provide compelling evidence of traces of water on the Moon. The results were published in Science magazine.


Signs of water found on Moon - Physics Today News Picks

Yes, mate, this is from Physics Today. Hope you heard the name before, mate. Now, listen carefully mate, without NASA’s instrument M3 on your satellite, mate, together with other non-Indian instruments, your Chandrayaan-1 is only worthy a piece of rock. Now listen carefully again mate: these days, even Kim Jong Il can shoot a rock into space, mate. Yes, mate, you wouldn’t believe it: your worthiness is only of that of Kim Jong Il in North Korea. Mate, that’s all it, mate.

Mate, yes mate. All these are the truth. Yeah, we all know that truth hurts sometimes, especially so for those have brain issues. But that’s truth, mate, nobody can alter truth. Of course if you wish, mate, keep your raving of 2020 vs 2020, because even if NASA fails 100 time, it still doesn’t prove/disprove anything, mate.

Yes the Apollo Moon Landing was faked -- it's very obvious once you carefully examine the evidence, I won't list them out here since it's so easy to search for it yourself. :)

Now back on topic: Imagine how far we can go if India + China + NASA + Japan + EU + Russia + Brazil + etc joined forces.

Sir i agree with you totally. All space agencies should work together. Any mission in space is for humans future. i personaly thinks if every space agency work together we can even land on mars soon but its very sad to see mr obama's comment on launch of chandrayaan-I. he felt threatened by chandrayaan-I And china's space walk. i thought he would say he happy to see indian mission on moon. Instead of being happy he told nasa to wake up and do better. He upto compitetion. Sad to see that. i wish every space agency work together.
NASA did a wonderful job sending man to moon. Or do you suspect, like various nutcases, that the moon landing was fake?
BTW did you forget about Apollo 11 or Apollo 13? Or for that matter did ya know that Neil Armstrong had to jab a piece of a pen cap into a slot to make the Eagle Module's booster ignite for return flight launch?
Glitches occur. So did some minor glitches occur on board the Chandrayaan I during its duration of flight. Nothing serious to go bonkers over. No space mission is hazard free. Nonetheless 95% of the tasks were accomplished and the mission was certified a success, not only by ISRO, but also by ESA and NASA, who incidentally had many critical sensors onboard. Most prominently the presence of water on moon was discovered by sensors on Chandryaan I, a fact long suspected by many but confirmed thoroughly by ISRO mission.
I assumed you knew what you were talking about, but sorry to say I was wrong.
Rest assured, our infant steps, as your arrogance prefers to call it, is being lapped up by both major and minor players for sending their satellites into space for a fraction of the price which NASA or ESA would charge them. We've got miles to go, yup, but we shall cover them one steady mile at a time!

ps: Hey ISRO2, hold your horses. Post replies to only those posters who engage in decent discussions. Do not reply to trolls like those two chicoms who spoil every thread. Get into a mudslinging fest with those two and you will definitely face ejection from these forums.

I never devalued Chandrayaan-1. I do against over value it.

Take moon water for instance, there are suspected water evidences people have discussed already, before C-1 was launched. More importantly, which instrument detects the possible water trace? That is M3. Who makes the instruments? That is NASA!

Withou the M3, how could C-1 possibly get the data?

How freaking it was to talk about silly 2020 vs 2020! Show us your instruments first. Otherwise, it is only slightly better than Kim Jong Il.

In addition, if (yes IF, because what found is only evidence, not proof) there is water, who will profit from it? The American? The Chinese? Russian...?

Any derogatory racial term against anyone on this forum, will not be tolerated! Please refrain from using such remarks in the future.


Any derogatory racial term against anyone on this forum, will not be tolerated! Please refrain from using such remarks in the future.


Roger that Bezerk. My apologies to whomsoever it may concern.
Apollo was very much fake. There are even photos of the actual studio where they filmed the 'landing' with backdrop of the moon and all. The evidence is out there and it's very easy to search for. :)

Wow. I never knew that some people still believe those lame Moon-landing conspiracy stories. I'm studying Aeronautical Engineering and I can easily refute all the points which these conspiracy theorists have raised.

But my explanation cannot be better than the one which the 'Mythbusters' gave. Go watch their episode on moon landing conspiracy.
I never devalued Chandrayaan-1. I do against over value it.

Take moon water for instance, there are suspected water evidences people have discussed already, before C-1 was launched. More importantly, which instrument detects the possible water trace? That is M3. Who makes the instruments? That is NASA!

Withou the M3, how could C-1 possibly get the data?

How freaking it was to talk about silly 2020 vs 2020! Show us your instruments first. Otherwise, it is only slightly better than Kim Jong Il.

In addition, if (yes IF, because what found is only evidence, not proof) there is water, who will profit from it? The American? The Chinese? Russian...?

I suggest you reread everything about Chandrayaan-I, specifically the payloads and critical systems carried on board and Indian contribution to it. M3 wasnt the only instrument which could detect water. ISRO made spectrophotometer/X-ray spectrometers could also, theoretically, be used to detect water (I play around with spectrophotometers!). Please do refrain from making ignorant impassioned tragicomic comments.

Water is one of the most abundant molecules in the Universe, and so its very natural for it to exist on the Moon (given the conditions of Earth's and Moon's orbits wrt each other and our Sun). The moon samples brought back from Apollo missions were noticed to be damp and was erroneously assumed that it was due to Earth's moisture contamination. However the Chandrayaan-I mission shows ample evidence of water's existence on lunar surface. Now whoever gets back to the Moon first with technology to harness that moisture will reap benefits. India and China are on a race for now. Lets see what happens.

As to your comment comparing Chandrayaan-I to the crazy eccentric diminutive "Dear Leader", I so pity thine ignorance and poverty of intelligence! Have a good day sir.
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Yes, mate, this is from Physics Today. Hope you heard the name before, mate. Now, listen carefully mate, without NASA’s instrument M3 on your satellite, mate, together with other non-Indian instruments, your Chandrayaan-1 is only worthy a piece of rock. Now listen carefully again mate: these days, even Kim Jong Il can shoot a rock into space, mate. Yes, mate, you wouldn’t believe it: your worthiness is only of that of Kim Jong Il in North Korea. Mate, that’s all it, mate.

ISRO found water on moon 10 months ago

BANGALORE: Indian Space Research Organisation may have stolen the thunder of discovering water on the Moon.

The Moon Impact Probe on Chandrayaan-I appears to have sensed water earlier than Nasa's Moon Minerolgy Mapper (M3) but protocol did not allow ISRO to declare the discovery. While MIP detected water molecules on November 14, 2008, just 22 days after Chandrayaan-1's launch, M3 did so in March 2009.

J S Goswami, principal investigator for Chandrayaan-1, told TOI: ``We had indications of water on November 14, the day MIP crash-landed on the Moon. It sensed some sort of water molecules. We were absolutely delighted but it had to be corroborated. Without international examination and cross-examination and confirmation of the evidence, it would not have been right on our part to go public about it.''

Mylswami Annadurai, project director, Chandrayaan-1 and 2, explained why India did not go public with the discovery. ``International protocol requires us to discuss the evidence, cross-calibrate it with experts and it goes through a peer review and gets their approval. After all this, if it's a credible finding comes the go-ahead for its publication. This process can take three to four months, sometimes even seven. Only after publication can we speak about the evidence.''

ISRO chairman G Madhavan Nair said the MIP showed indications as it was crash-landing - it caught signatures of water. ``As the MIP was landing, it took some pictures that indicated the water molecules eventually found by M3.''

The MIP had picked up strong signals of water particles towards the polar region from 70 degree latitude to 80 degree latitude, according to Goswami. While this was known in November 2008, the M3 discovery of water in March 2009 was confirmed only three months later ^ in June. That's because US scientists wanted to be sure they had indeed found water and it took three months of rigorous cross-examination to confirm it. Publication after the confirmation also took time.

Officials said India scientists waited all this while to make the discovery public as they wanted the findings of such global significance to be first published in a scientific journal.

ISRO found water on moon 10 months ago - India - NEWS - The Times of India

Indian Payloads

TMC or the Terrain Mapping Camera is a CCD camera with 5 m resolution and a 40 km swath in the panchromatic band and was used to produce a high-resolution map of the Moon.[23] The aim of this instrument was to completely map the topography of the Moon. The camera works in the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum and captures black and white stereo images. When used in conjunction with data from Lunar Laser Ranging Instrument (LLRI), it can help in better understanding of the lunar gravitational field as well. TMC was built by the ISRO's Space Applications Centre (SAC) at Ahmedabad

HySI or Hyper Spectral Imager performed mineralogical mapping in the 400-900 nm band with a spectral resolution of 15 nm and a spatial resolution of 80 m.

LLRI or Lunar Laser Ranging Instrument determines the height of the surface topography by sending pulses of infrared laser light towards the lunar surface and detecting the reflected portion of that light.

HEX is a High Energy X-ray/gamma ray spectrometer for 30 – 200 keV measurements with ground resolution of 40 km, the HEX measured U, Th, 210Pb, 222Rn degassing, and other radioactive elements

MIP or the Moon Impact Probe developed by the ISRO, is an impact probe which consisted of a C-band Radar altimeter for measurement of altitude of the probe, a video imaging system for acquiring images of the lunar surface and a mass spectrometer for measuring the constituents of the lunar atmosphere.[28] It was ejected at 20:00 hours IST on 14 November, 2008. The Moon Impact Probe successfully crash landed at the lunar south pole at 20:31 hours IST on 14 November, 2008. It carried with it a picture of the Indian flag. India is now the fourth nation to place a flag on the Moon after the Soviet Union, United States and Japan.

Now listen carefully again mate: these days, even Kim Jong Il can shoot a rock into space, mate. Yes, mate, you wouldn’t believe it: your worthiness is only of that of Kim Jong Il in North Korea. Mate, that’s all it, mate

Mate,whats ur point of bringing Kim Jong Il in North Korea or his ability to shoot a rock into space??

Sending a spacecraft to moon, a capability available to handful of nation in the world and North Korea is certainly not one among them till date.

The most important thing is c-1 fulfilled its mission objectives with flying colors and all those scientific experimental instruments on board both indian and foreign ,did there job taking the knowledge for the entire scientific community many step furthe regarding our understanding about the mystery behind moon .
Apollo was very much fake. There are even photos of the actual studio where they filmed the 'landing' with backdrop of the moon and all. The evidence is out there and it's very easy to search for. :)

Chandrayaan sends images of Apollo 15 landing
PTI 2 September 2009, 06:53pm IST,

PANAJI: A camera on board India's maiden unmanned lunar mission Chandrayaan-1 has recorded images of the anding site of US spacecraft Apollo 15, a scientist said on Wednesday, rubbishing conspiracy theories that thethe fourth US mission to land on the moon four decades back was a hoax.

The Terrain mapper camera on board Chandrayaan-1, which had an abrupt end a few days back, has sent the prints of landing site of Apollo 15 and tracks of the lunar rovers used by astronauts to travel on lunar surface, a senior scientist associated with India's lunar mission said during a presentation here.

"The images captured by hyper spectral camera fitted as a part of Chandrayaan-1 image payload has reconfirmed the veracity of Apollo 15 mission," said Dr Prakash Chauhan, who is a senior scientist with Indian Space Research Organisation's(ISRO) Hyderabad-based space application centre.

Chauhan was presenting the findings of Chandrayaan-1 mission in his paper 'Chandrayaan I: TMC and HYSI data analysis for Apollo landing sites and Mare Orientale', which would be unveiled in public domain two months later, after further analysis.

The Chandrayaan-1 images have disproved the theory of conspiracy which had claimed that the Apollo 15 was a hoax, he said.

"Chandrayaan has managed to identify the landing site used by the Apollo 15 shuttle on the basis of the disturbances on the moon's surface," Chauhan said.

"Our images also show tracks left behind by the lunar rovers which were used by the astronauts to travel on the moon's surface," Chauhan said.

He said that since lunar dust is dark, the disturbances left behind by the spacecraft and the rovers are easily distinguishable.

"The disturbed surface is bright," he added. The scientist said Chandrayaan's images are an independent corroboration that can help dispel doubts about the NASA mission.

However, Chandrayaan's camera could not capture the images of footprint left behind by the first astronaut on moon, Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin, because of its low resolution capability, he said.

Chauhan said that such an image is possible for a Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter armed with high resolution camera launched into space by NASA.

Chandrayaan sends images of Apollo 15 landing - India - NEWS - The Times of India
Gubbi, Khajur,

Just on moon water.

There are excerpts from Bloomburg:Moon Water Discovered in Lunar Soil by Indian Mission (Update3) - Bloomberg.com

Moon Water Discovered in Lunar Soil by Indian Mission (Update3)

By Alex Morales and Jay Shankar

Sept. 24 (Bloomberg) -- The moon is a lot wetter than we thought. That’s the conclusion of scientists who used data gathered by India’s first lunar mission to determine there may be widespread moisture locked in lunar soils.

The mapper instrument, called M3, analyzed the way sunlight reflects off the lunar surface to determine the materials that constitute the soil, according to a statement from the University of Tennessee at Knoxville, which participated in the study.

Crashed Probe

NASA’s Lunar Prospector craft in 1998 detected hydrogen near the pole, prompting speculation that water was present. A year later, the agency deliberately crashed the craft into the moon’s surface, hoping to detect water vapor in the resulting dust plume, without success.

Trace amounts of water detected in rocks shipped back from the moon by Apollo missions 40 years ago were attributed to contamination from the Earth’s air because the boxes housing the samples had leaks, according to the University of Tennessee.

“The isotopes of oxygen that exist on the moon are the same as those that exist on Earth, so it was difficult if not impossible to tell the difference,” Larry Taylor, a co-author of today’s paper, said in the university’s statement. “Since the early soil samples only had trace amounts of water, it was easy to make the mistake of attributing it to contamination.”

Last year, researchers at Brown analyzed volcanic glasses recovered by the Apollo 15 mission, finding evidence of water, which they said must have had its origins deep inside the moon.

The Indian “moon craft” was designed to orbit the moon for two years at an altitude of 100 kilometers (62 miles). Scientists in the southern Indian city of Bangalore lost contact with it on Aug. 29 after 315 days in orbit.

We can thus see that:
1) 40 years ago, water trace brought back to earth is not reliable because of suspected earth contamination.

2) NASA’s Lunar Prospector craft in 1998 detected hydrogen near the pole, prompting speculation that water was present.

3) Last year (2008), researchers at Brown found evidence of moon water, which they said must have had its origins deep inside the moon.

4) C-1 further corroborating the assertion with stronger evidence with NASA’s M3, the mapper instrument.

So, we know already moon is wet, but now it seems wetter.

What is M3? Moon Mineralogy Mapper -

The Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3) is one of two instruments that NASA is contributing to India's first mission to the Moon, Chandrayaan-1 (meaning "Lunar Craft" in ancient Sanskrit), which launched on October 22, 2008. M3 is a state-of-the-art imaging spectrometer that will provide the first map of the entire lunar surface at high spatial and spectral resolution, revealing the minerals of which it is made.

Scientists will use this information to answer questions about the Moon's origin and development and the evolution of terrestrial planets in the early solar system. Future astronauts will use it to locate resources, possibly including water, that can support exploration of the Moon and beyond.

Have there any other instruments helped with moon water discovery?

"The Moon Impact Probe on Chandrayaan-I appears to have sensed water earlier than Nasa's Moon Minerolgy Mapper (M3) but protocol did not allow ISRO to declare the discovery."

You can suspect this and allege that, but who publishes the data first? MIP appears to have sensed the water, as the person claim. It is only "appears" after all. Where is the analysis of MIP data? Is that analysis acknowledged by science community? . In science domain, only formal publication establishes the authentication of discovery.

Only if MIP could have published it before M3!

Or did Indian scientists give up their rights to American scientists as a condition of the corporation?
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Only if MIP could have published it before M3!

Interesting points you did bring up. Nobody here is saying that Chandrayaan-I discovered water on moon. It just corroborated the evidences gathered over the years.
Btw, I assume you don't know anything about spectrophotometer/spectrometers (notice I use two words, both are basically different) now do you? You wouldn't have made that comment if you did.
No he is a troll? That's lovely english sir. Forget about my birth name. i like your name mr pari. i think pari means fairy in india. Am big fan of enchanted land full of unicorns, fairy, dwarf, angels etc etc.
no I love your posts..and what happened to your preposterous english grammar?tired of trying to over-indianize it?
you have two big glowing tirangas against your name in your display pic and you think that pari means a fairy in India?
dude...if you would ahve been an Indian you'd have known what Paritosh means...and it has got nothing to do with fairies.

If you dont like my post then please kindly ignore it. Adults do right thing. So am kid and u are adult. Ignore my post. Remember only a fool will reply to fool. Am a fool by being big fan of ISRO. its better be adult and dont reply me sir. Thank you.
on this forum we have seen Indians trying to done the flags of other countries in trying to malign them in some way...you my friend are the "other kind"...
Interesting points you did bring up. Nobody here is saying that Chandrayaan-I discovered water on moon. It just corroborated the evidences gathered over the years.
Btw, I assume you don't know anything about spectrophotometer/spectrometers (notice I use two words, both are basically different) now do you? You wouldn't have made that comment if you did.

dude...good point you raised..
a spectrometer is this device that receives incident radiation from a source and checks the wavelenght/freq of it's spectral make-up and comes out with the structural composition of the source of that radiation based on the principle that a particular substance reflects a particular wavelength of light akin to our viewing things in color here on earth as different substances reflect different shades of light...this is a very laymannish defn of a spectrometer that I understand..
I assume that a spectrophotometer would be a spectrometer which probably might use photons to spectrograph a substance....
clear this.
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