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Indian Girls Boldly Answer.....

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Yup,he claimed it was his few months back.Other than being a fair complexioned person there is nothing to be proud of a face like that:D;)

Well,he needs to burn some calories I guess,then it will become something!!At least he looks better than I do!! :D
I think Indian girls are far prettier and more delicate than big boned square jawed Pakistani girls.

Pakistani girls have the height, are fairer, and better stacked in general.

But facial features wise its a no contest to be honest.

And smarts. Smarts is a turn on which translates to fun in a lot else than just conversing ....

Which has also been proven on the world stage by the number of Miss Worlds we have vs them.
Hehehe ...have to agree. Pakistani girls are fair but with big pointy features a bit horse like (no offense to anyone here). Also too much make up and supremely uninteresting....all they seem to worry about is their looks,religion, study and cook. If they are not religious or conservative then they are completely out of control crazy. No middle way. I have yet to meet a Pakistani girl that actually reads anything, or has a measured thoughtful original stance on anything in the world. I'm Not fighting with anyone.:disagree: Peace out.
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Hehehe ...have to agree. Pakistani girls are fair but with big pointy features a bit horse like (no offense to anyone here). Also too much make up and supremely uninteresting....all they seem to worry about is their looks,religion, study and cook. If they are not religious or conservative then they are completely out of control crazy. No middle way. I have yet to meet a Pakistani girl that actually reads anything, or has a measured thoughtful original stance on anything in the world. I'm Not fighting with anyone.:disagree: Peace out.

Now you are being totally unjust to the Pakistani ladies here.
Pakistanis girls are lovely

I ditto this

As are Punjabi girls in india
Now you are being totally unjust to the Pakistani ladies here.
Well, I am trying to be fair.,.and speaking only from personal experience....your experience would be different to mine. Pakistani girls are fair but they are reaaaaalllyy boring and reaaaaallly obsessed with their appearance. I don't want to be rude but seriously I think that is why they have such a high birth rate in Pakistan, because these people probably run out of anything else to do really fast! I don't want to be unreasonable and I am sure there are many beautiful interesting Pakistani girls out there and maybe one day I will meet one. Till then I am entitled to my opinion.
Well, I am trying to be fair.,.and speaking only from personal experience....your experience would be different to mine. Pakistani girls are fair but they are reaaaaalllyy boring and reaaaaallly obsessed with their appearance. I don't want to be rude but seriously I think that is why they have such a high birth rate in Pakistan, because these people probably run out of anything else to do really fast! I don't want to be unreasonable and I am sure there are many beautiful interesting Pakistani girls out there and maybe one day I will meet one. Till then I am entitled to my opinion.
Don't take my comment so seriously brother.All I was saying that there are some really nice looking Pakistani ladies out there like Mawra Hocane and Saba Qamar to name just a couple of them.And as for 'fair' skinned,there are many light skinned girls in India as well!!
ok, didn't watch the video but so what ? India is poor world and largely conservative but compared to Pakistan we're all very liberal with social issues and willing to adapt to the changing times, that's a good thing.
Some Sikh girls are hot.
Real Mirpuri :cheers:

Don't take my comment so seriously brother.All I was saying that there are some really nice looking Pakistani ladies out there like Mawra Hocane and Saba Qamar to name just a couple of them.And as for 'fair' skinned,there are many light skinned girls in India as well!!
How did you come to know of Saba Qamar ?
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Oh you like Pakistani dramas than you should watch Aun Zara,Mera Saeen and Akbari Asghari

Well,to be honest,I'm not much into soap operas (most of the Indian ones are just craps,compared to that yours are at least a light year ahead) but my mom and grand ma have become absolute fans of those!!Oh and by the way,I did watch Aun Zara,decent stuff.
Well,to be honest,I'm not much into soap operas (most of the Indian ones are just craps,compared to that yours are at least a light year ahead) but my mom and grand ma have become absolute fans of those!!Oh and by the way,I did watch Aun Zara,decent stuff.
I like serious one,s or funny one,s btw i am a big fan of the indian sitcom tarek mehta ka ulta chashma ;P
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