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Indian Explosives in Indian Blasts!

AgNoStiC MuSliM

Jul 11, 2007
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United States
Major Indian blasts were result of illegal diversion of explosives​

* Body to keep tab on explosives’ stockists, suppliers, transporters and end users is understaffed
* Legislation regarding explosives’ pilferage to be tabled before parliament in budget

By Iftikhar Gilani

NEW DELHI: India may continue to blame Pakistan for motivation behind the blasts in Mumbai, Malegaon and Hyderabad, but the stark fact realised by the government is that the ammunition for all these blasts had come from illegal diversion of the explosives, particularly the gelatin sticks, made in India.
An 8-member committee, headed by the Union home secretary, which examined this phenomenon, found how shockingly inadequate was the government mechanism to prevent the explosives meant for mining and other industrial uses to easily slip into the hands of terrorists and other anti-social elements to misuse them at will.
Use of ammonium nitrate in the blasts made the committee to sit up with a realisation that it is not an explosive and hence had escaped the Explosives Act that puts curbs on its manufacturing, possession, transportation and use.
The only recourse that the government could take was to demand monthly returns of purchase and use of this chemical and accordingly a special order was issued on April 12, advising its manufacturers to maintain the requisite records on a daily basis.
Sources in the Home Ministry said this was, however, only a temporary measure as the committee actually wants to bring ammonium nitrate under the ambit of the Arms Act, alike similar other chemicals sulphur, potassium nitrate, all chlorates and percholarates.
A regulatory mechanism for the manufacturing and use of ammonium nitrate has been also suggested, the sources said.
Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

It is too much to expect from the jingoistic and vitriolic Indian media (the likes of Chidanand Rajghatta and his ilk), but hopefully the Indian people will start using some sense and refuse to accept the fairy tales fed them by their leadership.

In the same token, Pakistanis need to realize that the Mullah training suicide bombers, preaching hate and intolerance, and plotting to overthrow the state to impose his own fascist, evil ideology is a Pakistani - and those doing his bidding are Pakistanis - no matter where the money is coming from.
but hopefully the Indian people will start using some sense and refuse to accept the fairy tales fed them by their leadership.

What do you want the Indian people to refute?

The leadership has admitted there has been theft of explosives used for industrial and mining purposes. Given the vast amount of mining happening in every nook and corner of our country it is feasible that some amount of explosives can be stolen for use in illegal mining activities as well.

The government is making better laws now. Refining laws once in a while happens in a democracy like ours.

How does Pakistan escape the blame if ISI buys explosives from this illegal explosive market and use it to kill our people ?

Downright silly.
What do you want the Indian people to refute?

The leadership has admitted there has been theft of explosives used for industrial and mining purposes. Given the vast amount of mining happening in every nook and corner of our country it is feasible that some amount of explosives can be stolen for use in illegal mining activities as well.

The government is making better laws now. Refining laws once in a while happens in a democracy like ours.

Stop being silly. How does Pakistan escape the blame if ISI buys explosives from this illegal explosive market and use it to kill our people ?

So what is that you want us Indian people to refute ?

If the Indian Government, and the Indian press are to be believed to be an extension of the Indian people and their opinions and beliefs, then the vitriol and unsubstantiated claims (such as the typical rant, unsubstantiated as always, about the ISI that you threw in) emanating from those institutions indicate that there is a tremendous amount of "refutation" of the "silliness" of scapegoating the ISI that needs to take place.

What is "downright silly" are the statements from the Indian Government and security forces claiming they know exactly what kind of explosive was used in the blast, who did it, how many did it, which groups they are connected to (all invariably related to the ISI), barely hours after the blast occurs.

To expect the Indians to "grow up" and stop buying and propagating these ludicrous claims just because they have a chip on their shoulder, with respect to Pakistan, is completely reasonable.
What is "downright silly" are the statements from the Indian Government and security forces claiming they know exactly what kind of explosive was used in the blast, who did it, how many did it, which groups they are connected to, barely hours after the blast occurs.

I've never seen any official statement by the Indian Government with all the details you mention barely hours after any blast.

BTW you really need to cool down and write in smaller sentences. For a moment I thought I was reading Dickens! We're not writing essays for publications here, are we? :D

ps: We all knew who did 9/11 even as we were watching that attack unfold on our television sets.
I've never seen any official statement by the Indian Government with all the details you mention barely hours after any blast.

BTW you really need to cool down and write in smaller sentences. For a moment I thought I was reading Dickens! We're not writing essays for publications here, are we? :D

ps: We all knew who did 9/11 even as we were watching that attack unfold on our television sets.

Oh please! It was to the point where the Pakistani Foreign Office Spokeswomen (Tasneem Aslam) issued a statement to the effect of , "Only the Indians have such supernatural powers that they can come up with the amount of details they do, hours after a terrorist attack". Granted, they have seen a bit of reason lately, and the unfounded accusations have dried up a bit.

Long sentences were always my curse. My English Lit. teacher yelled at me over them through all three years I had him in high school. Not likely anyone here is going to get a reprieve.

Your 911 analogy is a horrible one. Whether your suspicions turned out to be true or not has little to do with the necessity to follow due process and avoidance of slander and defamation on mere "suspicion". My guess is that your "911 suspicions" pointed at an ideology, rather than a nation. The US, at the time, was also not involved in "occupying a people/territorial dispute", and did not have communal troubles at home, and various other "violent movements" going on within its borders.

By that very same process you claim to have employed after 911, "we all know who is behind attempts at fomenting unrest and acts of terrorism in Pakistan". India of course!

My post was an attempt at getting both sides to move away from those unhelpful positions.
Tasleem Aslam at time talks through her hat and without facts as I pointed out before and some folks here took umbrage and I was banned!
Tasleem Aslam at time talks through her hat and without facts as I pointed out before and some folks here took umbrage and I was banned!


What on earth did you say?

TA may be guilty of what you say, but at least in the case I am referring to, while she may have been a bit theatrical in how she phrased her concerns, the concerns were justified.

I followed the events, and the claims from the Indians regarding the identity of the group the bomber/s was affiliated with, and the connections to the ISI, were aired within a day of the event. Though I must repeat again, that such claims no longer issue from higher and more important Govt. officials as consistently as they used to - which is quite helpful and to be noted.
It has become an Indian Policy to blame Pakistan and specially ISI within minutes after a "Bang" in any part of India. Why don't they first investigate and them come out with an Factual Report.
How does Pakistan escape the blame if ISI buys explosives from this illegal explosive market and use it to kill our people ?

oh yes, there's a good conspiracy..ISI had run out of gelatin stick explosives, and needed to go through the potential risk of being caught by purchasing from suppliers in India (the regular or illegal market) that could trace the said persons back to them. Indeed, ISI could only be so foolish..

PSSSS..i also have top secret information for you that ISI have been farting in Indian hotel elevators to drive away investment :cheers:
oh yes, there's a good conspiracy..ISI had run out of gelatin stick explosives, and needed to go through the potential risk of being caught by purchasing from suppliers in India (the regular or illegal market) that could trace the said persons back to them. Indeed, ISI could only be so foolish..

PSSSS..i also have top secret information for you that ISI have been farting in Indian hotel elevators to drive away investment :cheers:

Great farters then!
I followed the events, and the claims from the Indians regarding the identity of the group the bomber/s was affiliated with, and the connections to the ISI, were aired within a day of the event. Though I must repeat again, that such claims no longer issue from higher and more important Govt. officials as consistently as they used to - which is quite helpful and to be noted.

You know there is this small list of terrorist bastards want for their crimes against the Indian state living in your home country, each with red corner notices issued on their heads by Interpol? You guys did not turn them into our custody.

All you could do to Maulana Masood Azar the scumbag released by terrorists who held about a hundred of our citizens hostage on IC814 was to put him in house arrest in 2002 and then release him on the quiet. The hijackers, last heard, were roaming around freely in Pakistan. Know where Murdike is ?

So much for your demands for proof and willingness to act on it! The less we speak of your current enlightened flip-flop leadership and his eye-wash bans on terrorist organisations the better!

Dont take us Indians for fools with your nauseating moral grandstanding about evidence and our leadership. We elect our leaders instead of merely watching what happens on TV at midnite. :)

Have a good day. Not many Indians have forgotten Rupin Katyal and his widow.
No amount of "atheism" and grandstanding about the "inherent evil" of religious thought can serve to hide your own - and yes blind hate is evil. /QUOTE]

If you want to question my religious inclinations you do it on a different thread. And cease this imaginary nonsense about 'blind' hate.

What is "nauseating" is your belligerence, arrogance and hate, the slander, lies and trumped up "white papers" and "intelligence reports" bandied about.

Frankly, I dont give a damn.

You are welcome to feel anything about me and my belligerence, arrogance and hate. I'm pretty much happy with the reception our country and countrymen are getting around the world. It's a thousand times better than what other countries in the region are getting.

If you think slander and lies made India one of the respected countries in the world you are just fooling yourselves.

Let us know when India can get beyond its hate to settle issues with Pakistan, perhaps then we can have an extradition treaty and actually have a mechanism to exchange Advani and Azhar.

Show us a red-corner on Advani and we should have him in your custody in 24hours. :lol:

And how many of this "small group of terrorists with red corner notices" is independently confirmed to be living in Pakistan, and even more importantly, with the GoP knowing where they are?

Don't troll and act honest. Start with Azhar.

Did I not just mention in my other post that your government put Azhar on house arrest and then release him on the quiet? Do you want to know what the founder of Lashkar E Toiba was doing a few days before ?

Who do you think is a fool when you assert GoP did not know where Azhar was when the fact is that they put him under house arrest ? Has GoP found courage to deal with Jamaat Ud Daawa?

I can name Pakistani communities in US under watch for their links with Lashkar/Jamaat Ud Daawa and you have the courage to pretend Lashkar and Jamaat Ud Daawa don't even exist in Pakistan ?

This is an organisation declared as a terrorist outfit by US, UK and the UN.

And with that lie you talk of.....decency and courtesy!:tup:

If you cannot find it it in yourself to to exhibit decency and courtesy, and work towards, as Salim puts it, "building bridges", then a good day to you indeed sir.

Oh quit your holier than thou act already. I've met, made friends and had food with more Pakistani's than you can imagine. I've interacted with the families of Pakistani politicians, made friends with people who've served in Kashmir and have invitations to visit Pakistan anyday.

What gets my goat is that you refuse to even read what a poster says in the first post before you gloat about lack of deceny and courtesy. Until you can find that basic courtesy, Sir, to go around and figure out what you're talking about rather than bombard us with your pious platitude in antique English - adios amigo. :enjoy:
You are welcome to feel anything about me and my belligerence, arrogance and hate. I'm pretty much happy with the reception our country and countrymen are getting around the world. It's a thousand times better than what other countries in the region are getting.

If you think slander and lies made India one of the respected countries in the world you are just fooling yourselves.

The UK attitude to the most respected country in the world

Celebrity Big Brother's Shilpa Shetty complains of racism | Media | MediaGuardian
BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Shetty speaks of Brother 'racism'
Bollywood star Shilpa Shetty faces RACISM driven to tears In BIG BROTHER . » Propeller

"Indian actress Shilpa Shetty was driven to tears as she faced racist abuse on the UK reality show Celebrity Big Brother"

"After the row, Danielle Lloyd laughed and said to Goody, "That was ******* fantastic, I loved it, I think she should **** off home".

The German attitude to the most respected country in the world

German jailed for eight months for racist attack on Indians - Yahoo! India News

"The mob chased the terrified Indians across a street from the festival and broke windows at a pizza parlour where they took refuge."

The Irish attitude to the most respected country in the world

Northern Ireland News - Indian cricketers attacked in Belfast

"Five members of the Indian cricket team, who are visiting Northern Ireland as part of an under-19's tour, were chased from the city centre, towards the Albertbridge Road, by a group of around 15 people on Sunday evening."

The North American attitude to the most respected country in the world

Who you gonna call? :enjoy:

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