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indian DISASTER in the making..

As a starter, one cannot bury nuclear reactors!

But given that the Government has decided not to replace our nuclear reactors when they become obsolete, and as the chairman of the British Wind Energy ...

And the problem of what to do with old and obsolete nuclear power plants is almost as intractable: the US has 103 nuclear plants that were originally licensed to operate for 30 years, but are now slated to grind on for double that time. This ageing fleet must be giving the industry headaches, especially as no reactor has ever yet been successfully dismantled, perhaps because the cost is estimated to be around $500 million a pop.
thanks for the information salim. so yeah, if american has a mess back home, they surely cant help india. What solution is there if any for this problem?
RAPTOR said:
And before that it was part of the British Empire and before that it was part of the Mogul Islamic Empire.....and millions of years ago...Dinosaurs walked .........whats your point? :lol:

To try inform you about the reason behind the name "Bay of Bengal" instead of Bay of "Bangladesh."

Besides, whats the difference between Bangla and Bengal?:rolleyes:
RAPTOR said:
Yes, since all the rivers flow into the bay through Bangladesh..and it is the delta region...i believe the name "bengal" is ancient and from another era.
It should be called the bay of Bangladesh.
May you hindoostanians accept this change like mooombai,kolataka,cheenaie and so forth...:D1

Even a fool is considered wise, when he holds his peace. - King Solomon.

How does this ( or some of your other posts) even contribute to the topic? Please do grow up..:rolleyes:
Dont you need a punching bag to vent out your frustrations?? There you go, you found one already :cheesy:
Jay_ said:
Dont you need a punching bag to vent out your frustrations?? There you go, you found one already :cheesy:

All I want to do is get back on topic. Russia had Chernobyl, and the US had Long Island. Reactors are to be handled just right. That does not mean you abandon them as a source of energy. It's a learning curve I think.
Nuclear activities are dangerous to health and to mankind.

Development, itself, is fraught with negative side effects.

Even highways lead to death through negligent driving.

Therefore, the choice for progress is rather loaded.

The choice is entirely that of the nation and the people.

Highways do not blow up in a nanosecond, fry hundreds of thousands in a second, radiate millions in an instance, pollute water and food supplies of its neighbors in minutes, or spread radiation around the globe in hours and days.
stop talking about geography or relating people with religion .
about atomic reactors ,it is indian governaments negligence /ignorance regarding safety of commen people
its may be true other countrys too ( that cannot be the excuse )
Yhis is an ageold post and you are reviving it?....Stop necroposting and see how many members have been banned here...
Chernobyl nuclear dust spread till major countries in Europe , if some thing happens in either Indian or Pakistani nuclear plant near border states then both will take heavy losses
I am sure Raptor is a rabid hater of India and the way he denigrates anything that relates to hindoo is an indicator of his lunatic mind.

Nuclear status of India is well known over the world and it does not need special certificate from Raptor.

Nuclear energy is a must in the portfolio of energy sources which reduces the global warming. This is true for all big nations.

Being not in the NPT circle hampered the fuel supply which is very critical for going for big reactors. Even the present reactors are not operating to the full capability.

Once India crosses the threshold limit in FBR which can convert enough thorium into fuel grade then there is no looking back - even the nuclear deal will become redundant.

Safety wise India has a decent record and nothing major has happened in the recent past in NPCIL.

Now let us come to Dr. A Gopalakrishnan. He was our director in one of the CSIR labs. Prior to that he was Head of R&D in BHEL. He had some good political connections and after CSIR he was made the Head of AERB.

However due to his mishandling of certain information and PR, he was shown the door.

Since then he has been struggling to make noises against the NPCIL programs. He also was the part of the gang of Left, BJP and few other disgruntled scientists who opposed Nuclear Deal.

I am saying this even after the fact that he was fond of my department and us.

No system can be absolutely perfect and safe. We thrive to reach there but still lot more can be done.

However said, I am sure (have lots of friends in top positions in Nuclear sector) that India's safety record is pretty impressive. We are aware of our strength and weaknesses and we play the game accordingly.

So relax Pakistan is safe from the radiations from India.

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