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Indian Defence Minister not Satisfied with Pace of Modernisation


May 5, 2010
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Indian Defence Minister not Satisfied with Pace of Modernisation


14:58 GMT, December 15, 2010 The Indian Defence Minister Shri AK Antony has said that modernisation of the Armed Forces is the top priority of the Government. Delivering the inaugural address to the 5th International Conference on 'Energising Indian Aerospace Industry: Achievements and Future Strategies', here today Shri Antony said that the Government has earmarked huge budget for the purpose. However, these have not borne the desired results.

Following is the text of the address delivered by Shri Antony on the occasion:

"It gives me great pleasure to join you all for an important Conference today. This combined initiative by the Centre for Air Power Studies and CII is yet another instance of the ever-growing public-private partnership, moreso in the realm of defence. The two-day brainstorming between the best security brains in the world will definitely stand our Air Force policy planners and security analysts in good stead.

"Our nation has been recording an impressive economic growth. However, this steadily growing potential has also meant shouldering bigger responsibilities in the strategic context. The emerging strategic landscape the world over will require a further strengthening of aerospace capabilities and India is certainly no exception. As you endeavour to do the same, you must break-up the challenges in the aerospace sector into fragments and then join the dots and fill the gaps to form the larger picture.

"Nations today grapple with similar challenges and therefore, need to draw up coordinated responses. Keeping pace with the technology curve is a major challenge for developing nations like ours. Nations need to maximise cooperation through regular military exercises, weapons training and share their experiences with each other.

"Modernisation of our Armed Forces remains the top priority for us. However, despite our best intentions and earmarking huge budgets and allocating money, the modernisation efforts have not borne the desired results. We must continuously reduce and even eliminate procedural delays and bottlenecks in our procurement procedures. It is with this realisation that we have put in place a Defence Procurement Procedure that is amended every year to speed up procurement and bring in fairness and transparency to the system. The discussions on the issue of Offsets, in particular, would be of great interest and relevance. While we are willing to learn from international experience, such deliberations also give us an opportunity to remove some undesired and needless misgivings on the issue.

"Our efforts at strengthening our Armed Forces are often misconstrued by some nations. India has had a proven track record in harnessing technology for peaceful and non-violent purposes and ones that are essentially aimed to strengthen our defence capabilities. Translated in the context of aerospace industry, it would mean enhancing military and dual-use technology that would benefit our Armed Forces and also have spin-off benefits for the civil populace.

"The latest trends in the aerospace sector clearly show that airpower has emerged as one of the most effective resources in enhancing defence preparedness and security of any nation. Airpower increases our response capabilities and flexibility. By its very nature, aerospace power continues to be technology-driven. It is for this reason that enhancement of air power capabilities often come at high costs. Developing nations such as India need to link up our unique security concerns with modernisation that do not divorce us from the ground realities. Though we do appreciate the need for partnerships and Joint Ventures at an international level, in the final analysis, each nation cannot do without strengthening indigenous capabilities.

"The spurt in Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) industry in the civil aviation sector has shown that India is fast emerging as the favoured destination for such ventures. I am sure you will certainly exchange notes during this Conference with international experts to provide a further boost to this crucial sector.

"The rapid development in material technology means that the onus lies on organisations such as DRDO to devote more and more time, energy and resources to strengthen R&D efforts. These changes must be introduced in a phased, yet time-bound manner to provide state-of-the-art equipment to our military aviators and air warriors.

"This Conference has eminent national and international experts who need no introduction. Their hands-on experience and proven competence means that the discussions at the Conference would be rich in content and quality. This would make this Conference of special relevance to India. I look forward to your collective inputs and outcome of the deliberations. I am sure that the Conference will achieve its objectives it set out to achieve."

defence.professionals | defpro.com
Open the gate of ur kitty and spend some FOREX on much needed hardware.
I agree with him that India need to speed up the process of mordanization but many projects are awaiting for next 2/3 years. So by 2014 Indian armed forces will get quantum jump in their capability. We need to spend more percentage of GDP on defence.
I agree with him that India need to speed up the process of mordanization but many projects are awaiting for next 2/3 years. So by 2014 Indian armed forces will get quantum jump in their capability. We need to spend more percentage of GDP on defence.

By the way, against whom you Indians arming this huge war machine
I think the defence budget is ok for us.
But we have to increase the pace of defence programs such as MMRCA,induction of Tejas and aircraft carriers etc.
There should be more private sector participation.

Tata's ventures are nascent,and they"ll take their time though.

By the way, against whom you Indians arming this huge war machine

Its not against anyone but to protect India and Indian interests abroad. We are the fourth largest economy (PPP) with high growth rate and our military power should follow it.
Whole armed force is in dire need of modernization..Procurement process needs to be less time consuming..
Whole armed force is in dire need of modernization..Procurement process needs to be less time consuming..

I agree with hillman32 here, we need to spend some percentage of FOREX just for modernization. This should be accounted differently than normal defence budget.
Money is not the issue the problem is bureaucracy our babas take years to make a decision by that time our defence needs have changed and we have to start all over again.
I agree with him that India need to speed up the process of mordanization but many projects are awaiting for next 2/3 years. So by 2014 Indian armed forces will get quantum jump in their capability. We need to spend more percentage of GDP on defence.

Thats true for navy and airforce
I mean look at this
navy will get 5 new frigates , 3 destroyers , 2 carriers 3 nuclear subs and scorpenes would begin delivery
Airforce will retire 150 Mig 21 ,Mig 27 and will get 180 Su30Mki , LCA , Jaguars , apart from C17 heavy lifters , 180 Attack , utility , and heavy lift helicopters

The only sore point is the army
Which is expected to get delivery of
Just 145 Artillery guns , 300 Tanks , 80 Helicopters
As a hypothetical idea..
How much influence do companies like Tata have on the decision makers in India..
Specifically the Min Def..?
Again.. weighing the options...
Would it not be prudent.. even if it is the #2 choice..if it has a partnership with a local company...that it gets the selection.
Allows for greater autonomy with the procurement.. and passes ToT Directly to an established private enterprise...
So if hypothetically.. if a company partners with Mahindra group..and gives them the Tot..and right to manufacture..
You could have.. say instead of the Saab Gripen..
The Mahindra/Saab Gripen In etc..
Eventually allow the Mahindra group to design its own replacement.. and possibly a greater role for the AMCA design..
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