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Indian Defence budget raised by 34 per cent

Before some of our members jump on to this news, let me clarify something-

INR 1,05,600 crore = USD 21.843 Billion (assuming 1 USD = 48.285 INR by current exchange rate)

INR 1,41,703 crore = USD 29.085 Billion

So, neither the last defence budget nor the current one is anywhere close to the 30-37 billion USD, earlier claimed by some members!

Now guys i dotn want that poveryt thing iand the stats from chinese or pakistani guys.

we know india is poor and we dying but please this is not the thread about !!!!


@35% raise
good going indeed
Before some of our members jump on to this news, let me clarify something-

INR 1,05,600 crore = USD 21.843 Billion (assuming 1 USD = 48.285 INR by current exchange rate)

INR 1,41,703 crore = USD 29.085 Billion

So, neither the last defence budget nor the current one is anywhere close to the 30-37 billion USD, earlier claimed by some members!

Thats where you go wrong. $ is currently at Rs 48.
27billion was calculated when 1$ was Rs 43. So by that scale what members have claimed is accurate.
Thats where you go wrong. $ is currently at Rs 48.
27billion was calculated when 1$ was Rs 43. So by that scale what members have claimed is accurate.

Agreed! That s exactly the point I wanted to highlight. Some members were claiming the current budget to be 37 bil USD while the previous one to be 32 bil USD. That is often misleading. Don't go by the absolute figures, always calculate the defence budget as a percentage of the total expenditure!

I will be really grateful if some one can find the expenditure for fin yrs 08-09 & 09-10 and calculate the increase in expenditure. I am sure it won't be very far from 34%

Agreed! That s exactly the point I wanted to highlight. Some members were claiming the current budget to be 37 bil USD while the previous one to be 32 bil USD. That is often misleading. Don't go by the absolute figures, always calculate the defence budget as a percentage of the total expenditure!

Better even stick with GOI figures in Rupees. Just that we'll have a hard-time comparing with other countries.

Also to highlight that most online sources indicate world defence budget in dollars current 1-2 years ago. So India's also needs to be taken in the same amount. Going by that, $37 billion is correct, I think.
mate ,35 percent is huuugeee considering the global fiscal climate.. i wonder what acquisition plans do they have for the upcoming year ..
Two Nuke subs
Two Aircraft carrier
I think its a waste of - bandwidth to spend much time on the thought of - raise!!

we all know never ever have india spent even half of its devoted money for defence. it will be not be utilized. all bloody talk on papers.

Would be happy to see even 20 billion spent in right direction.
Two Nuke subs
Two Aircraft carrier

two nuke subs ????? .. frm where .. i know one is coming frm russia ...

two aircraft carriers ???? everythig is going to gt finalised in this comin year ??.. out of these two one was already contracted and the provisions were made in the previous budgets if i am not mistaken

agni -V ,again listed for next year ..which again doesn't require billions

brahmos-2 , again in development process,

all the items you just mentioned have been there since long time and the previous budgets were catering to those needss..
two nuke subs ????? .. frm where .. i know one is coming frm russia .....

for next two ATVs

two aircraft carriers ???? everythig is going to gt finalised in this comin year ??.. out of these two one was already contracted and the provisions were made in the previous budgets if i am not mistaken

for Next aircraft carrier & Admiral Gorshkov

agni -V ,again listed for next year ..which again doesn't require billions

brahmos-2 , again in development process,

drdo R & D expense

..which again doesn't require billions

big thing is the salaries part require bilions due to Sixth Pay Commission
Why the 34% hike
The biggest Projet will be MRCA ($ 10 billion).
The Pay hike due to 6th pay commision.
The Army may finalise the Artillery which it need desperately.
The Contract will be signed for the Helicopters.

By the way it is still 2% of our GDP..so guys just Chill. I also like this money to be utilised as duhastmish said
again nsg .. it is not as if they are going to sign mrca in the comin year .. so this might go unutilised .. it might be for infrastructure development arnd border areas otherwise uilisation doesn't justify 35 percent rise unless ofcourse they want to spend on sumthing like deployment in afghanistan where you need constant money flows .. just a speculation ..
Here is the full split-up of the defence budget for fin yr 09-10!

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