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Indian Army Officially confirms Beheading of Soldiers.

Sep 5, 2010
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An Indian Army press release cited by Pakistan’s Foreign Secretary Jalil Abbas Jilani, to the effect that the two Indian soldiers killed in the recent cross-LoC incident “had not been mutilated and beheaded” was based on incomplete information, the Ministry of Defence formally clarified on Saturday.

In a statement titled ‘Mutilation and beheading of Indian soldiers killed in Pakistan raid’, MoD spokesperson Colonel Jagdeep Dahiya noted Mr. Jilani's remarks to the media in Islamabad on Friday — reported in The Hindu on January 12, 2013 — as well as an earlier Reuters wire service story of January 8 which had quoted the spokesperson of India’s Northern Army Command as saying that while the bodies had been mutilated, they had not been beheaded.

It is clarified that Pakistan has quoted the initial press release given by the spokesman of Indian Army’s Northern Command, on 08 Jan 2012, when the details of the incident were still not clear,” the MoD said. “Subsequently, on the same day, Indian Army made a statement that the body of one soldier was mutilated. Both these statements were made based on the information available at the time of making those statements.”

Seeking to set the details right, Colonel Dahiya said that “it is reiterated that the body of one soldier was found mutilated and beheaded, the body of [the] second soldier was also mutilated during this ceasefire violation on 08 Jan 2013 in Mendhar Sector by Pakistan”.

The Hindu : News / National : Defence Ministry formally confirms beheading of soldier

Many Pakistanis were of the opinion that the beheadings were a propaganda, as army had not officially informed it.
Now the IA have officially clarified about the brutality.
An Indian Army press release cited by Pakistan’s Foreign Secretary Jalil Abbas Jilani, to the effect that the two Indian soldiers killed in the recent cross-LoC incident “had not been mutilated and beheaded” was based on incomplete information, the Ministry of Defence formally clarified on Saturday.

In a statement titled ‘Mutilation and beheading of Indian soldiers killed in Pakistan raid’, MoD spokesperson Colonel Jagdeep Dahiya noted Mr. Jilani's remarks to the media in Islamabad on Friday — reported in The Hindu on January 12, 2013 — as well as an earlier Reuters wire service story of January 8 which had quoted the spokesperson of India’s Northern Army Command as saying that while the bodies had been mutilated, they had not been beheaded.

It is clarified that Pakistan has quoted the initial press release given by the spokesman of Indian Army’s Northern Command, on 08 Jan 2012, when the details of the incident were still not clear,” the MoD said. “Subsequently, on the same day, Indian Army made a statement that the body of one soldier was mutilated. Both these statements were made based on the information available at the time of making those statements.”

Seeking to set the details right, Colonel Dahiya said that “it is reiterated that the body of one soldier was found mutilated and beheaded, the body of [the] second soldier was also mutilated during this ceasefire violation on 08 Jan 2013 in Mendhar Sector by Pakistan”.

The Hindu : News / National : Defence Ministry formally confirms beheading of soldier

Many Pakistanis were of the opinion that the beheadings were a propaganda, as army had not officially informed it.
Now the IA have officially clarified about the brutality.

This is a shameful day for the military set up of India (for letting this to happen) and for PA (for allowing this to happen), when the most basic law of wars of mutual respect and dignity is not respected.

No wonder now that ACM Browne made that cold statement and no wonder why cross border firing is just not refusing to die down!

I am more than sure that unfortunately the last word on this incidence has not been said!!!
Families of the beheaded should seek,justice from the lunatic commander of the Indian Army, who first built 'illegal' FOP's, then sent 'ghatak' commandos to murder a PA soldier. He is the one responsible for the loss of 4 valuable lives on both sides. He should be court marshaled.
@Oscar @RescueRanger
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Propoganda from an army tht fakes battles, and gives awards to its dead soldiers who later turn up alive.
Families of the behaded should seek,justice from the lunatic commander of the Indian Army, who first built 'illegal' FOP's, then sent 'ghatak' commandos to murder a PA soldier. He is the one responsible for the loss of 4 valuable lives on both sides. He should be court marshalled.

Lets leave the action/reaction for one moment here -

One question for you - Do you justify beheading?
Families of the behaded should seek,justice from the lunatic commander of the Indian Army, who first built 'illegal' FOP's, then sent 'ghatak' commandos to murder a PA soldier. He is the one responsible for the loss of 4 valuable lives on both sides. He should be court marshalled.

OK, fair enough, IA attacked first, PA retaliated & IA counter-retaliated. But why are u brushing aside the beheading issue?? Pakistani members were asking for official confirmation now you have it from both the IA & the victims family. No wonder the issue has escalated b'coz of the gruesome act.
Families of the behaded should seek,justice from the lunatic commander of the Indian Army, who first built 'illegal' FOP's, then sent 'ghatak' commandos to murder a PA soldier. He is the one responsible for the loss of 4 valuable lives on both sides. He should be court marshalled.

If you want to do it that way it may go all the way back to mohamad bin qasim, or even before that if you will insist.
Families of the behaded should seek,justice from the lunatic commander of the Indian Army, who first built 'illegal' FOP's, then sent 'ghatak' commandos to murder a PA soldier. He is the one responsible for the loss of 4 valuable lives on both sides. He should be court marshalled.
Should I name the lunatic who started it ? Why do you all want to go to chain of events. There has been incursions. India built FOP. Pakistan started firing. Indian commander had to take actions.

Point is not the firing, point is beheading and taking away the head. We didn't ask anything for any soldier lost earlier.
Propoganda from an army tht fakes battles, and gives awards to its dead soldiers who later turn up alive.


I was just waiting to hear this word.

Dude, first Pakistani members were asking if IA has officially confirmed it or not, now when u have the official confirmation, it has suddenly become a PROPAGANDA?? Even the victim's family has acknowledged it, are they also telling a lie??

If you think that what our Army is saying is a Propaganda than why should we believe u that it's the IA that started it all?? can't this also be a propaganda to justify the killings??
Lets leave the action/reaction for one moment here -

One question for you - Do you justify beheading?

Had talked about it with one of my close who is serving in special forces. And yes - Mutilation is very well justified in case of operations by special forces and beheading is not altogether new. Will write the crux of my discussion in detail later.
Had talked about it with one of my close who is serving in special forces. And yes - Mutilation is very well justified in case of operations by special forces and beheading is not altogether new. Will write the crux of my discussion in detail later.

So is this SOP for PA's special forces?

so its the special forces that ambushed the Indian patrol and beheaded the dead soldier? - allegedly..(because Pakistan is still in denial)
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