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Indian Army latest arms aquisition....



New Recruit

Jun 10, 2009
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I m dedicating thread to the ppl who has interest in knowing what latest arms n tech being taken by the INDIAN ARMY by which pakistanies n China fears :flame: N making lots of hue n cry for that......n wot should indian goverment to do for the modernisation of INDIAN ARMY ....... :guns:
I m dedicating thread to the ppl who has interest in knowing what latest arms n tech being taken by the INDIAN ARMY by which pakistanies n China fears :flame: N making lots of hue n cry for that......n wot should indian goverment to do for the modernisation of INDIAN ARMY ....... :guns:

Agni V , 5000km with full load, 18000Km with 750 Kg
LiveFist: Infantry modernization brainstorming results

A seminar on modernisation of India's infantry was held on May 25 by the Centre for Land Warfare Studies in Delhi. Here's a brief list of some of the immediate recommendations that were drawn up after the seminar:

An infantry battalion or individual should preferably be rotated between two different or three near congruous terrain profiles only.

A project to reduce weight of the present medium machine gun, automatic grenade launcher, and anti-material rifle by at least 6-8 kgs should be undertaken.

Replacement of the existing Hand Grenade No 36 should be expedited with the introduction of a variety of grenades to meet all requirements.

81 mm Mortars should be made lighter and possibly based on tracked carriers and their range should be not less than 7,000 metres.

A man-portable unmanned aerial vehicle troop (four-six aerial vehicles) should be authorised to the intelligence and surveillance platoon of infantry battalion. This would enhance the infantry battalion’s area of influence.

The ‘bayonet strength’ of a rifle section should be preserved. In a single section, there should at least be 6-7 persons available for launching an assault on the enemy.

Custom-built obstacle crossing expedients should be made available to infantry for negotiating water obstacles as well as mine fields.

Infantry company ‘F’ echelon should be based on two 1.5 ton capacity low silhouette vehicles.

Ghatak platoons should be trained for helicopter-borne operations and provided with light strike vehicles.
i think Defence mininster of India should not ban the companies...... they should take the stringent action against those who r involve in corruption.......... banning company doesnt make anysense this act of goverment halts the modernisation process of the army.....
i think Defence mininster of India should not ban the companies...... they should take the stringent action against those who r involve in corruption.......... banning company doesnt make anysense this act of goverment halts the modernisation process of the army.....
I agree with you.... they should fire the people involved in the corruption a few Generals and a few Def min personal and Sqd ldrs head rolling will become a deterrent to the rest...

Before my Chinese friends here misinterpret the "head rolling"..it meant suspend or take disciplinary actions against those charged with corruption.

Not like the hanging of the Chinese vice admiral on corruption charges.
Are you sure bout '18000'??? Lolz,seems unrealistic

Sure mate. Please be confident. Trust the going to be Agni V. Even Agni 3A,3B, 3C and SLBM would
almost be able to do these range. Range is inversely proportional to the payload.

This video is also a comprehensive summary of the project plan.

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Ok buddy,but what is the original payload for agni5 for doing 5000km???........
I agree with you.... they should fire the people involved in the corruption a few Generals and a few Def min personal and Sqd ldrs head rolling will become a deterrent to the rest...

Before my Chinese friends here misinterpret the "head rolling"..it meant suspend or take disciplinary actions against those charged with corruption.

Not like the hanging of the Chinese vice admiral on corruption charges.

I disagree. Its a good step, although it has its effects in modernization process. However in long term if we can manage this procurement process then it will do us good. Why ?

Because even if you fire generals or sqdrn leaders or captains , it will not make any difference to the company or even to the people who are fired. Nobody is indespensible. Please note these middle men are handsomely compensated beyond our imaginations and as such even if they dont have a job they will survive (prestige is different issue). So if one general is jailed, other might come along but the process will carry on. But if the company itself is barred then imagine the future prospects as well as revenue dries up and then all the companies competing will be sure not to repeat this mistake.

Same thing in politics...you catch a MLA or MP...doesnt make a difference. But if you catch a minister then people will think twice. Corruption cannot survive without blessing of higher authorities.

All in all its a bold step but what is needed is to speed up the enquiry process and clear a companies name or punish it accordingly.
lolz ,then how can the range be shot upto 18000km from 5000km,by making the payload only halved??? I'm still confused

Cofusion is normal. Since this is pure rocket science and we not being rocket scientists. But lets leave it to the scientists.

Watch out the pattern of the curve in the previous post, after a critical payload the delta of the range increases very sharply , that explains your doubt. There are plenty of other factors to consider , airdrag, re-entry etc which will be completely different at different payloads.

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