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Indian Army appoints first woman ADC to a Commander


Jun 24, 2012
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Lieutenant Ganeve Lalji–a young intelligence officer–is set to create history by becoming the first woman to be appointed as a key aide to an Army Commander as part of Indian Army Chief Gen Bikram Singh’s efforts to provide more avenues to women in the force.

She will become the Aide-De-Camps (ADC) of Central Army Commander Lt Gen Rajan Bakshi, who will be taking over his post in Lucknow in north India on July 1. ADCs are officers who serve as a personal assistant of top officers including the Army Chief and Army Commanders.

A third generation Army officer, Lt Lalji was commissioned in the Corps of Military intelligence in 2011 and has recorded several achievements during here Young Officers’ course in Pune, an Army official said on Friday.

She has been selected for the appointment after a rigourous selection process, the official said.

The step was apparently taken by Gen Singh after a study was ordered to measure the motivational and aspirational levels of women officers in the force.

As many as 350 women officers were interviewed and were assessed on level of toughness and their ability to withstand hardships.

An official said though a number of women wanted to be inducted for a combat role they were assured by authorities this could be done in a phased manner and they could get bigger and more important roles in the near future.

The study commissioned by the Army compared the roles of its female officers with their counterparts in the US and other countries.

The study also looked at the impact an increased role for women officers might have on their male counterparts.

Link - Indian Army appoints first woman ADC to a Commander | idrw.org
Good step, I believe that we should also have women in combat roles. If many countries like US, UK, Israel, even Pakistan have women in combat roles we also should give women a chance.
Good step, I believe that we should also have women in combat roles. If many countries like US, UK, Israel, even Pakistan have women in combat roles we also should give women a chance.
personally i think women should not be allowed to go in any active combat missions because if they get caught by our enemies they will commit all kinds of heinous tortures on our women soldiers and believe me most of the Indians won't be able to withstand this treatment on our women in case they become POWs!
women can be well utilised in Signal corp,Medical corp,Supply corp even in the artillery corp in case of a full fledged war.
personally i think women should not be allowed to go in any active combat missions because if they get caught by our enemies they will commit all kinds of heinous tortures on our women soldiers and believe me most of the Indians won't be able to withstand this treatment on our women in case they become POWs!
women can be well utilised in Signal corp,Medical corp,Supply corp even in the artillery corp in case of a full fledged war.

Yeah most Indians seem well content on what happens to the women in India.
Good step, I believe that we should also have women in combat roles. If many countries like US, UK, Israel, even Pakistan have women in combat roles we also should give women a chance.

I'm sorry but this is utter BS- no proffesional army in the world has women in infantry or overt combat roles, this is a common misconception. The hard facts are that women,on the whole, are biologically hardwired to be different to males. All this talk of women's role in combat and the like is PC hog-wash. There are women who could be up to the task but the average women will not be and heifer will 99.999999999999999% of women. This talk of letting women serve in combat roles scares me because I can only see it leading to a dilution of entry requirements and training for all combat personal across the board so as to make it easier for women to pass. If the requirements are kept as they are then you're not likely to get any women passing- see the USMC's experience with IOC. On the whole women are weaker and less able in combat roles- these are simple facts, why deny them?

There is a role for women in any military but that it not a combat one.

Someone can take this as sexist but this has been found to be true the world over.

This is a dangerous path to walk and it could lead to a slippery slope.
I'm sorry but this is utter BS- no proffesional army in the world has women in infantry or overt combat roles, this is a common misconception. The hard facts are that women,on the whole, are biologically hardwired to be different to males. All this talk of women's role in combat and the like is PC hog-wash. There are women who could be up to the task but the average women will not be and heifer will 99.999999999999999% of women. This talk of letting women serve in combat roles scares me because I can only see it leading to a dilution of entry requirements and training for all combat personal across the board so as to make it easier for women to pass. If the requirements are kept as they are then you're not likely to get any women passing- see the USMC's experience with IOC. On the whole women are weaker and less able in combat roles- these are simple facts, why deny them?

There is a role for women in any military but that it not a combat one.

Someone can take this as sexist but this has been found to be true the world over.

This is a dangerous path to walk and it could lead to a slippery slope.

Relax...the The Indian Army is more knowledgeable about these things than you ...so just trust them on their decisions... and yeah no need to be soo offensive... talk softly / kindly and don't spam the words BS/utter/hogwash repeatedly...your not going to convince anybody with that tone...
I'm sorry but this is utter BS- no proffesional army in the world has women in infantry or overt combat roles, this is a common misconception. The hard facts are that women,on the whole, are biologically hardwired to be different to males. All this talk of women's role in combat and the like is PC hog-wash. There are women who could be up to the task but the average women will not be and heifer will 99.999999999999999% of women. This talk of letting women serve in combat roles scares me because I can only see it leading to a dilution of entry requirements and training for all combat personal across the board so as to make it easier for women to pass. If the requirements are kept as they are then you're not likely to get any women passing- see the USMC's experience with IOC. On the whole women are weaker and less able in combat roles- these are simple facts, why deny them?

There is a role for women in any military but that it not a combat one.

Someone can take this as sexist but this has been found to be true the world over.

This is a dangerous path to walk and it could lead to a slippery slope.

You are a senior member and I respect your views. I don't know your sources for this information but a simple google search has given me the following link which details which all countries have women in combat roles

Women in combat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If you have contradicting information please share
Relax...the The Indian Army is more knowledgeable about these things than you ...so just trust them on their decisions... and yeah no need to be soo offensive... talk softly / kindly and don't spam the words BS/utter/hogwash repeatedly...your not going to convince anybody with that tone...

Bro I'm just stating my views. And whilst I am more than confident in the IA's ability to understand their own needs. It is the PC crowd and politicians trying to win votes and show-boat, that frighten me. The IA will have to listen to their political masters and if the politicians get retarded and impose this BS in the IA as has happened in the US, then things could get very bad very fast.
Good step, I believe that we should also have women in combat roles. If many countries like US, UK, Israel, even Pakistan have women in combat roles we also should give women a chance.

Actually we dont have females in combat role per say except for lady fighter pilots... in army lady officers are in eng corps,signals,AMC etc... also we are probably the first and only country in the region to have a lady General....
Relax...the The Indian Army is more knowledgeable about these things than you ...so just trust them on their decisions... and yeah no need to be soo offensive... talk softly / kindly and don't spam the words BS/utter/hogwash repeatedly...your not going to convince anybody with that tone...

More Knowledgeable...? Why would you think that? The IA. like any other institution comes under pressure to be politically correct. A person here may be more objective because no one is looking at what we say in the same manner as those of the Army .
Actually we dont have females in combat role per say except for lady fighter pilots... in army lady officers are in eng corps,signals,AMC etc... also we are probably the first and only country in the region to have a lady General....

In which arm ?

If its the AMC / Mil Nursing Service IA has been having lady Generals for years.
More Knowledgeable...? Why would you think that? The IA. like any other institution comes under pressure to be politically correct. A person here may be more objective because no one is looking at what we say in the same manner as those of the Army .

why do i think that ? trust me...IA does not come under pressure to be politically correct ..just plain no ...i have my friends and uncles in the army ..i know its another one of those "uncles" claim...but its true.. They do what is necessary...

A picture speaks thousand words , had there been a male I dont think he would have been felt by two men in this way which is very unprofessional and it says all about the criteria for her selection .

A picture speaks thousand words , had there been a male I dont think he would have been felt by two men in this way which is very unprofessional and it says all about the criteria for her selection .

:lol::lol: A typical dirty mind...

Lt. Ganeve Lalji, who completed her training at the OTA, flanked by her grandfather Major General (retired) Lalji D. Singh and father Colonel S.S. Lalji after the passing-out parade on Saturday.

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