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Indian admits Indians have an obsession with Pakistan

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How come mostly indians responding. Obsessed with obsession?:devil:
I think the person who made the thread about Indians is the one who has a obsession with Indians.

Listen I like Indians. In the past I have had many indian girl freinds etc. We have a lot in common. It would be nice for pakistan and india to be freinds after all we are neighbours and we cant change that.
Listen I like Indians. In the past I have had many indian girl freinds etc. We have a lot in common. It would be nice for pakistan and india to be freinds after all we are neighbours and we cant change that.

Hey.. Thats common between you and me.. My first Girlfriend was a Pakistani too.. And I agree to the other points in your post too..
Hey guys have just realised I am a pakistani, I love pakistan thats why I am here on this site. Buts what with you indians you come on to a pakistani site telling me that I am obsessed with india
errrr i have a small doubt in my mind is this indian a relative of ARUNDATI ROY

The name of the author is Chaitanya.

I presume having consumed some of Afghanistan's best, she is hallucinating that she would be another Chaitanya Mahaprabhu spreading love and affection!

---------- Post added at 06:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:14 PM ----------

Hey guys have just realised I am a pakistani, I love pakistan thats why I am here on this site. Buts what with you indians you come on to a pakistani site telling me that I am obsessed with india

Obsession does not have to location centric.

obsession [əbˈsɛʃən]
1. (Psychiatry) Psychiatry a persistent idea or impulse that continually forces its way into consciousness, often associated with anxiety and mental illness
2. a persistent preoccupation, idea, or feeling
3. the act of obsessing or the state of being obsessed

In fact, when obsession overpowers one is said to have a bee in the bonnet.

Have a been in the bonnet means to be obsessed by a delusive notion or fantasy; to be preoccupied by a whimsical or perverse fancy; to be eccentric or crotchety.
Thank you Tikijee. But I admit I am obsessed and love all things Pakistan. We do have issues with India however I would like them solved peacefully to the benefit of both countries. But I am not obsessed with India or Indians any more than any other country that I may be interested in.
I object the OP
it says "China, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka…our circumference comprises ambivalent political counterparts. They, however, are not obsessed with us."

it is not written by Indian, for indians nepal is most friendly nation on the earth, It was shocking for me that some people consider nepal anti India.....
nepal is just like cousin to other Indian states, (no visa or passport is required, can buy things in nepal using indian rupees etc) where as bangladesh are considered to be friendly.... I didn't knew BD members dont like India, I used to thought BD and india are friends before registering to this forum....

relations with SL is also friendly
Yaar lets not make it a thread about who is more obsessed with whom.

Because of the historical baggage, yes many in our nations take keen interest in what happens in the other, there's competitiveness. It would be obsession if we lose sight of other things that are important too.

I'm glad India has been looking beyond Pakistan for a while now and many of our strategic and diplomatic pursuits have nothing to do with Pakistan. Pakistan, being a smaller nation, will find it tougher to achieve.

In my two decades in India, I don't remember anyone discussing Pakistan in my extended family or friends. Only out of India I started following regional news and I only started reading Pakistani news papers and joined this forum after the Mumbai attacks (I'm from Mumbai).

No I'm not obsessed with Pakistan, but lets admit, its fun passing those stealth comments that remain below Mods' radar ;)

Edit -BTW Indians coming here can be interpreted differently too. We are here because we are open minded and want to know about others. Whereas Pakistani members not going to Indian forum may mean they think they KNOW what they need to know. Also, this forum's welcoming policy is a factor too.
Do You See Any Obsession from Indians in real life to Pakistanis and Vice Versa? No from Indian Side..May be a certain percentage Who have something to do with Partition, Ancestoral Place located in Pakistan etc. What Else? Perhaps Only thing is Hindi understood in both Countries.

Regarding Indians in this Forum. Many of Us come here to learn about a Pakistani perspective of the issues India have with Pakistan.
Some thought Pakistanis are "Ex-Indians"(School Syllabus taught Us Pakistan is a country carved out of Bharat for Muslims by Britishers and Jinnah
) which is proven to them Wrong after Interacting with Pakistani Members Here. So, We Learn new things Here. that's it.
number of indian trolls on this forum
obsession at its best
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