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India won't be 'the world's largest democracy' until it upholds human right

Taiwan has 40 years of regional elections before it become a democracy. A true democracy not like the Indian democracy. Of course, China should take the Taiwanese route instead of the Indian democracy.

In fact indian democracy is a wake up call to all the people who think that democracy is a panacea for everything

I congratulate on our Taiwanese Brothers in running the one of the best democratic system in the world. The means has help provide the greatest welfare to the end.

When the time comes in the Mainland, Taiwan, HK and Macau, lets pop as many bottles of good wines as we can - which is the overall well being of 1.3 billion Chinese in Greater China!

But never to lose sight that the welfare and overall well being of the People is the ultimate aim. Democracy is just a means to achieve the aim.
In a democrasy all people are equal.
India must get rid of the caste system first.

Caste system was removed after our independence. In a democracy, the erstwhilelower caste win the seats as they are larger in numbers.
Caste system was removed after our independence. In a democracy, the erstwhilelower caste win the seats as they are larger in numbers.

When I first joined this forum. Some people were calling Indian democracy "castocracy". I believe that this is an insult as India is not rule by people of certain caste any longer. However, India is also not a true democracy either. I can't think of a word to describe Indian type of "democracy
When I first joined this forum. Some people were calling Indian democracy "castocracy". I believe that this is an insult as India is not rule by people of certain caste any longer. However, India is also not a true democracy either. I can't think of a word to describe Indian type of "democracy

in indian democracy, there is a saying: "Cast (in favour of) your Caste"!
is DEMOCRACY a commendatory term?
why are so many members struggle for such a word?haha
you should know we evaluate if a system is good not by what it is called,but by what it bring to the people.
the current democracy game is just similar to we did in about 4000-3000 years ago,no need to crazy for it.
in indian democracy, there is a saying: "Cast (in favour of) your Caste"!

Dude, as I posted earlire, on a particular seat 100s even thousand can stand to be elected. There could be 10s from a single caste. It's not the caste , but the followings. You can not generalize in case of India. Muslims elect BJP candidates here, minority caste etc are elected, etc etc.

rest is all news to make the process entertaining and exciting.
Chinese talking about democracy :lol:
We have the choice to change our leaders every 5 years,we choose the people who will lead us,that is democracy,the efficiency can be debated.
You guys on the other hand don't know a tiny bit of what's going on in your CPC's dictatorship,let alone elect them.
Keep these lectures to yourself :wave:
It doesnt matter whether india is or not a democracy.

democracy is just a means for good governance which can bring welfare to its people.

india fails and keep failing on many many counts to reach the desired end!

do u know the journey of inida in these past 65 years ??how many it pulled out of poverty?? and how much development have taken place??care to explain the bolded part?im not sayin that we have problems .they are getting lesser every day..dnt declare anything if u dnt knw anything..take todays indicators compare with previous ones and comment here

In fact indian democracy is a wake up call to all the people who think that democracy is a panacea for everything

I congratulate on our Taiwanese Brothers in running the one of the best democratic system in the world. The means has help provide the greatest welfare to the end.

When the time comes in the Mainland, Taiwan, HK and Macau, lets pop as many bottles of good wines as we can - which is the overall well being of 1.3 billion Chinese in Greater China!

But never to lose sight that the welfare and overall well being of the People is the ultimate aim. Democracy is just a means to achieve the aim.

one thing i was always curious about china is how do u express if ur not happy with the govt policies???
is DEMOCRACY a commendatory term?
why are so many members struggle for such a word?haha
you should know we evaluate if a system is good not by what it is called,but by what it bring to the people.
the current democracy game is just similar to we did in about 4000-3000 years ago,no need to crazy for it.

in a closed system of governance like yours where there are no political rights..what can you do if some dictator take the reigns??im afraid nothing much
Trollers are there everywhere. If this one guy won't call India the world's largest democracy, then what do we lose? If the writer was remotely interested in justice for the victims of excesses, he wouldn't be baiting Indians with the title. Now any calls for justice will be drowned by nationalist statements by Indians.
What Else Proof one needs that India is indeed the LARGEST DEMOCRACY on Earth than the fact that biggest critics of Indian actions are within India itself (Including the author of the article).

A Chairman of a Statutory Body of India, criticize a three times elected CM with 2/3 majority, in a newspaper of a country which is called as India's arc-rival & still hold onto his chair, thats Democracy for you.

Though we claim to be the largest democracy on earth due to the fact that we constitute the highest no. of voting population in any country, but we never said that we are the BEST democracy on the Earth, as it is next to impossible since all nations & it's systems have flaws in-built in them.

But what i take it as the biggest IRONY is the fact, the obsession of certain people with Indian democracy & the sheer FUN they take in finding it's flaws, but they themselves are the one, for whom Democracy is a Distant dream as Dictators take the call there at the end of the day.

Yes, We have RAPES, but atleast we can PROTEST about it & force the govt. to bring a LAW in just 2 months time.

Yes, We have riots, but atleast we have voices that takes the cause of the victims to the highest authorities no matter 28 years have past or 10 years have past.

Yes, We have corruption, but atleast we can again force the govt. to bring the Laws like the RTI or the Lokpal to tackle the problem.

Yes, We have almost every trouble in India that any country can imagine of, but atleast we have CHOICE to elect another government. If one looks at the no. of countries around, one would know that CHOICE to ELECT is the PRIVILEGE that India & only few other countries have.

Again, We are not the BEST Democracy on Earth, We don't claim to have a FLAWLESS system but we have maintained a DEMOCRATIC SETUP for the past 65 years of our Independence & we are PROUD OF IT.
in a closed system of governance like yours where there are no political rights..what can you do if some dictator take the reigns??im afraid nothing much

we don't care what others call us.we are not crazy for a DEMOCRACY brand as it is worthless.
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