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India wants to weaken, dominate Pak: Musharraf

I think you are wrong.. A strong and Prosperous Pakistan would engage India in Wars, and start supporting Terrorism again.

It is only because they are busy in their internal issues that the number of attacks have gone down

Prosperity is something only fools will forgo on foolish endeavors.
India and Pakistan are in different league, Pakistan is already a weak country and too much embroiled in it own domestic problem.
India moving in the international arena including Afghanistan for it own development, not to oppose any country.
India has been following a policy best explained with the Quote "live and let live".
Strategically speaking, that IS what common sense would dictate. You guys have attacked us over and over again, while we havent yet tried to retake Pak occupied kashmir. You send jihadis into our territory. You dont let US go over and clean them ragheads up, and you dont do it by yourself. YOu shelter people responsible for mass killings in india, and have the fastest growing arsenal of nukes in the world. I dont see pakistan using them on Azerbaijan, :D. Would you EXPECT us to want pakistan to be strong and dominant? GIve me ONE reason, or onee instance , where pakistan has showed that we ddont have anything to worry about, if it becomes very powerful.
Pakistan is itself weaken due its home grown problems. i doubt if it can be compressed further. but we will have to make sure that Pakistan doesn't turn into another Afghanistan and world community and especially India should try not to make pakistan another Afghanistan for the stability in the region. had WOT been done in pakistan inspite of afghanistan from the beginning we would have seen death of several d!ckhead terrorists...but US made mistake in locating right terrorist country..but past is past, and world community should not make mistake of afghanistan in pakistan
So General Saab is laying ground-work for come back...

He's a lost case. Pakistanis are talking about Imran Khan to come up. The way I see it, Gilani might even get a second term with Zardari as president as the main person that actually matters now a days is General Kayani who will call the shots.

As for what he says, I'd love to agree with him anyday. Sadly we don't have any tangible muscle to show that we are going to be doing it with tin-pot loonies in the regime. Here's the reason General ji as to what you feel and why we Indians intend to:

- Terrorism in our J&K.
- Jihad against common unarmed civilians.
- Repeated attempts to destabilize us.
- Ensuring that enmity continues always through increasing nuclear weapons.

Now obviously keeping above points in mind, any one of us would love to ensure that what you say comes true. :D
...........for every soldier / diplomat / doctor / student / intelliegence officer India trains, Pakistan trains 1000 Talibans.....

so why is Musharraf crying.........

we are trying to increase the numbers so that Afgan Forces counters the evil and its master.
:woot: I think Musshy is picking one or two trick from Indain Political Babus, when election comes they usually talk like this....
Besides does India needs to do all these.
How com MUSSHY forgot CIA RAW and MOSSAD?
Always he is shoieb Akhtar of Pakistan politics.Great talent ; wasted though. Nw making statements against India sitting in London. Thanks god:bounce he is not in power :bounce:
Always he is shoieb Akhtar of Pakistan politics.Great talent ; wasted though. Nw making statements against India sitting in London. Thanks god:bounce he is not in power
That is correct anyway, see what he did to them when he was in power for those years.
Prosperity is something only fools will forgo on foolish endeavors.

*Sigh*Have u learn't nothing? Y do u think there in such a mess? Kamon!:lol:

Anyways....as Menon from the (India)NSA said, "Diplomacy and Military doctrine are Siamese twins" ..

If something Remotely of that sort is achieved in pakistan..... well then we can start talking about a prosperous pakistan.

The man is a fool. HE started KARGIL without telling his air force or his allies ie china & usa.

HE was in charge of PAKISTAN when india raced to its first $trillion GDP leaving pakistan in its shadow economically.

TODAY india already dominates SOUTH ASIA by gdp, money,, political global clout, military power and FUTURE growth potential.

IS there any doubt ??
Why is this even news? India has already weakened and dominated Pakistan..its a no brainer....after the OBL fiasco...Pakistan will not be able to recover in the eyes of the world community unless it does a drastic 360 degree turn. I know some of you may state how has INdia dominated Pakistan....well every educational curriculum teaches their students about India in a very biased and slanted view. This shows how Inda has enveloped and dominated the Pakstani mentality and pysche.....
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