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India wants to create an anti-Pakistan Afghanistan

Well, Afghans have always had some raw feelings towards Pakistan and there is no doubt an Indian facto but part of the reason I believe is racism. Since afghans are comprised of hundreds of tribes its not wise to generalize but overall they consider themselves a white race. Fairer complexion, relatively blond hair and lighter eyes gives them a sense of superiority.

As a Punjabi, Sindhi or Balochi etc you'll feel their racist behavior and more so when it's mixed with the feeling that you are financially and socially well off than they are. Some Indians here think afghans are their brothers, they have no idea what's waiting for them, racism wise. I'm sure those Indians who interact with afghans in Afghanistan will vouch for what I'm saying, at least on the down low.

From the point of nation to nation relations, it doesn't matter much.
Do you all fools know that why US is disturbed with Pakistan Army and why Pakistan army is taking much time in clearing the western areas. It is because Pak Army is first separating the Mujaheddin from the RAW, CIA, MOSSAD backed Taliban and then killing the TALIBAN using the Aid of US. In this situation the US is being eaten by India to back Taliban and at the same time by Pakistan in war against Terror.
This words are the eighth wonder of the world.. :lol: :rofl:
I don't know what this guy is talking about, somebody plz explain me.. My whole years experience is in danger..
India's trying, but they know who's the big daddy in the region; Pakistan.

That big daddy has become old now & is on Ventilator ...... the Kid Afghanistan has become adult & he hates his Dad for always showing him wrong path and teaching him bad thing & destroying his Future.........Sooner or later this kid is going to pull off plug of that ventilator ....sad situation ...BUt Jo boya hai usse Ugna hi hai.... & Karma is a B**ch:D
Hers a video from inside swat valley.Lol atleast maosit are **** scared to hide in forests and attack but here...........
What utter lawlesness and then pak says its under their control
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Afghanistan before the invasion of USSR and Taliban was a very open society. It shared cultural and traditional relationship with India since ages. During British Raj many Afghans had their business interest in Indian part of now Pakistan. Many have settled down here in India also.
Afghans basically are simple souls and can think on one track only. The situation today has been created by the Pakistan itself and a common Afghan knows it very well. Friendship with Pakistan means support to their Taliban style rule which nobody wants today and are fed up of the Islamic way of life especially women who had been the biggest victim of Taliban rule. Today a common Afghan wants to match step with the modern world with their traditions intact. Who would be the better partner than India to assist Afghanistan regain its lost glory.
point to ponder on for pakistani friends.
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