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India trying to wear a mask of sympathy with Pakistan


Jan 10, 2018
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By Brig. General Asif H. Raja

The Brahmans, Thakurs, and the extremist Hindu parties are dancing with joy over the dismal internal situation of Pakistan, which had never gone through such multiple crises in the shape of political, social, and economic instability, insecurity and its overall economy is at the brink of collapse. The extremist Hindu leaders aspiring for Mahabharata find their dreams coming true.

Without political stability, Pakistan’s economy cannot be stabilized. Uncertainty discourages foreign investors from investing and disheartens the business class.

The PTI is the major driving force behind political destabilization and it has made it its major plank to win the next elections.

Not only has the PTI created extreme political polarization, but it also refuses to hold talks with the ruling regime to achieve unity and stability. It dubs the ruling regime as illegal and imported. It has been instrumental in creating fissures within the rank and file of the army for the first time.

Never before has the army chief and senior army generals been insulted as Imran Khan (IK) has been doing since April last year. He caused severe damage to the reputation of the army by declaring former army chief Gen Qamar Bajwa a traitor and responsible for his ouster from power. Even now he is in his firing line.

IK and his party did what RAW couldn’t achieve in the five decades.

Three foreign-based veterans and social media added fuel to fire to discredit the army and to create a wedge between the people and the army.

Indian media has been glorifying IK and offering him funds to make his propaganda campaign more pungent.

The traditional adversaries of Pakistan, the US, Israel, and India, which are averse to the Pakistan nuclear program, are finding the internal political imbroglio in Pakistan, further compounded by economic and dollar crises ideal to fish in troubled waters.

The IMF is being brutally used by the US to make Pakistan economically weak, and make it permanently dependent upon the IMF.

With the help of PTI and other anti-state segments in Pakistan, chaos and anarchy is being fomented and conditions are created for a civil war.

IK and other PTI leaders never miss an opportunity to portray Pakistan as a failed state and that very soon its situation would be similar to Sri Lanka.

A stage has come as can be deciphered from this video clip in which Indian media is cleverly sympathizing with the frail internal situation of Pakistan and the sorry plight of Pakistanis groaning under the weight of soaring prices.

Indian media has once again begun to portray India as Shining, where everything is good and Indian people are basking in the sunshine of peace, happiness, and prosperity. A comparison of prices of daily commodities is made to sprinkle salt on our injuries.

India forgets about the BJP-led ruling regime’s fascism, racism, and crimes against the minorities in India including the Hindu Dalits and the Kashmiris in IOK. It is breaking all records of tyranny and human rights and has surpassed the cruelties of Halaku, Changez khan and the Nazis.

India has become a living hell for minorities, especially Muslims. IOK has been turned into the biggest military garrison and an open prison where the Muslim Kashmiris have been denied their basic rights and are treated like animals. Rape is used as a coercive tool and the demography of the state is being changed.
Modi after coming to power in June 2014, tore apart the so-called farce of secularism in India and is bent on converting India into a Hindu state based on the conception of RSS Hindutva. In all the BJP-ruled states of the Indian Union, Hindutva laws have been implemented. Minorities are treated as 2nd rated citizens.

37 separatist movements and insurgencies are raging in various parts of India, of which the Naxalites, the Sikhs, and the Kashmiris movements have become existential threats. 15 Lacs Indian forces are employed in India to quell the insurgencies and a similar number is deployed in the small valley of Kashmir.

With such a black record, it is paradoxical that India is gloating over its achievements and trying to create an impression that the poor classes in India are living a comfortable life and are being given equal opportunities of social growth and fair justice is dispensed to them. How can fair justice be delivered when in greater parts of India, Draconian black laws have been enforced, and the deprived class is forced to commit suicides?
India also forgets that till as late as 1992, Pakistan was far ahead of India in GDP, per capita income, and all economic indicators, and the Pak rupee was much stronger than the Indian rupee.

India made an economic turnaround in the early 1990s due to all-out the support of the USA, West, and Israel. It didn’t have to worry about subversion and external meddling from neighbors as well as external threats to its security, as in the case of Pakistan.

After 1962, for the first time, China posed a threat to India in the northern Himalayas. To meet the Chinese threat, the western world is providing the latest war munitions and is upgrading its nuclear capability so as to become a bulwark against China. On the ground, 70% of Indian forces are poised against Pakistan.
Once Pakistan acquired nuclear capability, the entire western world led by the USA, Israel, and India ganged up to pull down Pakistan.

Pakistan was subjected to a 20-year war on terror in which it suffered 80,000 human losses and 150 billion dollars in financial losses.
India played a lead role in debilitating Pakistan and earned maximum benefits from the US and Israel.
The latest sympathetic posturing of India is in no way meant to help Pakistan in its hour of distress. Indian media is trying to sympathize with the people of Pakistan, asserting that they cannot be blamed for the wrongful division of India.

It is once again playing the old themes, that partition of India was a big mistake, and that Hindus and Muslims lived in complete harmony in united India until the British created divisions in the two communities under its divide-and-rule policy. As usual, Indian media is distorting historical facts and realities and is instigating the Pakistanis by saying that had Pakistan not separated, the economy of united India would have been stronger than China.

Indian psy operators have begun to sell the old merchandise that would have been highly beneficial for the Indian Muslims had they stayed within the Indian Union rather than opting for Pakistan.
The Indian leaders are past masters in deceit, intrigue, and falsehood and they change colors like a chameleon. Until very recently, the BJP leaders were expressing their wish to annex AJK-GB. They say that other than these two regions, which in their view are part of the Indian Union, India is not interested in other parts of Pakistan which are radical, out of control, and full of problems.

The idea is to stir up the feelings of the segment which was deadly against the creation of Pakistan. They are now trying to win over disgruntled segments in Pakistan.
They ignore the fact that today the Pakistanis have seen the ugly face of India and its dangerous designs, and are thanking Quaid e Azam for having gifted Pakistan to them where they could live freely and practice their religion freely.

Subversion has been the age-old practice of India and it has achieved much of its objectives against Pakistan with the help of sabotage and subversion. War in former East Pakistan was won on the platform of psychological operations.
From Nov 2008 onwards, India’s successive regimes have parroted the theme of terrorism, blamed Pakistan that it is the epicenter of terrorism, and falsely projected India is the victim.
India has stalled talks with Pakistan because of this fraudulent claim. The world has begun to know that India is the chief instigator and abettor of cross-border terrorism and uses armed proxies to achieve its sinister objectives.

India has pushed the Kashmir issue in the background, which is the bone of contention between the two arch-rivals on the plea of terrorism.
There can be no peace with India without the resolution of the Kashmir dispute based on the UN resolutions, lying in the pending tray of the UN since 1949. If India is genuinely interested in peace, it has to first restore the special status of the disputed IOK which was callously snatched in Aug 2019. It must give up its expansionist and hegemonic designs and opt for peace and friendship for the overall development of South Asia

The PTI is the major driving force behind political destabilization and it has made it its major plank to win the next elections.

Yes. And this was Imran's fatal flaw. All he had to do was the wait instead of picking open fight with the combined opposition AND the military Establishment. Imran could not have possibly won that war quick enough to get back to power. But his follies are water under the bridge. But I want to look forward and my views about the path forward are in other threads: Basically I want stability in Pakistan for the next 10 years regardless of who is in power!!

About the OP: We can't blame India for being gleeful about Pakistan's huge problems and we can't blame India for trying to be opportunist when opportunity is given. However, if India's goal is to take northern parts of Pakistan to reach the coveted regions of Central Asia, then that's not going to happen right now and probably not for many years. Not only India faces a potent Pakistani military, which in a defensive posture, is a formidable force, but also the population which would hug any Indian occupation in northern Pakistan would be heavily armed and hostile. And all that before factoring in China's enhanced presence in Laddakh region.

Indian planners, if they have the 'wisdom' for a 'long view', should take the olive branch that has been extended to them from Pakistan since the Musharraf-Manmohan dialogues and follow the advice of Vajpayee who said the problem of Kashmir are solvable through the prism of 'Insaaniyat' (humanity) [instead of a real estate problem].
By Brig. General Asif H. Raja

The Brahmans, Thakurs, and the extremist Hindu parties are dancing with joy over the dismal internal situation of Pakistan, which had never gone through such multiple crises in the shape of political, social, and economic instability, insecurity and its overall economy is at the brink of collapse. The extremist Hindu leaders aspiring for Mahabharata find their dreams coming true.

Without political stability, Pakistan’s economy cannot be stabilized. Uncertainty discourages foreign investors from investing and disheartens the business class.

The PTI is the major driving force behind political destabilization and it has made it its major plank to win the next elections.

Not only has the PTI created extreme political polarization, but it also refuses to hold talks with the ruling regime to achieve unity and stability. It dubs the ruling regime as illegal and imported. It has been instrumental in creating fissures within the rank and file of the army for the first time.

Never before has the army chief and senior army generals been insulted as Imran Khan (IK) has been doing since April last year. He caused severe damage to the reputation of the army by declaring former army chief Gen Qamar Bajwa a traitor and responsible for his ouster from power. Even now he is in his firing line.

IK and his party did what RAW couldn’t achieve in the five decades.

Three foreign-based veterans and social media added fuel to fire to discredit the army and to create a wedge between the people and the army.

Indian media has been glorifying IK and offering him funds to make his propaganda campaign more pungent.

The traditional adversaries of Pakistan, the US, Israel, and India, which are averse to the Pakistan nuclear program, are finding the internal political imbroglio in Pakistan, further compounded by economic and dollar crises ideal to fish in troubled waters.

The IMF is being brutally used by the US to make Pakistan economically weak, and make it permanently dependent upon the IMF.

With the help of PTI and other anti-state segments in Pakistan, chaos and anarchy is being fomented and conditions are created for a civil war.

IK and other PTI leaders never miss an opportunity to portray Pakistan as a failed state and that very soon its situation would be similar to Sri Lanka.

A stage has come as can be deciphered from this video clip in which Indian media is cleverly sympathizing with the frail internal situation of Pakistan and the sorry plight of Pakistanis groaning under the weight of soaring prices.

Indian media has once again begun to portray India as Shining, where everything is good and Indian people are basking in the sunshine of peace, happiness, and prosperity. A comparison of prices of daily commodities is made to sprinkle salt on our injuries.

India forgets about the BJP-led ruling regime’s fascism, racism, and crimes against the minorities in India including the Hindu Dalits and the Kashmiris in IOK. It is breaking all records of tyranny and human rights and has surpassed the cruelties of Halaku, Changez khan and the Nazis.

India has become a living hell for minorities, especially Muslims. IOK has been turned into the biggest military garrison and an open prison where the Muslim Kashmiris have been denied their basic rights and are treated like animals. Rape is used as a coercive tool and the demography of the state is being changed.
Modi after coming to power in June 2014, tore apart the so-called farce of secularism in India and is bent on converting India into a Hindu state based on the conception of RSS Hindutva. In all the BJP-ruled states of the Indian Union, Hindutva laws have been implemented. Minorities are treated as 2nd rated citizens.

37 separatist movements and insurgencies are raging in various parts of India, of which the Naxalites, the Sikhs, and the Kashmiris movements have become existential threats. 15 Lacs Indian forces are employed in India to quell the insurgencies and a similar number is deployed in the small valley of Kashmir.

With such a black record, it is paradoxical that India is gloating over its achievements and trying to create an impression that the poor classes in India are living a comfortable life and are being given equal opportunities of social growth and fair justice is dispensed to them. How can fair justice be delivered when in greater parts of India, Draconian black laws have been enforced, and the deprived class is forced to commit suicides?
India also forgets that till as late as 1992, Pakistan was far ahead of India in GDP, per capita income, and all economic indicators, and the Pak rupee was much stronger than the Indian rupee.

India made an economic turnaround in the early 1990s due to all-out the support of the USA, West, and Israel. It didn’t have to worry about subversion and external meddling from neighbors as well as external threats to its security, as in the case of Pakistan.

After 1962, for the first time, China posed a threat to India in the northern Himalayas. To meet the Chinese threat, the western world is providing the latest war munitions and is upgrading its nuclear capability so as to become a bulwark against China. On the ground, 70% of Indian forces are poised against Pakistan.
Once Pakistan acquired nuclear capability, the entire western world led by the USA, Israel, and India ganged up to pull down Pakistan.

Pakistan was subjected to a 20-year war on terror in which it suffered 80,000 human losses and 150 billion dollars in financial losses.
India played a lead role in debilitating Pakistan and earned maximum benefits from the US and Israel.
The latest sympathetic posturing of India is in no way meant to help Pakistan in its hour of distress. Indian media is trying to sympathize with the people of Pakistan, asserting that they cannot be blamed for the wrongful division of India.

It is once again playing the old themes, that partition of India was a big mistake, and that Hindus and Muslims lived in complete harmony in united India until the British created divisions in the two communities under its divide-and-rule policy. As usual, Indian media is distorting historical facts and realities and is instigating the Pakistanis by saying that had Pakistan not separated, the economy of united India would have been stronger than China.

Indian psy operators have begun to sell the old merchandise that would have been highly beneficial for the Indian Muslims had they stayed within the Indian Union rather than opting for Pakistan.
The Indian leaders are past masters in deceit, intrigue, and falsehood and they change colors like a chameleon. Until very recently, the BJP leaders were expressing their wish to annex AJK-GB. They say that other than these two regions, which in their view are part of the Indian Union, India is not interested in other parts of Pakistan which are radical, out of control, and full of problems.

The idea is to stir up the feelings of the segment which was deadly against the creation of Pakistan. They are now trying to win over disgruntled segments in Pakistan.
They ignore the fact that today the Pakistanis have seen the ugly face of India and its dangerous designs, and are thanking Quaid e Azam for having gifted Pakistan to them where they could live freely and practice their religion freely.

Subversion has been the age-old practice of India and it has achieved much of its objectives against Pakistan with the help of sabotage and subversion. War in former East Pakistan was won on the platform of psychological operations.
From Nov 2008 onwards, India’s successive regimes have parroted the theme of terrorism, blamed Pakistan that it is the epicenter of terrorism, and falsely projected India is the victim.
India has stalled talks with Pakistan because of this fraudulent claim. The world has begun to know that India is the chief instigator and abettor of cross-border terrorism and uses armed proxies to achieve its sinister objectives.

India has pushed the Kashmir issue in the background, which is the bone of contention between the two arch-rivals on the plea of terrorism.
There can be no peace with India without the resolution of the Kashmir dispute based on the UN resolutions, lying in the pending tray of the UN since 1949. If India is genuinely interested in peace, it has to first restore the special status of the disputed IOK which was callously snatched in Aug 2019. It must give up its expansionist and hegemonic designs and opt for peace and friendship for the overall development of South Asia

Gen Bajwa ran his own backdoor diplomacy, silence on Kashmir and bypass PTI . A reality check.
Yes. And this was Imran's fatal flaw. All he had to do was the wait instead of picking open fight with the combined opposition AND the military Establishment. Imran could not have possibly won that war quick enough to get back to power. But his follies are water under the bridge. But I want to look forward and my views about the path forward are in other threads: Basically I want stability in Pakistan for the next 10 years regardless of who is in power!!

About the OP: We can't blame India for being gleeful about Pakistan's huge problems and we can't blame India for trying to be opportunist when opportunity is given. However, if India's goal is to take northern parts of Pakistan to reach the coveted regions of Central Asia, then that's not going to happen right now and probably not for many years. Not only India faces a potent Pakistani military, which in a defensive posture, is a formidable force, but also the population which would hug any Indian occupation in northern Pakistan would be heavily armed and hostile. And all that before factoring in China's enhanced presence in Laddakh region.

Indian planners, if they have the 'wisdom' for a 'long view', should take the olive branch that has been extended to them from Pakistan since the Musharraf-Manmohan dialogues and follow the advice of Vajpayee who said the problem of Kashmir are solvable through the prism of 'Insaaniyat' (humanity) [instead of a real estate problem].
Tbh it looks more like shoring up domestic support for an embattled institution by raising the prospect of an external bogey.

Im not implying that the Indian side is a saint, you have a right accusing us but its also paradoxical that you want us to accept the olive branch from Musharraf of all people.

Our PM spent considerable political capital coming over for long lasting peace. Musharraf and Kargil saw an abrupt end to that, from our point of view that was a painfull stab in the back on the heels of an unprecedented peace gesture. Theres no unified polity on your side, peace with one faction ensures conflict with the other, renders peace overtures pointless, at least that is the perception over here.

Rest assured, there is no Indian invasion forthcoming, for that is a sure fire way to end the Indian economic boom. Do understand the difference between rhetoric to shore up votes and the reality of what an invasion would bring in.No Indian wants to add 200 mil Pakistanis to the voter lists or god forbid spend Indian tax payer money on the endeavour.

But please, stop with the lecture of peace from a moral highground, none of us have it.
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PTI would have dragged Pak into hell of Islamism. Better to deal with army than fanaticsm

Not really. We’re not a Hindutva-nized India. Everything “Islamic” is stamped by the atheist cum secular dajjals. If you had actual Islamic government in Pakistan, you’d would devote all of your resources and build a long trench between as the Indian mind can’t move on from the past 1000 years. If you doubt what I say and you’re an honest person, go look at your government, media, individuals - they can’t discuss anything but Islam, Pakistan, Muslims
PTI would have dragged Pak into hell of Islamism. Better to deal with army than fanaticsm

I think military force the politicians to romance with terrorists like Good Taliban (Afghani).
PTI was romancing with Good Taliban. Others called Taliban Khan to Imran Khan
Same with PDM, Bilawal of PPP was romancing with Good Talib.

In the end we heard news, Good Taliban said fix your issue with Bad Taliban (Pakistani).

****Good Taliban used Bad Taliban to slaughter Pakistanis (Shia, Sunni, Soldier, but not Wahhabis).
Reason Saudi Funding..
Every political party in Pakistan using religion to win elections****

Not really. We’re not a Hindutva-nized India. Everything “Islamic” is stamped by the atheist cum secular dajjals. If you had actual Islamic government in Pakistan, you’d would devote all of your resources and build a long trench between as the Indian mind can’t move on from the past 1000 years. If you doubt what I say and you’re an honest person, go look at your government, media, individuals - they can’t discuss anything but Islam, Pakistan, Muslims
It is sad reality Pakistan is sinking in Mullah`s terrorism aka Islamic terrorism,
Believe it or not more than 80000 Pakistanis were dead due to religion.

Why you dragged secularism and atheism in your post?
No Reason. TTP is not Atheist or Seculars. Lol
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Tbh it looks more like shoring up domestic support for an embattled institution by raising the prospect of an external bogey.

Im not implying that the Indian side is a saint, you have a right accusing us but its also paradoxical that you want us to accept the olive branch from Musharraf of all people.

Our PM spent considerable political capital coming over for long lasting peace. Musharraf and Kargil saw an abrupt end to that, from our point of view that was a painfull stab in the back on the heels of an unprecedented peace gesture. Theres no unified polity on your side, peace with one faction ensures conflict with the other, renders peace overtures pointless, at least that is the perception over here.

Rest assured, there is no Indian invasion forthcoming, for that is a sure fire way to end the Indian economic boom. Do understand the difference between rhetoric to shore up votes and the reality of what an invasion would bring in.No Indian wants to add 200 mil Pakistanis to the voter lists or god forbid spend Indian tax payer money on the endeavour.

But please, stop with the lecture of peace from a moral highground, none of us have it.
I haven't read the drivel by the FA pass general but it's more likely a hitjob on IK than on India. India is just the boogeyman here.

Aap shaant rhen. There won't be any trouble at the border to divert attention. If they had the stones for that, they would have done it by now. They'd rather kill their own citizens to frighten them into submission rather than mess with India, which they are doing
I haven't read the drivel by the FA pass general but it's more likely a hitjob on IK than on India. India is just the boogeyman here.

Aap shaant rhen. There won't be any trouble at the border to divert attention. If they had the stones for that, they would have done it by now. They'd rather kill their own citizens to frighten them into submission rather than mess with India, which they are doing
Tbh Its distressing to watch the coals you guys are being raked over.

Aap sab khush rahe, khushal rahe, tarrakki kare, for surely the progress of this region is tied to all of us progressing together. We aspire to be heard and be influential on the global stage and an India Pakistan relationship similar to US canada or england france has the potential to catapult us quicker to that stage.
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who said the problem of Kashmir are solvable through the prism of 'Insaaniyat' (humanity) [instead of a real estate problem].
rich enough to give one instant diabeetus and 7 heart attacks.
Yes. And this was Imran's fatal flaw. All he had to do was the wait instead of picking open fight with the combined opposition AND the military Establishment. Imran could not have possibly won that war quick enough to get back to power. But his follies are water under the bridge. But I want to look forward and my views about the path forward are in other threads: Basically I want stability in Pakistan for the next 10 years regardless of who is in power!!

About the OP: We can't blame India for being gleeful about Pakistan's huge problems and we can't blame India for trying to be opportunist when opportunity is given. However, if India's goal is to take northern parts of Pakistan to reach the coveted regions of Central Asia, then that's not going to happen right now and probably not for many years. Not only India faces a potent Pakistani military, which in a defensive posture, is a formidable force, but also the population which would hug any Indian occupation in northern Pakistan would be heavily armed and hostile. And all that before factoring in China's enhanced presence in Laddakh region.

Indian planners, if they have the 'wisdom' for a 'long view', should take the olive branch that has been extended to them from Pakistan since the Musharraf-Manmohan dialogues and follow the advice of Vajpayee who said the problem of Kashmir are solvable through the prism of 'Insaaniyat' (humanity) [instead of a real estate problem].

I am not sure what lies ahead in our Indo Pak relation in the future. But, India claiming your part of Kashmir is merely posturing to accept LOC as an IB. Why would India like to add regions that culturally possess a contrarian culture than mainstream India? It will be a disaster for India to add anything that has a Muslim population. I agree that Musharraf - MMS deal for Kashmir can be termed as the best possible resolution that could have been accomplished.

Coming to your domestic politics, the Indian Govt is always has a view that is against your army. It has nothing to do with our favor for any political party.
Our PM spent considerable political capital coming over for long lasting peace. Musharraf and Kargil saw an abrupt end to that, from our point of view that was a painfull stab in the back on the heels of an unprecedented peace gesture. Theres no unified polity on your side, peace with one faction ensures conflict with the other, renders peace overtures pointless, at least that is the perception over here.

How far back will you go? I have criticized Musharraf for Kargil 1990 but, to his defense, he was a product of the Siachen War of 1984 and he just couldn't accept Vajpayee-Nawaz rapprochement.
But the same Musharraf went to Agra in 2000 and initiated genuine compromise with Vajpayee and then Manmohan. For the first time, Pakistan was even willing to let go to the so-called 'Chenab Formula' to come to an honorable peace.
There is a reason people in India like Shashi Tharoor calling Musharraf a 'man of peace' after his death because there was/is a genuine change of heart in the Pakistani Establishment about Kashmir.
As to your boast about not wanting 200 million Pakistanis as part of India--rest assured, we don't want to be part of India to begin with. What do you offer compared with Pakistan? Yeah, you are in better shape but still $iss poor and it will take only 10 years of good governance in Pakistan to look much better. You are NOT some America where people would flock to!
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