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India tops, Afg 2nd and Pak/BD/SL last in SE Asia Male Genatalia size rankings

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Bevvy Rosh

Mar 28, 2023
Reaction score
United States
Inappropriate Language
I have been watching the activity of the forum for long and I repeatedly saw terms like "chhoti lulli" being used constantly. It's not something you would hear on a defence forum but some members of the forum seem to be, to quote IK, from "under-stairs class."

It's a topic which I have avoided bringing up, simply because it was below my dignity but the repeated comments have left me no choice but to speak the truth. I know the truth will offend many here, but I care about their feelings just as much as the world cares about Pakistan; not at all. The mods never commented on the Chhoti lulli/tiny dick comments, so I think they're perfectly fine with the topic being discussed.

So here are the ratings, if we talk about South Asia

INDIANS have the longest penis' at 5.4" (5.4 inches),
Afghans with 5.39" are second,
China at 5.15",
Pakistan at 4.8"

Bangladesh at only 4.41" are the smallest.

There are many misconceptions regarding the male genetalia in the sub-continent, so I am presenting to your countrywise size-based ranking for size of male genetalia to settle the debate once and for all. https://www.worlddata.info/average-penissize.php
May be Nigerians living in India were also part of this survey hence the given results

Or else in the past a crisis happened in India because of same choti lulli

Even BBC reported about it

You can keep whining about it all day long. The data speaks for itself. Delusion and belief in conspiracy theories se bahar nikal kar dekho, duniya aur bhi hai.

I have only shared the ranking given by a very trusted and respected source. If you've data to show for your claim than please do.
You can keep whining about it all day long. The data speaks for itself. Delusion and belief in conspiracy theories se bahar nikal kar dekho, duniya aur bhi hai.

I have only shared the ranking given by a very trusted and respected source. If you've data to show for your claim than please do.

It is so funny that you had to create a new thread about Bharati lullis just because someone called you choti lulli :lol:

What next? Thread about size of Indian women bras?

Grow up pajeet
Literally a D!ck measuring Thread (Face Palm)
It was made enecessary by certain uneducated members. It was not ME in person but Indians in general who were constanly being abused. Some Pakistanis are perfect example of "Napoleon complex", only in this case for length not height.
You can keep whining about it all day long. The data speaks for itself. Delusion and belief in conspiracy theories se bahar nikal kar dekho, duniya aur bhi hai.

I have only shared the ranking given by a very trusted and respected source. If you've data to show for your claim than please do.

Whatever makes you feel adequate, my under-endowed friend. :lol:

It's okay, Life is less than ideal - then you kick the bucket.

Literally a D!ck measuring Thread (Face Palm)

I never thought I'd actually seen one before this... :rofl:
Whatever makes you feel adequate, my under-endowed friend. :lol:

It's okay, Life is less than ideal - then you kick the bucket.

I never thought I'd actually seen one before this... :rofl:
No wonder Dhaka girls love visiting Kolkata so much!!

It is so funny that you had to create a new thread about Bharati lullis just because someone called you choti lulli :lol:

What next? Thread about size of Indian women bras?

Grow up pajeet
@Areesh, check out your own DP before you talk of being insecure. This pic is clearly designed to show that PM Shastri who was short being overshadowed by a Pak Dictator. It reeks of the delusional, racist suppremacy ideology which was force-fed to past 4 generations of (West) Pakistanis, initially to justify exploitation of East Pakistan. Once Bengalis became free, the military had to start sucking the blood of Balochis and Pathans, and now the heat has finally reached Lahore and Karachi.

It's a different matter that Ayub Khan got the spanking of a lifetime by the same short Shastri in 1965.
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@Areesh, check out your own DP before you talk of being insecure. This pic is clearly designed to show that PM Shastri who was short being overshadowed by a Pak Dictator. It reeks of the delusional, racist suppremacy ideology which was force-fed to past 4 generations of (West) Pakistanis, initially to justify exploitation of East Pakistan. Once Bengalis became free, the military had to start sucking the blood of Balochis and Pathans, and now the heat has finally reached Lahore and Karachi.

It's a different matter that Ayub Khan got the spanking of a lifetime by the same short Shastri in 1965.

Yeah whatever pajeet

Don't rant like you have a choti lulli
Remarkable productivity for a Sunday.

The forum's dedication to be a crash course on life in India is a one stop one shop place for all your Indian adventures. If the forum introduces a matrimonial section for India, it will have digital monopoly over a billion people.
See, ALLL scientific data says otherwise.

SO stop jumping up and down with your chhoti-lulli energy.

Lol insecure pajeet

Remarkable productivity for a Sunday.

The forum's dedication to be a crash course on life in India is a one stop one shop place for all your Indian adventures. If the forum introduces a matrimonial section for India, it will have digital monopoly over a billion people.

Well at least you learned that this @Bevvy Rosh doesn't have a choti lulli

What more do you expect on a slow lazy Sunday??

This post explains EXACTLY what I meant by lack of education and a delusional mindset. Pakistanis are so insecure about their identity that they've cooked up fairytales about their own superiority, now they're even cooking up facts about others such as actor Ranbeer Singh being Sikh. Any fact-checking is blasphemy and punishable by death.

I have presented scientific data, but instead of presenting any valid counter-argument Pakistanis believe in random shit-posting. It's jsut embarassing, no wonder the only educated Pakistanis are the ones who were born outside Pakistan. Pakistan's education system is a virus, once you're infected by it at an early age, no amount of higher foriegn education can turn you into a rational, sensible human being.
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Why not you measure yours with mine and sort this out here rather than creating a thread about it? there are thousands of sites showing indians pakistanis rather i day whole damn world’s penises lol. Just watch and you will see the NAKED TRUTH.
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