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India to send more troops to Afghanistan

1.• Zaranj-Delaram highway is built by India to undermine Gwadar port in Afghanistan by making it easy for India to use Iranian Chahbahar Port for reaching CARs.

And yes and only Indians and Indian cars will allowed to travel in it.

• How does Afghanistan's Parliament Building becomes Indian asset??

Because its basically a RAW headquaters and only a small room will be provided for karzai to sit and relax.. bloody Indians..:hitwall:


• Power transmission line from Pul-e-Khumri to Kabul, How does it becomes Indian asset? Dint Indians get payment for working on the project. And whats new about it many other countries have carried out such projects.

India bringing about a change in war-torn Afghanistan

India powers Kabul
Yes Indians will be getting paid by indian government.. its so sick and sad..

• Reconstruction of Salma Dam power project, Herat, An Indian ploy to cut Kabul river water to Pakistan. (The Indians are again showing their anti-Pakistan mentality here)

You are right as most afghan originating rivers have to flow into sea through Pakistan afghan does not deserve to have their own dams for power and water.

And the asian development bank is even funding.. they are as bad as Indians

Asian Development Bank Prepares Afghanistan for New Dam

(• Telephone exchanges in 11 provinces

I bet its for communication between indian terrorists cmps across afghanistan

Televison network uplink from Kabul, downlinks in all provincial capitals)

TV.. :cheers::yahoo:

How these become Indian assets??

You are quite right here,. how is it Indian assets when afghanis will be seeing all the TVs and using the roads and using water and power. shame on u Indians :sniper:
Another question is why India is not investing in Sri Lanka, or BD or even in own North East India instead ot going to a foreign land???????

Investments and Development Cooperation between India and Sri Lanka

According to latest figures Board of Investment (BOI) of Sri Lanka, India is among the top five overall investors in Sri Lanka. Investments from India picked up rapidly after the signing of the FTA. The FTA has spurred bilateral investments by capitalizing on the opportunities generated by the FTA and availing of the comparative advantages both countries possess. Total investments from India is estimated to be about US$ 400 million. Investment projects in various stages of implementation for which Sri Lankan Board of Investment approvals have been obtained involve an additional investment of approximately US$ 300 million.

more in the article

High Commission of India, Colombo

The Hindu : Opinion / Interviews : ‘India is my relation, the others are friends'

and bangladesh

Bangladesh looks at power imports, investment from Indian players - Business portal, business news.

The South Asian: Indian Government Pushes for $3B Investment in Bangladesh

Bangladesh invites Indian investment

And Bhutan

Bhutan, India to develop 10 hydel projects by 2020

Bhutan mulls 100% FDI for Indian companies | iGovernment.in

And Maldives

India Inc commits Rs 4,500-crore investment in Maldives
Ahhh We do not need to allow expired Indian biscutes. All the food to Afghanistan is going from Pakistan and 99% Afghan food supply is from Pakistan.

There is abig conspiracy.. Indians are manufacturing expired biscuits and sending through UN food programme...!! shame on u indians.:taz:

Besides it was The World Food Program, not Indian solo fight.

A senior official of WFP has met with officials of the Government of India, lauding the increasing and important role that India plays in assuring food security for South Asia, and in particular Afghanistan.

Biscuits from India have been instrumental in persuading families to allow their daughters to enroll in schools across Afghanistan
Tony Banbury, WFP’s Asia Regional Director

WFP official welcomes India's growing role in supporting food security and assistance for South Asia | WFP | United Nations World Food Programme - Fighting Hunger Worldwide


world food programe site link

And BTW many other countries inclduing Pakistan are aiding Afghanistan WHY Indian is something out of this world? Just because you are shouting in an effort to convince the world that India is not interested in any strategic role in Afghanistan.

send me some links to clarify its more than indias aid to afghanistan and i will agree..

India is indeed shouting.. WE ARE HELPING AFGHANSS .....WE ARE HELPING AFHGANS>>>>> :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
1.• Zaranj-Delaram highway is built by India to undermine Gwadar port in Afghanistan by making it easy for India to use Iranian Chahbahar Port for reaching CARs.

The modern Port of Chah Bahar is in existence since the early 1980s and as such sooner or later - with or without the help of India - Iran will build Road and Rail connections for Afghanistan and additionally to Central Asian Republics.

Iran does not need Afghanistan to reach the CARs. It can always use the Rail and Road System through Turkmenistan.

Pakistan needs Afghanistan to reach the CARs.

Well Pakistan's contribution is more important as we have 99% of Afghan population living in Pakistan ...so once they move back we are thinking of fixing up the map :pakistan:

So every thing remains in prespective

Total Population of Afghanistan : 10 million ppl

We took in 4-6 million people into Pakistan in 80's they grew up in Pakistan
Pakistan took care of all Afghans in region ... they married and lived in pakistan , and population growth to 9 million ppl in Pakistan -

So technically now Pakistanis are moving back to Afghanistan ...

Time to fix the map !!
Oh come on don't feel neglected now. We are taking good note of everything you have to say... We wouldn't have ignored if the size was not increased also....

Don't let frustration take you...

Lolzzz the frustration is seen only among Indians :) you guys are runing towards Saudia after losing the chance as you were kicked out of Afghan affair in the London Conference recently.

As far as Indian forces in Afghanistan, well my dear Bharatiyas that would be good for Pakistan and our stance :)
The modern Port of Chah Bahar is in existence since the early 1980s and as such sooner or later - with or without the help of India - Iran will build Road and Rail connections for Afghanistan and additionally to Central Asian Republics.

Iran does not need Afghanistan to reach the CARs. It can always use the Rail and Road System through Turkmenistan.

Pakistan needs Afghanistan to reach the CARs.

I am not talking about Iran reaching CARs. Thats not an issue for Pakistan. I was talking about India trying to get some benefit out of Chahbahar.
Well Pakistan's contribution is more important as we have 99% of Afghan population living in Pakistan ...so once they move back we are thinking of fixing up the map

yaa even according to the last census in 2003 saying 23 million people in afghanistan, and considering 6 million gone to pakistan and rest of 16 million considering 1% still living there would either be dead or vanished into thin air.. (houdini act of magic) :bunny::bunny::bunny:


Pakistan took care of all Afghans in region ... they married and lived in pakistan , and population growth to 9 million ppl in Pakistan -

i am looking forward to this relocation of the afghans back to their homeland with their wives and kids.. :welcome:

So technically now Pakistanis are moving back to Afghanistan ...

Time to fix the map !!

yes its time to redraw the map . Pakistan and afghanistan are 1 country..
I am not talking about Iran reaching CARs. Thats not an issue for Pakistan. I was talking about India trying to get some benefit out of Chahbahar.

yup u can see Indian people wih their cars vanishing from Mumbai Chennai bangalore etc appearing in Afghanistan and then travelling towards Iran... and benifitting from IRAN... and CARs

Lolzzz the frustration is seen only among Indians you guys are runing towards Saudia after losing the chance as you were kicked out of Afghan affair in the London Conference recently.

As far as Indian forces in Afghanistan, well my dear Bharatiyas that would be good for Pakistan and our stance

Lolzzzz because India is kicked out of afghanistan they are in soudi arabia for building dams and roads lolzzzzz they are now kicked out of afghanistan and back in India lolzzzzz

yes indian forces in Pakistan are good for Pakistance stance so bring more of them Lolzzzzz:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
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Lolzzz the frustration is seen only among Indians :) you guys are runing towards Saudia after losing the chance as you were kicked out of Afghan affair in the London Conference recently.

As far as Indian forces in Afghanistan, well my dear Bharatiyas that would be good for Pakistan and our stance :)
Mind your language $*%#...We dont run to SA with begging bowl atleast or for free oil.......
Mind your language $*%#...We dont run to SA with begging bowl atleast or for free oil.......

:undecided: And where did i use bad language??

Care to explain.

Oh bhai as far as begging bowl well dont get perturbed we are not coming to India for that as we know you have alot of poverty yourself.
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