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India to send more troops to Afghanistan

:) Turky, Japan, US, and many other countries have built schools in Pakistan as well as health facilities. They do not claim it as their assests :)

Because their asstes have not been targeted and attacks.

Neither they send their army to protect these.

Technically this is a decision between Indian and Afghan govts. Even Indian embassy has been attacked twice so in light of these, this is all natural. Also this is not a single example for protecting foreign embassy.

The bottom line is be real and dont play bluff, these schools or roads in Afghanistan are NOT Indian assets.

As I said, I am confident you must have proof for these.
:) Turky, Japan, US, and many other countries have built schools in Pakistan as well as health facilities. They do not claim it as their assests :)

Neither they send their army to protect these.

The bottom line is be real and dont play bluff, these schools or roads in Afghanistan are NOT Indian assets.

Be real don't bluff..

I am sure you don't understand how the infrastructure development works. We took our assets their to develop Afghan. Please be advised that projects are inchoate and that require great deal of Labor and Machinaries. They will remain our assets until the work is in progress. Keep Crying your heart out as much as you can.
Pakistan is having the 7th largest army to protect it.... what about afghanistan????

:) What about Somalia, Is INDIA going to send her Army to protect schools there ?

And as far as Afghanistan is concerned, they have their own police and Army now they dont need any outsider to send their troops for protecting Afghan land.

The locals have far more guts than Indians to protect their own land.
As i told you before some place......Reality is not always available on INTERNET LINKs.....i hope you still remember that. Call it propaganda if you wish....
But it is found in your drawing rooms from where you and Madam Jana get information and shout.....

I just deleted my previous post with 1 leaving quote.:cheers:

And also suggest to you to visit these thread also.
where lot's of afganistaan member has a very good thinking about your country pakistan.



Sorry here only trailer left because AM deleted lot's of comment and now it is censored for your type of guys to create propaganda but still lot's of material left to burst of your dream balloon(Afganis hates indian and love pakistani and recent survey was fake):cheers:
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:agree: agreed. Human resource can be protected. I was replying to your other countryman who was claiming that if India had built schools then these schools or roads are INDIAN assests ;)

if you can extract the meaning in a proper straight forward minded context, you would understand that Schools built there are ours assets because it helps the Poor afghans in not joining anti social activities.. so what else can I describe that instead of an Asset? Liability?
Be real don't bluff..

I am sure you don't understand how the infrastructure development works. We took our assets their to develop Afghan. Please be advised that projects are inchoate and that require great deal of Labor and Machinaries. They will remain our assets until the work is in progress. Keep Crying your heart out as much as you can.

bwahahahah. You can claim the machinery and human resource as INDIAN assets but claiming the schools, hospitals and so on in Afghanistan as INDIAN assets is a childish bluff.

The difference between India and Pakistan is that we DO NOT mince words about our strategic interests viz a viz Afghanistan whereas Indians are trying to bluff the world by claiming OH we are there in Love of Afghans.
Indeed not roads neither hospitals neither medicines nor cookies they provide there But RAW headquarters, RAW Agents and RAW terror training camps in Afghanistan.

And if you had followed the media, India did not cry over death of its "9" (You can read teh figure upside down too as claimed by India) nationals. Not much projection nor protest as had been the norm in the past.

And one more thing the Karzai pro-India govt had also banned the coverage of the site by Media and they are banned any coverage in the future. Because it exposes the identity of those killed and attacked.

Breaking news RAW headquaters shifted to AFGHANISTAN from INDIA

No roads have been build by India in Afghanistan

No aid has been send to Afghanistan by India

RAW "terror" camps established and are recruiting.. afghans nope.. pakistanis nope US ( well I am not sure whom) maybe Indians itself after all all are not IT and businessmen in INDIA.

here is a list of some alleged terrorist activities by India

• Around 400 BRO personnel involved in Zaranj-Delaram highway
• Afghanistan's Parliament Building
• Power transmission line from Pul-e-Khumri to Kabul
• Reconstruction of Salma Dam power project, Herat
• Telephone exchanges in 11 provinces
• Televison network uplink from Kabul, downlinks in all provincial capitals
• CII project for training 3,000 Afghans in vocations ranging from carpentry, plumbing to masonry and tailoring

Three MoUs (memorandum of understanding) for strengthening cooperation in the fields of rural development, education and standardization between the Bureau of Indian Standards(BIS) and Afghan National Standardization Authority were signed between India and Afghanistan during Hamid Karzai's visit to India during 9-13 April 2006.[8] An agreement providing $50 million to promote bilateral businesses between India and Afghanistan was signed during the visit of the Afghan Foreign Minister Dr. Spanta between June 29 and July 1, 2006.[8] During the same year, India raised its aid package to Afghanistan by $150 million, to $750 million.[8] India also supported Afghanistan's bid to become a member of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC).[

Afghanistan is now the second biggest recipient of Indian aid after Bhutan
New Delhi has also committed to training Afghan bureaucrats, economists and accountants in India. From wells and toilets to power plants and satellite transmitters, India is seeding Afghanistan with a vast array of projects, reports The Wall Street Journal. Influence over Afghanistan has always been a point of contention for arch rivals India and Pakistan that consider the country a vital strategic pawn.

Pakistan refused to allow overland shipment of fortified wheat biscuits from India to feed two million Afghan schoolchildren.
India instead had to ship the biscuits through Iran, driving up costs for the program. The World Food Program, which administers the shipments, said the Pakistan government gave its approval for overland shipment in 2008 -- six years after the first delivery.

if you can extract the meaning in a proper straight forward minded context, you would understand that Schools built there are ours assets because it helps the Poor afghans in not joining anti social activities.. so what else can I describe that instead of an Asset? Liability?

Not at all these are not your assets. By going your theory every other nation from NATO and other countries will start claiming the development work they had done in Afghanistan, as their assests and would send troops to protect that.

Be realistic and do admit that India is desperate to get a foothold in Afghanistan for its political agenda.
:) What about Somalia, Is INDIA going to send her Army to protect schools there ?

And as far as Afghanistan is concerned, they have their own police and Army now they dont need any outsider to send their troops for protecting Afghan land.

The locals have far more guts than Indians to protect their own land.

They are taken up by the United nations peace keeping force if you are not aware of it, and we have Indian navy in the gulf Of Aden to protect people from somalian pirates.... And we do not face a direct threat from the Somalian's as we face from the cross border terrorism .... And the so called locals are favouring India to support them..
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bwahahahah. You can claim the machinery and human resource as INDIAN assets but claiming the schools, hospitals and so on in Afghanistan as INDIAN assets is a childish bluff.

The difference between India and Pakistan is that we DO NOT mince words about our strategic interests viz a viz Afghanistan whereas Indians are trying to bluff the world by claiming OH we are there in Love of Afghans.

I know Cozen India..

Please answer two of my questions..

Why are they against you and seeking India's help? Don't you think it is a shame that your own people are killing you now. (You considered afghan as your brother.)

So if you're so sure about it, then it is a very nauseous act that India has done. RAW is an Indian organistion, which has cozened Pakistan. They created an army and that army (TTP) is now attacking you on daily basis. You should sue India for this disgraceful act.
Not at all these are not your assets. By going your theory every other nation from NATO and other countries will start claiming the development work they had done in Afghanistan, as their assests and would send troops to protect that.

Be realistic and do admit that India is desperate to get a foothold in Afghanistan for its political agenda.

may I know what other country is investing in Afghanistan as much as India?

May I know how old are you? Should I even make you understand the difference between tangible and In Tangible assets?
I just deleted my previous post with 1 leaving quote.:cheers:

And also suggest to you to visit this thread also.
where lot's of afganistaan member has a very good thinking about your country pakistan.


Sorry here only trailer left because AM deleted lot's of comment and now it is censored for your type of guys to create propaganda but still lot's of material left to burst of your dream balloon(Afganis hates indian and love pakistani and recent survey was fake):cheers:

No Afghanistan militants want India not Pakistan
only Muslim afghan want Pakistan for peace in Asia. :pakistan:
Breaking news RAW headquaters shifted to AFGHANISTAN from INDIA

No roads have been build by India in Afghanistan

No aid has been send to Afghanistan by India

RAW "terror" camps established and are recruiting.. afghans nope.. pakistanis nope US ( well I am not sure whom) maybe Indians itself after all all are not IT and businessmen in INDIA.

here is a list of some alleged terrorist activities by India

• Around 400 BRO personnel involved in Zaranj-Delaram highway
• Afghanistan's Parliament Building
• Power transmission line from Pul-e-Khumri to Kabul
• Reconstruction of Salma Dam power project, Herat
• Telephone exchanges in 11 provinces
• Televison network uplink from Kabul, downlinks in all provincial capitals
• CII project for training 3,000 Afghans in vocations ranging from carpentry, plumbing to masonry and tailoring

Three MoUs (memorandum of understanding) for strengthening cooperation in the fields of rural development, education and standardization between the Bureau of Indian Standards(BIS) and Afghan National Standardization Authority were signed between India and Afghanistan during Hamid Karzai's visit to India during 9-13 April 2006.[8] An agreement providing $50 million to promote bilateral businesses between India and Afghanistan was signed during the visit of the Afghan Foreign Minister Dr. Spanta between June 29 and July 1, 2006.[8] During the same year, India raised its aid package to Afghanistan by $150 million, to $750 million.[8] India also supported Afghanistan's bid to become a member of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC).[

Afghanistan is now the second biggest recipient of Indian aid after Bhutan
New Delhi has also committed to training Afghan bureaucrats, economists and accountants in India. From wells and toilets to power plants and satellite transmitters, India is seeding Afghanistan with a vast array of projects, reports The Wall Street Journal. Influence over Afghanistan has always been a point of contention for arch rivals India and Pakistan that consider the country a vital strategic pawn.


1.• Zaranj-Delaram highway is built by India to undermine Gwadar port in Afghanistan by making it easy for India to use Iranian Chahbahar Port for reaching CARs.

• How does Afghanistan's Parliament Building becomes Indian asset??

• Power transmission line from Pul-e-Khumri to Kabul, How does it becomes Indian asset? Dint Indians get payment for working on the project. And whats new about it many other countries have carried out such projects.

• Reconstruction of Salma Dam power project, Herat, An Indian ploy to cut Kabul river water to Pakistan. (The Indians are again showing their anti-Pakistan mentality here)

(• Telephone exchanges in 11 provinces

• Televison network uplink from Kabul, downlinks in all provincial capitals)

How these become Indian assets??

Pakistan refused to allow overland shipment of fortified wheat biscuits from India to feed two million Afghan schoolchildren.
India instead had to ship the biscuits through Iran, driving up costs for the program. The World Food Program, which administers the shipments, said the Pakistan government gave its approval for overland shipment in 2008 -- six years after the first delivery.

Ahhh We do not need to allow expired Indian biscutes. All the food to Afghanistan is going from Pakistan and 99% Afghan food supply is from Pakistan.

Besides it was The World Food Program, not Indian solo fight.

And BTW many other countries inclduing Pakistan are aiding Afghanistan WHY Indian is something out of this world? Just because you are shouting in an effort to convince the world that India is not interested in any strategic role in Afghanistan.
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