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India to recruit 89,000 troops, US $ 15 billion for chinese border

As one of my brother replied to your headless post...your illution is good for us...and you will never come out of your "like a frog" attitude..

If you have not read about this due to restrictions put in by ur CCP..just pasting some basic info for your GK so that u can use ur common sense going forward...


Population: 2nd highest
GDP(PPP): 5th
Area: 7th Largest in the world

mate you better check your facts.. by GDP(PPP) India is third now.. India overtook Japan early this year ...
Well said, the only issue is that India has no capability, nor will it have any in the future nor is it planning to acquire any such capability to attack China in Tibet or elsewhere. Our sole intentions are to safeguard against future Chinese aggression.

Sir, i never believe that attacking China head on in a full scale shooting war was ever on the minds of Indian war planners and vice versa from the Chinese side. Both nations are too big and too resourceful for either side to win a full scale war. India and China have their own strategic goals, but i have my doubts in order to accomplish them they are willing to sacrifice so many of their sons and daughters.

Skirmishes are all fine and dandy and i believe that is as far both sides are willing to go, never a full scale shooting war. Whats quite clear is that India does not wants to get caught with its pants down once again like in 1962, PLA was able to attack much faster before the IA could setup defences.

To think China is worried about them is a bit overstated, but we are a bit cautious definitely.

Sir China is worried, there is no question about that. China has a super power to deal with which fields the most powerful military machine the world has ever seen, China simply cannot afford to be worried about India. This is why China is propping up other nations and supplying them with the resources so she can check mate India. So far the Chinese planners have delivered a master stroke by encircling India quite peacefully, but lets see if they can check mate India.
mate you better check your facts.. by GDP(PPP) India is third now.. India overtook Japan early this year ...

ya thanks...I referred to 2010 data, but guess that too was enough to get the frog out of the well...:azn:
Sir, i never believe that attacking China head on in a full scale shooting war was ever on the minds of Indian war planners and vice versa from the Chinese side. Both nations are too big and too resourceful for either side to win a full scale war. India and China have their own strategic goals, but i have my doubts in order to accomplish them they are willing to sacrifice so many of their sons and daughters.

Skirmishes are all fine and dandy and i believe that is as far both sides are willing to go, never a full scale shooting war. Whats quite clear is that India does not wants to get caught with its pants down once again like in 1962, PLA was able to attack much faster before the IA could setup defences.

Correct.The bigger point behind India's defence mobilization is to ensure that China wouldn't be able to swiftly move in and capture Indian territory in the eventuality of a skirmish which would end up with a ceasefire and territory lost to China.The case scenario will be tempting to China as they would be able to claim victory over her "counterweight" India and in the process relay a strong message to other Asian nations counting on India that China isn't messing around.

By extension of this strategy,Indian vessels venturing into the South China Sea need adequate backup so that the intention of an "easy takeover" of India's naval vessels never enter China's mindset.

No point in keeping big strategic assets if the said assets don't even make it to the fight.
Sir China is worried, there is no question about that. China has a super power to deal with which fields the most powerful military machine the world has ever seen, China simply cannot afford to be worried about India. This is why China is propping up other nations and supplying them with the resources so she can check mate India. So far the Chinese planners have delivered a master stroke by encircling India quite peacefully, but lets see if they can check mate India.

Every country is worried about an adversary or a potential adversary....have no doubts about it...Just by stepping up defenses of so-called proxy will not take away the worrying part...It is a catch 22 situation....There is a saying what goes around comes around...The more you will push a proxy on India the more you will push India to act as a proxy...In short the last thing China would want is any direct conflict with India...call it a war or call it a skirmish...Same is true for India as well.....
Hahahahahaha. You have got that dead right. The point of equilibrium or stale mate in the mountains will be reached by the end of this decade by which time we would be strong enough to deter a Chinese attack and then the scene will move to the Indian Ocean. We hope to have our pieces in place in the IOR by then. It is an ongoing game of chess. The loser will forego much more than the right to conduct free and unhindered maritime trade and commerce. History has taught us that whenever we have been militarily weak, foreign powers have captured us, enslaved us and enforced their will on us. India does not wish history to be repeated ever.

By being too strong to be ever attacked and captured, we hope to be left in peace to prosper and bring all our poor out of poverty and contribute positively to the world community.
As one of my brother replied to your headless post...your illution is good for us...and you will never come out of your "like a frog" attitude..

If you have not read about this due to restrictions put in by ur CCP..just pasting some basic info for your GK so that u can use ur common sense going forward...


Population: 2nd highest
GDP(PPP): 5th
Area: 7th Largest in the world

but his statement is correct,


Population:____2nd highest________largest
Area:_________7th Largest________3rd/4th

as you can see india IS smaller in every sense of the word

---------- Post added at 03:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:59 PM ----------

smaller neighbour with a bigger Schlo#g.

We still manage to take the girls home. :D

Proven to be NOT true by studies, india actually is smaller than world average
but his statement is correct,


Population:____2nd highest________largest
Area:_________7th Largest________3rd/4th

as you can see india IS smaller in every sense of the word

---------- Post added at 03:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:59 PM ----------

Proven to be NOT true by studies, india actually is smaller than world average

does it matter??even vietnam troubled you to hell in 1979 war,even to yanks.
as you can see india IS smaller in every sense of the word

seems u always look up to the size of Japan..as being bigger...lol...enjoy ur second honeymoon with ur bigger neighbour..lol..:-)
but his statement is correct,


Population:____2nd highest________largest
Area:_________7th Largest________3rd/4th

as you can see india IS smaller in every sense of the word

---------- Post added at 03:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:59 PM ----------

Proven to be NOT true by studies, india actually is smaller than world average

If a nation with more than 1.2 Billion people is termed as small in your dictionary then better get a check up for your brain... too much high IQ i guess...
but his statement is correct,


Population:____2nd highest________largest
Area:_________7th Largest________3rd/4th

as you can see india IS smaller in every sense of the word

huh whats that logic?

Bangladesh has more population than say france.

Peru has more GDP than saudi

Congo has more area than Pakistan..

So is the logic applicable to them???:what:
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