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India to give free medicine to hundreds of millions


Feb 11, 2012
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India has put in place a $5.4 billion policy to provide free medicine to its people, a decision that could change the lives of hundreds of millions, but a ban on branded drugs stands to cut Big Pharma out of the windfall.

From city hospitals to tiny rural clinics, India's public doctors will soon be able to prescribe free generic drugs to all comers, vastly expanding access to medicine in a country where public spending on health was just $4.50 per person last year.

The plan was quietly adopted last year but not publicised. Initial funding has been allocated in recent weeks, officials said.

Under the plan, doctors will be limited to a generics-only drug list and face punishment for prescribing branded medicines, a major disadvantage for pharmaceutical giants in one of the world's fastest-growing drug markets.

"Without a doubt, it is a considerable blow to an already beleaguered industry, recently the subject of several disadvantageous decisions in India," said KPMG partner Chris Stirling, who is European head of Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals.

"Pharmaceutical firms will likely rethink their emerging markets strategies carefully to take account of this development, and any similar copycat moves across other geographies," he added.

But the initiative would overhaul a system where healthcare is often a luxury and private clinics account for four times as much spending as state hospitals, despite 40 percent of the people living below the poverty line, or $1.25 a day or less.

Within five years, up to half of India's 1.2 billion people are likely to take advantage of the scheme, the government says. Others are likely to continue visiting private hospitals and clinics, where the scheme will not operate.

"The policy of the government is to promote greater and rational use of generic medicines that are of standard quality," said L.C. Goyal, additional secretary at the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and a key proponent of the policy.

"They are much, much cheaper than the branded ones."

Global drugmakers like Pfizer GlaxoSmithKline and Merck will be hit. They spend billions of dollars a year researching new treatments and target huge growth for branded medicine in emerging economies such as India, where generics account for around 90 percent of drug sales by value, far more than in developed countries.

U.S.-based Abbott Laboratories, which bought an Indian generics maker in 2010, is the biggest seller of drugs, both branded and generic, in India, followed by GlaxoSmithKline.


In March, India granted its first ever compulsory license, allowing a domestic drugmaker to manufacture a copy-cat version of Nexavar, a cancer drug developed by Germany's Bayer, unnerving foreign drugmakers that fear a lack of intellectual property protection in emerging markets.

That enabled India's Natco Pharma to sell its generic version of Nexavar at 8,800 rupees per monthly dose, a fraction of the 280,000 rupees Bayer's version cost.

In another blow to Big Pharma's emerging market ambitions, China recently overhauled regulations to grant authorities the power to allow domestic drugmakers to produce cheap copies of medicines protected by patents.

Emerging markets are on track to make up 28 percent of global pharmaceuticals sales by 2015, up from 12 percent in 2005, according to IMS Health, a healthcare information and services company.

Most sales in emerging markets come from branded generics, which are off-patent drugs priced at a premium to those made by local manufacturers.

The Organisation of Pharmaceutical Producers of India (OPPI), a lobby group for multinational drugmakers in the country, argues that the price of drugs is just one factor in access to healthcare and that the scheme need not be detrimental to manufacturers of branded drugs.

"I think this will hasten overall growth of the pharmaceutical industry, as poor patients who could not afford will now have access to essential medicines," said Tapan Ray, director general of OPPI.

About 600 billion rupees in drugs are sold each year in India, or 482 billion at wholesale. Drugs covered under the new policy account for about 60 percent of existing sales, or 290 billion rupees at wholesale cost.

The government's annual cost is likely to be lower due to bulk purchasing and because patients at private clinics would still pay for their own drugs. States will pay for 25 percent of the free drugs and the central government will cover the rest.

Under various existing programmes, around 250 million people, or less than a quarter of India's population, now receive free medicines, according to the health ministry.

India's new policy, to be implemented by the end of 2012 and rolled out nationwide within two years, is expected to provide 52 percent of the population with free drugs by April 2017, at a cumulative cost of 300 billion rupees.

That requires a major funding ramp-up from a deficit-strapped government. The scheme has been granted just 1 billion rupees thus far from central government coffers.


Public doctors will be able to spend 5 percent of the budget, equivalent to around $50 million a year, on drugs outside of the government's list, on branded drugs or on medicines that are not on the list. Beyond that, they can be punished, said Goyal, the health ministry official.

"If doctors are found to be prescribing medicines which are not on the list, or which are branded, then disciplinary action will be initiated," he said.

Free medicine is just one solution to better healthcare in India, where just getting to a state clinic can require a long journey.

Swapnil Yadav, who runs a clinic in Ambegaon, a village 170 km (105 miles) southeast of Mumbai, said India should set up free drug retailers instead of government clinics.

"Patients can approach a private clinic and then get free medicines from government-run medicine shops," he said.

The free generics scheme, which mirrors policies in the states of Tamil Nadu and Rajasthan, is expected to be fully operational by the time voters go to the polls for the 2014 general election, when the populist Congress party will seek a third straight victory.

Indian makers of generics such as Dr Reddy's and Cipla are best placed to benefit.

"The move will please the generics manufacturers who stand to gain substantially in competing for contracts," said KPMG's Stirling.

India to give free medicine to hundreds of millions
Found this on Fox news

India to give free generic drugs to hundreds of millions | Fox News

India has put in place a $5.4 billion policy to provide free medicine to its people, a decision that could change the lives of hundreds of millions, but a ban on branded drugs stands to cut Big Pharma out of the windfall.

Read more: India to give free generic drugs to hundreds of millions | Fox News

Under 12th plan GoI has outlined plans for national health scheme to ensure every Indian has assess to world-class healthcare and is free to the very poorest. I have friends in the medical industry and they have looked very carefully over the GoI's plans and say it is very achievable and doable and that envisengend plan already exists in parts of India like TN/Karnataks and Bangalore.

This word is used a lot but it is the word most of the people I spoke to used on this topic, this is a real "game-changer"!!
I think it is positive step taken by the government. It need to be strictly regulated and monitored such that no company or individual had the ability to divulge in practice that will lead to another scam of its kind. I have some doubt that in the absence of any strict quality control we should not consider all generic drugs to be bio-equivalent, they may be similar in chemical nature, but a drug to be effective it must be bio-equivalent also. In the absence of strict regulatory control I feel that Generic manufacturer will try to take undue advantage of the system leading to corruption.
A very positive step. Our government needs to learn and implement similar measures in Pakistan!
Under 12th plan GoI has outlined plans for national health scheme to ensure every Indian has assess to world-class healthcare and is free to the very poorest. I have friends in the medical industry and they have looked very carefully over the GoI's plans and say it is very achievable and doable and that envisengend plan already exists in parts of India like TN/Karnataks and Bangalore.

This word is used a lot but it is the word most of the people I spoke to used on this topic, this is a real "game-changer"!!

What does world class-mean? Is it going to be like the one we have in Germany or France or is it going to be a new Indian definition like how your politicians were propagating the world-class facilities before the CWG?

But it's nonetheless a good step.
Götterdämmerung;3146186 said:
What does world class-mean? Is it going to be like the one we have in Germany or France or is it going to be a new Indian definition like how your politicians were propagating the world-class facilities before the CWG?

But it's nonetheless a good step.

Medical facility in India is better than many places in the world. Google world class.
Götterdämmerung;3146186 said:
What does world class-mean? Is it going to be like the one we have in Germany or France or is it going to be a new Indian definition like how your politicians were propagating the world-class facilities before the CWG?

But it's nonetheless a good step.

Some of the best medical facilities in India right now are comparable, if not better, than any hospital in the West. But going by what I have heard I would assume "world-class" meant similar levels of treatment and services as in the West ie medicines,vaccinations and treatments for all. Of course with per capita income signifcanlty less in India than in Germany and France it is going to be heard in the next 5 years for all hospitals and the like to be identical to the ones in France and Germany but I'm sure you figured that out yourself. Even still-no point arguing over tedious points, this is a great move to genuinely benefit the most needy and deserving of India. Other poor nations can only dream of taking such steps.
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