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India to deepen energy ties with Vietnam, defying China claim

Indians better change their attitude to more militant or warlike. China is not trying to be your friend and there are countless examples. Wake up. Shall I remind of the fake medicine racket in which China produced meds labelled as being produced in India and sold to African nations? China is attempting to take you out in every way imaginable. I thought after this many yrs, you guys would have a clue. Don;t listen to fake posters and those peace loving Gandhians. India wants peace but if another power doesn;t, be prpared to fight for it. Keep your eye on the target and just because you get M.A.D. status, the game doesn;t stop it just becomes more harder to predict with newer aysmmetrical weapons.
First: Thanks for your support during VN war against USA , bro

Second :SCS(East sea) is not China's backyard, it's belong to ASEAN, and CHina dare not to place any Oil rig in this zone untill now.

Third : Partner means VietNam and India will have mutual benefit , we wil protect India oil company with our Life, and when China has to concentrate in SCS (East sea) she can not give a full support for her 'String of Pearl' around India any more .

Fourth : With USA-Russia-Japan support , we will unify ASEAN soon and ASEAN will strong enough to take back SCS (East sea), so I think India Govt knows clearly that It's will have No harm for India when joining with VietNam-Japan-ASEAN to earn benefit .

Fifth: China's main opponents are VietNam-Japan, China needs to expand her sea territory to strengthen her Navy, there is No use for China Navy to fight against India.

this kind of gesture is expected from VietNam Govt also.
cheers to Indo-Viet friendship in 21st century
Indians better change their attitude to more militant or warlike. China is not trying to be your friend and there are countless examples. Wake up. Shall I remind of the fake medicine racket in which China produced meds labelled as being produced in India and sold to African nations? China is attempting to take you out in every way imaginable. I thought after this many yrs, you guys would have a clue. Don;t listen to fake posters and those peace loving Gandhians. India wants peace but if another power doesn;t, be prpared to fight for it. Keep your eye on the target and just because you get M.A.D. status, the game doesn;t stop it just becomes more harder to predict with newer aysmmetrical weapons.

who are you to ask us not to listen to our Gandhian Leaders :what: .... we have much faith on our own leaders rather than american leaders
peaceful said:
A map from HoangSa.org? are you kidding me? you are trying to prove your point by using a Vietnamese map hosted on a vietnamese site.

Then by applying the same logic, I can post 1000 maps to prove that Hanoi belongs to China.
So you want onother ?/ OK , sea territory inside green line belong to VN base on Unclos 1982.CHina green line only around Hai Nan island.


Hanan123 said:
Oh,your EEN requirement can overlap our China land???The 127/128 zone obviously over our Nine-stages sea that's our land. You just can claim for your undisputed sea to develop you can not go to our claim sea.

Your red line violate International law , so no one in UN accept it, if you want play by your Own law, let withdraw from of UN and live with your own law :P
if all these nation form a union , the dragon will piss in its pants
Cant see it happening in the near future ! and South China Sea wont remain that important in the future with the Gwadar energy route operational ...
Cant see it happening in the near future ! and South China Sea wont remain that important in the future with the Gwadar energy route operational ...

gwadar is dead and impossible to use untill usa goes out.
It is risky .. almost like playing with fire ..

Its pitty that you guys still didnt get the essence of this whole India got some balls thing?

UPA gov in the country is perfectly rounded and will certainly loose the next general elections.This is part of their attention moving agenda. To divert the internal attention,it needs to go overseas.

Since people got used to Indo-pak stories,it wont bring them any good. And the nice pumpkin here is China the only other enemy after pak.

Since China is also provoking India with its activities in P O K,India decided to hit two birds with a single silver bullet.

What amuses me is the timing for such a provocation.I dont think that everything fell in place all by itself,instead rather I consider it as a co-incidence.
First batch of A-III was inducted without any noice and BARC made a breakthrough few months ago in the new TN design where it can go over 500-900KT( especially meant for AIIP,A-III and onwards).IAF was fully controlling the NE and is confident abt it. SO GOI is taking a chance if a war does broke it will have equal opertunity to fight back.

Instead of poking china on its border,GOI choose South-China sea is a huge improvement IMO.Apart from turning attention of public away from corruption,this take the battle to the enemy is a new policy adopted recently.
Arihant was already in sea armed with 700-1900km nukes.Soon it will get berthing facilities in Vietnam.And other important observation made was making the south-china sea dispute international instead of keeping it regional.If a was does broke out,India will certainly make many new firends while china will make the same number of enemies.Its trade with ASEAN will be hit hard,so is with other EU and US.

Untill today,china took Indian softness as a weekness and made a huge mis-calculation.And when India goes get angry ,it will split nations into two which was evident in the past. I hope china understands this and sticks to its own bay instead of barking.
So you want onother ?/ OK , sea territory inside green line belong to VN base on Unclos 1982.CHina green line only around Hai Nan island.


Your red line violate International law , so no one in UN accept it, if you want play by your Own law, let withdraw from of UN and live with your own law :P

This is funny that a member of UNSC doesnt follow the UN convections.....
And they call themself a responsible neighbour?
For god sake first follow the rules and then bragg about your goodness.
south China sea should be renamed S.E asian sea

Same as Indian Ocean I guess, it should rename as Sri-Banglado-Pakistanis Ocean :lol:

Not only India and Vietnam, but also Japan, Philipines, USA and Taiwan.

What’s matter so scare…Need to invoke other power to give Indians moral support??? You Indians already piss on your pants already???? :lol: you forgot ti add Phillipine and Malasia

if all these nation form a union , the dragon will piss in its pants

Yes talk about who’s pissing on its pants…that’s the best you Indian can do, you can’t defy China…and always bring up other nations for help…I like when you guys still live in “IF” World

-if all these nation form a union, the dragon will piss in its pants
-If China Invade Vietnam, Nato will come rescue
-If China invades India then maybe aliens will come rescue India :lol:

gwadar is dead and impossible to use untill usa goes out.

By invoking U.S.A won’t help India, Americans are bleeding now in Arab world, China can wait until its blood drain dry , you just can’t stop China’s undertaking: we will create an extended silk road through Pakistan into Arab world…not only China will cut and isolate India from accessing to Afghanistan but also Central Asia. You will have to fly a long way to get there :lol:
well china can construct a naval base in gwadar, a port in hantombota(sri lanka), and exploration in sri lanka, a port for calling in myanmar and india shouldnt even explore for oil in VIETNAM TERRITORY????
This shows the biased attitude of the communist(some)......
If they claim history on their side even india has its own historical boundaries which spanned from afghanistan in west, Mt kailash(china) in north, and including bangladesh in the east...
But now we have accepted the ground reality and we cant claim them as own claiming as history...
Hope china too accepts ground reality instead of talking history....
And i support India's actions whatever they take.....
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