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India to decide response after Pakistan attack


Aug 30, 2010
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United Kingdom
NEW DELHI (AFP) - India was to decide its response Wednesday after accusing
Pakistan of killing two of its soldiers and mutilating one of the bodies along the
tense border between the nuclear-armed neighbours. Foreign Minister Salman Khurshid said India would deliver a "proportionate
response" to the "ghastly" killings in Kashmir on Tuesday which he said were
designed to sabotage an already fragile peace process. The Pakistani military meanwhile rejected what it called Indian "propaganda" that
it said was aimed at diverting attention after a cross-border exchange at the
weekend in which a Pakistani soldier was killed. The two Indian soldiers died after a firefight broke out around noon as a patrol
moving in foggy conditions discovered Pakistani troops about half a kilometre
(1,600 feet) inside Indian territory, an army spokesman said. A ceasefire has been in place along the Line of Control that divides the countries
since 2003, but it is periodically violated by both sides. "There was a firefight with Pakistani troops," army spokesman Rajesh Kalia told
AFP from the mountainous Himalayan region, confirming the names of the men as
sergeants Hemraj Singh and Sudhakar Singh. "We lost two soldiers and one of them has been badly mutilated," he added,
declining to give more details on the injuries. "The intruders were regular (Pakistani) soldiers and they were 400-500 metres
(1,300-1,600 feet) inside our territory," he said of the clash in Mendhar sector, 173
kilometres (107 miles) west by road from the city of Jammu. Indian reports and a military source speaking to AFP indicated that the mutilated
soldier may have been decapitated, but further investigations and a post-mortem
were required to confirm this. Speaking on Indian television late Tuesday, Khurshid described the killings as
"inhuman" and "not the way civilised people deal with each other". "We need to do something about this and we will, but it has to be done after
careful consideration of all the details in consultation with the defence ministry,"
Khurshid told the NDTV news channel. "What will be done, in which manner, is something we will take a call on
tomorrow." Khurshid. "It is absolutely unacceptable, ghastly, and really, really terrible and extremely
short-sighted by their part," he added, promising that the response would be
"proportionate". "This seems like a clear attempt to derail the dialogue," he added. "We have to find
ways in which the dialogue is not sabotaged or destroyed." Relations between the neighbours had been slowly improving over the last few
years following a rupture in their slow-moving peace process after the 2008
attacks on Mumbai, which were blamed by India on Pakistan-based militants. In Islamabad, a Pakistan military spokesman denied what he called an "Indian
allegation of unprovoked firing", calling the Indian account "propaganda to divert
the attention of the world from Sunday's raid on a Pakistani post". Pakistan's army says Indian troops crossed the Line of Control on Sunday and
stormed a military post in an attack that left one Pakistani soldier dead and another
injured. It lodged a formal protest with India on Monday. India denied crossing the line, but a foreign ministry spokesman said Indian troops
had undertaken "controlled retaliation" on Sunday after "unprovoked firing" that
damaged a civilian home. The deaths deal a serious blow to efforts to ease tension in South Asia and
improve diplomatic relations. Steps such as opening up trade and offering more
lenient visa regimes have been a feature of recent high-level talks. Muslim-majority Kashmir is a Himalayan region that India and Pakistan both claim
in full but rule in part. It was the cause of two of three wars between the
neighbours since independence from Britain in 1947. The last major escalation in Kashmir occurred in 1999 in fighting that claimed the
lives of more than 1,000 combatants on both sides after India accused Pakistani
militants and troops of occupying strategic Indian peaks. The last major mobilisation of Indian troops to its border with Pakistan took place
in 2001 after an attack on the national parliament in New Delhi by five Islamic
Nothing will happen. Spineless govt. can't protect women in national capital can't be expected to protect our nation.

GOI's Response: Invite Pakistan team for another series. Aman ka Tamasha.

At least Pakistan Army has support of its people, Indian Army hasn't got this.

You can't cry about what some 2 Indian soldiers killed. Those attacks in Punjab were all done by militants wearing a military uniform and let me tell you 9 men were kidnapped recently. There is no proof these guys are soldiers. Do some research before banging the drums of war. Here:

It has been reported in the media that terrorists are using military uniform for gaining access to and attacking their targets. There are many examples of militants, dressed in security forces’ uniforms, easing their way into military installations by deceiving the outer security cordons. Recently, the Shia passengers in Mansehra were shot dead by terrorists in commando uniforms. In a similar attack on passenger buses which took place in Kohistan in February this year, the gunmen were again wearing military uniforms, as were the militants who attacked the GHQs in Rawalpindi in October 2009. Similarly, the militants who attacked the PNS Mehran Base in May 2011 and the PAF Base Minhas in Kamra in August this year reportedly took advantage of military uniforms to gain access to their targets. If my memory serves right, I remember that after the GHQs attack it was decided to shut down all the shops selling different items of military uniforms in the local market to stop unauthorised persons from purchasing these items. But this decision was never fully implemented. As a result, there still are a number of shops in the country supplying uniforms and accessories – which include rank badges, unit shoulder signs, caps, cap badges, arm bands, belts, boots, stitched uniforms and cloth for any type of uniform – of the army, navy, Rangers, Coast Guards and police. It must be noted here that no item of the PAF uniform is allowed to be sold in markets. New uniforms/accessories are issued to PAF personnel only after their uniform items are rendered unserviceable. The PAF personnel have to return these unserviceable items which are torn into small pieces and converted into cleaning rags. Hence, there are no chances of misusing any item of the PAF uniform. General Kayani must take serious notice of this security lapse on the part of the authorities concerned in the armed forces. Sqn-Ldr (r) S Ausaf Husain, Karachi, September 8.

The level of inhumane brutality suggests that militants were involved. A case to note:
“Pir Samiullah, a rival tribal and religious leader opposing Mullah Fazlullah's forces in the Matta region of Swat, and eight of his followers were killed in a Taliban assault on Dec. 16. Two of his aides were subsequently beheaded in public, while an estimated 40 of his followers have been captured. "The Taliban also torched the houses of Samiullah and 15 elders of his group," Daily Times reported.

After Samiullah was buried, the Taliban returned, dug up his body and hanged it in public. The Taliban made an example of Samiullah and those who oppose Fazlullah's rule.”

Not to forget the killing of how many? 21 policemen in the past month-was it past month or this month?

By the way I was in Lucknow during the Samjhauta Express attacks. Ohhhh... the war-mongering just wouldn't stop. If Indians did more than war-mongering and looking at the situation across the border of bombs going off every day they could possibly learn something. One little attack and the finger pointing begins without any investigation. Your government is doing very well... look at Pakistan's and see what delinquent or non-operational government actually means.
So some fanboys in IA can kill a Pakistani soldier because they lost a cricket match and when there is a response from TTP or PA (Proof still pending) they want to take an action?

Tells a lot about the maturity level of people being dealt with. These talks of endless rage and wrath are only to calm media and local population.
So some fanboys in IA can kill a Pakistani soldier because they lost a cricket match and when there is a response from TTP or PA (Proof still pending) they want to take an action?
Tells a lot about the maturity level of people being dealt with. These talks of endless rage and wrath are only to calm media and local population.
Stop posting cr@p. IA killed PA soldier because we last match.

3 days ago, Pakistan attack resulted in death of a pregnant woman on Indian side. So talk on topic.

Beheading and mutilation of enemy soldiers.

Indian Government isn't going to launch a war as much as their ignorant masses would like them to, they know diplomacy and a few phone calls is a better option to resolve the "misunderstanding" at the LoC.
We don't want war, we just want end to this Aman ka Tamasha.
Stop posting cr@p. IA killed PA soldier because we last match.

3 days ago, Pakistan attack resulted in death of a pregnant woman on Indian side. So talk on topic.

Beheading and mutilation of enemy soldiers.

Like you said, stop posting cr@p. The beheading of Indian soldier isn't the sign of PA more of TTP or other terrorists in the area. India is always very quick to blame everything on Pakistan with no concrete proofs ever.
Like you said, stop posting cr@p. The beheading of Indian soldier isn't the sign of PA more of TTP or other terrorists in the area. India is always very quick to blame everything on Pakistan with no concrete proofs ever.
Crap is when you say IA attacked PA because we lost the match. Grow up or don't discuss.
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