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India to China and the U.S.: We'll Go it Alone, Thanks


Oct 12, 2010
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India to China and the U.S.: We'll Go it Alone, Thanks

Officials and thought leaders in India are increasingly wary of these two global powers, which are both taking an interest in the country


A signboard is seen from the Indian side of the Indo-China border at Bumla, in the northeastern Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh / Reuters

Last week, I joined my colleagues Paul Stares, Dan Markey, and Micah Zenko in Delhi for a few days of discussions with senior Indian officials, experts, and journalists. We covered a fair amount of the U.S.-India political waterfront, including bilateral relations, China, Pakistan, and broader Asia. The discussions were quite lively: a great thing about foreign policy experts in India is that there are as many opinions expressed as there are people--a breath of fresh air after more constrained or sometimes just strained discussions with Chinese counterparts. While the variety of views we heard makes it hard to generalize, some common themes emerged. Put in rather stark terms, they boil down to:

Beijing is not trustworthy

An overarching theme was China's growing "confidence, hubris and economic ascension." Some Indians argued that China is challenging the existing power equation and trying to limit the extent of any other power in the region, particularly the United States and India. Not surprisingly, worry over China's intentions in South and Southeast Asia was paramount--and continued Chinese territorial claims to Arunachal Pradesh in northeast India were a central source of concern. (India has reportedly just sited missiles in the region.)

At the same time, the Indians with whom we met generally admired China's ability to get things done, particularly in terms of modernizing the country and developing the infrastructure. They would like to benefit more from China's market (wouldn't we all?) and are pushing hard to get the Chinese to open their doors to Indian pharmaceuticals and IT industries. Trade with China is booming, but India is rapidly looking at the same type of trade imbalance that the United States suffers with China. The Indians apparently spend as much time as we in the United States do in WTO adjudication over Chinese intellectual property rights infringement.

The U.S. is also untrustworthy

Generally, our Indian interlocutors--many of whom have spent significant time living in the United States--appreciate the free and frank dialogue that they have with their U.S. counterparts. They recognize the shared value of democracy as a key component of the relationship and see cooperating to advance common ideals such as freedom of navigation, transparency, etc.

They worry greatly, however, about the steadfastness of America's commitment to India, particularly if the United States is forced to choose between India and China. President Obama's failure to meet with the Dalai Lama before his trip to Beijing in 2009 was cited as one example in which the U.S. sacrificed principle (and presumably India) in order to improve relations with China. They also wanted to know the U.S. position on Arunachal Pradesh, and whether Washington would be willing to take on Beijing on this issue. Some of the calls for greater demonstrations of U.S. fealty to India may well have been a bit of political gamesmanship, but there was a core of not unreasonable concern over the extent to which the United States is a dependable political partner.

Ergo India will find its own way forward

Not surprisingly, the end-game is that India will chart its own course, relying overwhelmingly on no-one but itself. It is true that much of Indian foreign policy allies nicely with U.S. aims at the moment. For example, India is expanding its relations with countries throughout Asia, such as Australia and Japan (apparently a favorite of PM Singh), as well as advancing ties with more politically sensitive players, such as Taiwan and North Korea. Such a strengthening of relations among various Asian nations is precisely what the U.S. is seeking to keep Chinese assertiveness at bay. At the same time, on issues that cross business with politics, such as Iran, Sudan, and Burma/Myanmar, India is far more inclined to see common interest with China. India, unlike China, might support democratic transition in Burma, but unlike the United States has strong reservations about breaching sovereignty to promote democracy. In the United Nations, for example, India is far more likely to ally with China's position on sanctions and sovereignty than with that of the United States.

All of this suggests to me that however much Washington would like to partner with India in much the same way that it cooperates with Australia, Japan, and South Korea, that scenario is probably wishful thinking. Instead, Washington can take advantage of where interests with Delhi overlap--on China for example--but move cautiously on issues such as advancing India's desire for a seat on the UN Security Council, where our interests diverge far more than coincide.

India to China and the U.S.: We'll Go it Alone, Thanks - Elizabeth Economy - International - The Atlantic
actually quiet close to the truth . this has been a policy which has been adopted for the past 10 odd yrs . also not trusting the US completely is a throwback from our socialist days.
Well written observations of Indian POV. Instead of aligning with one of the poles in an increasingly multi-polar world, India can itself become one of the dominant poles for the stability of the global affairs.
This is inline with India's well established non-alignment stance since decades during the cold war. We will not be a side-kick to anybody.
actions speak louder than words and indian govt actions and discussions as revealed by wiki suggest india is led by timid weak people and aint gonna go very far in the forseeable future and are pro america.
actions speak louder than words and indian govt actions and discussions as revealed by wiki suggest india is led by timid weak people and aint gonna go very far in the forseeable future and are pro america.

Looking at present situation, I'd rather have timid leaders like India has instead of sherdil commandos Pakistan chose as its leader a few years back :cheesy:
actions speak louder than words and indian govt actions and discussions as revealed by wiki suggest india is led by timid weak people and aint gonna go very far in the forseeable future and are pro america.

And every action is manipulated in PDF, I think sir there`s more world out of this also where action says every country has it`s independent foreign diplomacy, so has India , So has pakistan.
Ergo India will find its own way forward
Absolutely bloody right, we will.
Very accurate reading of the overriding sentiments in India. We will side with China or the US where it suits us and will not side with them where it does not suit us. We do not totally trust either neither do we see the wisdom of jumping into anybody's camp or bed.

but move cautiously on issues such as advancing India's desire for a seat on the UN Security Council, where our interests diverge far more than coincide.
I do not think that the US or anybody can blackmail us with support for the UNSC permanent seat. We want it yes, but not at any cost.
So Obama gabe finger to Indians or is it The big fist Indians got.:)

Nothing unknown from you bro. you were more dear for America then India.;).. so you know better what they give or take in prior
What would be a definate sign for India from the US leading to more confidence? and I'm not talking about allowing AESA radars or something of, what I think, small in nature. rather what do you think of a big , bold and fair action from the US that you would love to see.

To me, the afghan- India agreement was a game changer action - big, huge sign ( of course it happened because of the US push and frankly a sucessful outcome is dependent on the US as a co partner( leading partner))

Don't get me wrong, being not all in with the US is great. It keeps both sides hungry to work more with eachother. But it will be equally naive to not recognize that US has helped tremedously. Some examples that I also call game changers- Leading in getting India's Civil Nuclear aspirations realized regardless of it not signing NPT, opening up latest tech weapons packages for sale, getting it off the ban dual usage technology list, offering NATO shield, removing all sanctions for the nuke test, tremedous intelligence exchange and training on anti terror activities, economic investments in India , out 100% quoto of visas given to outsiders, over 60% of them held exclsuively for Indians, leading the charge in getting India to be a perm member on UNSC etc etc.

India ofcourse is enjoying the best of both worlds. I don't know of any other major nation that gets both Russian and US/EU technology so freely available. I'm also not sure what the deal is with questioning US stance on Arunachal Pradesh. Thats quite a silly question to ask- ofcourse they are with India on it - and quite frankly why does it even show up as a question. AP is India's as much as New delhi is...do you honestly think what China thinks/says even matters anymore.
Looking at present situation, I'd rather have timid leaders like India has instead of sherdil commandos Pakistan chose as its leader a few years back :cheesy:

forget a few years back . their present ones look like they want to take the bull (America) by the horns and say lets dance.:lol:
What would be a definate sign for India from the US leading to more confidence? and I'm not talking about allowing AESA radars or something of, what I think, small in nature. rather what do you think of a big , bold and fair action from the US that you would love to see.

To me, the afghan- India agreement was a game changer action - big, huge sign ( of course it happened because of the US push and frankly a sucessful outcome is dependent on the US as a co partner( leading partner))

Don't get me wrong, being not all in with the US is great. It keeps both sides hungry to work more with eachother. But it will be equally naive to not recognize that US has helped tremedously. Some examples that I also call game changers- Leading in getting India's Civil Nuclear aspirations realized regardless of it not signing NPT, opening up latest tech weapons packages for sale, getting it off the ban dual usage technology list, offering NATO shield, removing all sanctions for the nuke test, tremedous intelligence exchange and training on anti terror activities, economic investments in India , out 100% quoto of visas given to outsiders, over 60% of them held exclsuively for Indians, leading the charge in getting India to be a perm member on UNSC etc etc.

India ofcourse is enjoying the best of both worlds. I don't know of any other major nation that gets both Russian and US/EU technology so freely available. I'm also not sure what the deal is with questioning US stance on Arunachal Pradesh. Thats quite a silly question to ask- ofcourse they are with India on it - and quite frankly why does it even show up as a question. AP is India's as much as New delhi is...do you honestly think what China thinks/says even matters anymore.

You got very close there, why do you want us to take sides. Why is it not possible for us to remain equidistant from every one? Yes, I admit that the US has been good to us lately, but the problem comes when in return for its favours, the US expects our blind support on issues like Iran, Myanmar or Syria. We are in no position to give such unconditional support because there are some areas where our views do not converge. That is why India is different from Australia or Japan or South Korea who support the US in everything it does. Also, do you expect us to ditch Russia who stood by us always and is doing so even today? India has strong views against use of military force to degrade the sovereignty of any nation while the US has been doing just this with impunity for many decades now. the point is that just as our strategic interests converge on many issues, there are also some substantial issues on which we differ. This aspect has to be understood, good relations with a super power is great but we do not wish to become camp followers.
This is how it is. Do not take this as a Marxist/Socialist inspired view or a NAM hangover. We want to retain our independence in choosing our own path for ourselves. We wish to retain an independent foreign policy. This is the reality. The sooner America understands this, the better.

Yes, the Arunachal thing is not very important. We know that the US will not go to war with China for India. We are working towards a point where China will realise that attacking India over Arunachal or Ladakh is no longer a cost effective proposition. It is called dissuasive deterrence. Your country has helped us in that endeavour, so has Russia, thanks.
You got very close there, why do you want us to take sides. Why is it not possible for us to remain equidistant from every one? Yes, I admit that the US has been good to us lately, but the problem comes when in return for its favours, the US expects our blind support on issues like Iran, Myanmar or Syria. We are in no position to give such unconditional support because there are some areas where our views do not converge. That is why India is different from Australia or Japan or South Korea who support the US in everything it does. Also, do you expect us to ditch Russia who stood by us always and is doing so even today? India has strong views against use of military force to degrade the sovereignty of any nation while the US has been doing just this with impunity for many decades now. the point is that just as our strategic interests converge on many issues, there are also some substantial issues on which we differ. This aspect has to be understood, good relations with a super power is great but we do not wish to become camp followers.
This is how it is. Do not take this as a Marxist/Socialist inspired view or a NAM hangover. We want to retain our independence in choosing our own path for ourselves. We wish to retain an independent foreign policy. This is the reality. The sooner America understands this, the better.

Yes, the Arunachal thing is not very important. We know that the US will not go to war with China for India. We are working towards a point where China will realise that attacking India over Arunachal or Ladakh is no longer a cost effective proposition. It is called dissuasive deterrence. Your country has helped us in that endeavour, so has Russia, thanks.

well done proud to have you her my indian brother
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