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India to be the greatest superpower

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New Recruit

May 7, 2009
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I still cant believe it! But here it is:

India the next superpower
China may decline


'India will be the biggest superpower'

The man in question, Clyde Prestowitz, president of the think tank Economic Strategy Institute and one of America's top foreign trade experts, was a counselor to the secretary of commerce in the first Ronald Reagan administration.

You have written that India will overtake the US in 45 years.

It is going to be India's century. India is going to be the biggest economy in the world. It is going to be the biggest superpower of the 21st century.

You are confident about that?

I am confident.
'India will be the biggest superpower'

The Dragon and The Tiger
Prospects for China and India in the 21st Century

India will get there (economic superpower) first and best for all the reasons above, but especially because of its two greatest assets:

The first is the English language. In the modern world of technology and business, there is no more useful tool. India’s most recent "native" tongue has been its greatest asset in building a global IT and business services industry. Anyone who doubts the value of an English-speaking education need only look at how many American consumer-products companies have outsourced their call centers to China instead of India.The other is the relative transparency allowed by its democratic government.

Any comments?

I am speechless bcos there is a slum just 2miles from my house.
lmao . yeh - superpower dont have - 16 hour ka power cut in metro cities . hahahahaha
dude - relax - we know we are getting up but no super power. slow and steady win the race - and big mouth only have fly and mozzie in their mouth.
Haha.. this is a bit too overstretched.We all know where we are right now and what we need to do, which is a lot.

lmao . yeh - superpower dont have - 16 hour ka power cut in metro cities . hahahahaha
dude - relax - we know we are getting up but no super power. slow and steady win the race - and big mouth only have fly and mozzie in their mouth.
ROFL :taz:
Lamo lol !! lets not too crazy with it all plzz .......
Heh Heh, just the sound of it is weird.

I'll be mighty pleased if india provides water, food, medical care, education, roads, electricity, security and better hindi movies :)

Just the kind of thread to post on this forum, Aa bail mujhe maar! :lol:
I think instead of dreaming of being a super power, we should act to become one. The capital of India still faces periodic one hour power cuts, despite privatization. There are still 270 million Indians living below the poverty line - totally unacceptable. When we achieve total poverty alleviation, complete literacy, only then should we boast about being a "super power".
But 2050 looks kind of possible to me. I don't give a damn to the concept of India being a military superpower. I don't think we should try for that. We should solve poverty, illeteracy, transportation, electricity, naxals, politics based on caste etc etc. And when we solve these, we should concentrate on leading the world in Research & Development. Again, 2050 looks reasonably fine for all of these. Most of us should be alive :-)
he he he he. oh man I could see the "target" tag on this thread from a mile away. :lol: Isn't this issue comes in most of the threads anyway so how are we going to discuss this any further.

Useless thread!!!
But 2050 looks kind of possible to me. I don't give a damn to the concept of India being a military superpower. I don't think we should try for that. We should solve poverty, illeteracy, transportation, electricity, naxals, politics based on caste etc etc. And when we solve these, we should concentrate on leading the world in Research & Development. Again, 2050 looks reasonably fine for all of these. Most of us should be alive :-)

I think I am more interested in india being military suprpwr
Any comments?



Let me ask all of you a question, as I posed in the other thread: who started the India vs China debate? It was not Indians, nor Chinese. It was Westerners.

Why they want this debate? Because if India and China fight, the trend of shifting the center of world weight towards Asia from West will surely be stopped and eventually reversed, very much to Westerners’ delight. Because only that, can they keep ruling the world, not purely by force this time, but more also by establish international norms of theirs and force others to follow.

How to prompt the fight? One group of Westerners pump up India and defame China, making a group of un- or under-educated Indians more ignorant and a group of un- or under-educated Chinese more angry. Another group of Westerners do the opposite, but with the same attempt to achieve the same.

Western colonists had used the same trick of divide-and-conquer in the past. The resulting devastations have been lasting to now. Just look around: the conflicts in Kashmir, Indo-Pak, Sino-India, Israel-Palestine…, which one isn’t caused by Western colonists? They are too many and too bloody! :taz:

Be vigilant!

BTW, the article has a lot of false points. It doesn’t have much value but serves the divide-and-conquer purpose
We better try increase the quality of life of our citizens at an individual level .This super power dream is just hype,has no real meaning to it.
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