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India: The World's Secret Silicon Valley

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all these companies has r&d all over the world if have any clue at all. their main core research are done in their home country. most of the stuff done outside are mostly low end patch jobs & customized products for local market. look at the so called cheap indigenous indian tablet..name one important electronic component is indian? lol the tablet is made from mostly low end components, yet no indian. :lol:
Write this same argument on this thread....
all these companies has r&d all over the world if have any clue at all. their main core research are done in their home country. most of the stuff done outside are mostly low end patch jobs & customized products for local market. look at the so called cheap indigenous indian tablet..name one important electronic component is indian? lol the tablet is made from mostly low end components, yet no indian. :lol:

You will find Indians behind the inventions of USB, AGP, PCI. Hell an Indian dude even invented the Pentium chip, his name is Vinod Dham look him up if you dont believe me.
all these companies has r&d all over the world if have any clue at all. their main core research are done in their home country. most of the stuff done outside are mostly low end patch jobs & customized products for local market. look at the so called cheap indigenous indian tablet..name one important electronic component is indian? lol the tablet is made from mostly low end components, yet no indian. :lol:

Name some original Chinese inventions used in modern electronics.Something like Transistors,Capacitors,diodes Integrated Circuits,MOSFETS etc...
You will find Indians behind the inventions of USB, AGP, PCI. Hell an Indian dude event invented the Pentium chip, his name is Vinod Dham look him up if you dont believe me.
Waiting for someone to write all these.....:smitten:
I hope to see this change, as Indians are capable of truly creating their own Silicon Valley, but this is not possible as long as India is a colonial puppet of the US, Britain and Israel. Indians are being played off each other just like in the British Empire days so they remain divided and weak.

What cracks me up is this kind of lazy analysis. No Indians do not work 12 hour shifts in poorly ventilated factories to make record profit for Apple, Chinese do. No Indians do not mob and attack employees of Apple to buy their products, Chinese did. No Indians do not flock to Walmart or KFC unlike their Chinese counterparts.

China has more inter-twined relations with US than India, after all Walmart loves you, you are their slave labor and hottest international customer, to call India slave to US, and yet, India does not even let Walmart operate on its shores, is tragic and lethargic analysis.

No, India is not slave to US (Walmart), Britain (remember Eurofighter did not win), Israel (the lovely little ones that help design J-10B), on the contrary China is the country that is dependent and obsessed about US.
i guess this article is enough for you. :cheers:
Micromax Mobile - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

see, most of you don't have clue. mcromax grow to where it's today by selling cheap chinese phones under micromax logo, and they still do. do some research first..:lol:
What cracks me up is this kind of lazy analysis. No Indians do not work 12 hour shifts in poorly ventilated factories to make record profit for Apple, Chinese do. No Indians do not mob and attack employees of Apple to buy their products, Chinese did. No Indians do not flock to Walmart or KFC unlike their Chinese counterparts.

China has more inter-twined relations with US than India, after all Walmart loves you, you are their slave labor and hottest international customer, to call India slave to US, and yet, India does not even let Walmart operate on its shores, is tragic and lethargic analysis.

No, India is not slave to US (Walmart), Britain (remember Eurofighter did not win), Israel (the lovely little ones that help design J-10B), on the contrary China is the country that is dependent and obsessed about US.

ohhh snappp....
but no use of this...chinese will always keep on calling others as Western slaves when actually their people are slaves of these western companies...
You will find Indians behind the inventions of USB, AGP, PCI. Hell an Indian dude even invented the Pentium chip, his name is Vinod Dham look him up if you dont believe me.

that is bs. thousands of people involved in the research project. that pentium chip is evolved from another intel previous chip. the indian dude just happened to be the head researcher. taking all the credits is absurd... oh wait, he's american :lol:
Don't expect the Indians (or "others") to acknowledge this, but you have to read the article carefully to see that even they can't hide the truth.

All these companies are foreign companies. Anyone who has worked in R&D knows that, for every one actual brain behind the research, there are a hundred assistants whose only job is to follow instructions. When a microbiologist wants to test out a new idea, she will write up the procedure and some nameless assistant will do most of the prep work. Similarly, when someone designs a computer chip, a whole group of generic engineers will do a lot of grunt work.

I am not saying Indians are not smart, of course you will find smart people in a pool of 1 billion people, but the fact that not one single company mentioned above is 100% Indian tells you the real story. The Indian education system is utterly rote driven. Memorize tables up upon tables of "facts", cram for an exam, and get a fancy degree.

---------- Post added at 06:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:31 PM ----------

that is bs. thousands of people involved in the research project. that pentium chip is evolved from another intel previous chip. the indian dude just happened to be the head researcher. taking all the credits is absurd. :lol:

Most of the Australians who come to def.pk are Indian-Australian. They just don't like to show their other flag.
What cracks me up is this kind of lazy analysis. No Indians do not work 12 hour shifts in poorly ventilated factories to make record profit for Apple, Chinese do. No Indians do not mob and attack employees of Apple to buy their products, Chinese did. No Indians do not flock to Walmart or KFC unlike their Chinese counterparts.

China has more inter-twined relations with US than India, after all Walmart loves you, you are their slave labor and hottest international customer, to call India slave to US, and yet, India does not even let Walmart operate on its shores, is tragic and lethargic analysis.

No, India is not slave to US (Walmart), Britain (remember Eurofighter did not win), Israel (the lovely little ones that help design J-10B), on the contrary China is the country that is dependent and obsessed about US.

Indians just have their children haul dirt on construction sites for a few hours of pleasure of British athletes at CWG. Not just slave, but field slave.

Israel had nothing to do with the J-10. No Israeli ever got anywhere near the J-10. The J-10 is just a 1 engine version of the cancelled J-9.

As for retail...


Only about 5 percent of China's retail enterprises are foreign invested (see Table 2). According to the PRC Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM), China had about 2,400 foreign-invested retail enterprises and $4.8 billion in total foreign retail investment by August 2009, 91 percent of which was invested after 2004.

On the other hand, if Indians opened their markets to foreign competition for 5 years, there'd be nothing left of India.
Don't expect the Indians (or "others") to acknowledge this, but you have to read the article carefully to see that even they can't hide the truth.

All these companies are foreign companies. Anyone who has worked in R&D knows that, for every one actual brain behind the research, there are a hundred assistants whose only job is to follow instructions. When a microbiologist wants to test out a new idea, she will write up the procedure and some nameless assistant will do most of the prep work. Similarly, when someone designs a computer chip, a whole group of generic engineers will do a lot of grunt work.

I am not saying Indians are not smart, of course you will find smart people in a pool of 1 billion people, but the fact that not one single company mentioned above is 100% Indian tells you the real story. The Indian education system is utterly rote driven. Memorize tables up upon tables of "facts", cram for an exam, and get a fancy degree.

---------- Post added at 06:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:31 PM ----------

Most of the Australians who come to def.pk are Indian-Australian. They just don't like to show their other flag.

i would partially agree with u that or education system is not that good..........
students are force to memorize answer instead of practical experience
Dam whats with all the hate
Just because a country manufactures chips it doesnt mean they are good at anything. Take TSMC for example, they are a massive semiconductor company but they are just a conveyor belt turning out chips. They buy their equipment and innovations from US companies. Whenever a new product is needed they told how to fabricate that chip by the contractor. Indian scientists are where the action is at, right at the pointy end of innovation.

I hate Indian trash talkers. Go ahead and try to name an Indian company capable of manufacturing 28nm chips. None exist and I doubt any Indian company will possess the technology or the expertise to do it in our lifetime.


TSMC Confirms 28nm Chips in Mass Production


Silicon wafer

TSMC Begins to Manufacture 28nm Chips for AMD, Nvidia, Qualcomm - X-bit labs

"TSMC Begins to Manufacture 28nm Chips for AMD, Nvidia, Qualcomm.
Nvidia Initiates Volume Production of 28nm Chips
[10/24/2011 01:45 PM]
by Anton Shilov

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company on Monday announced that its 28nm process is in volume production and production wafers have been shipped to customers, including AMD, Altera, Nvidia, Qualcomm and Xilinx. TSMC is the first contract maker of semiconductors to achieve volume production at 28nm node.

“Being the first to 28nm volume production demonstrates TSMC’s leadership in technology and brings great value to our customers through design wins with competitive products,” said Jason Chen, TSMC’s senior vice president of worldwide sales and marketing.

At present, TSMC produces chips using 28HP [high-performance with HKMG], 28HPL [high-performance low-power with HKMG] and 28LP [low-power with SiON] are all in volume production and 28HPM will be ready for production by the end of this year. The production-version design collateral of 28HPM has been distributed to most mobile computing customers for their product-design use.

According to TSMC, the number of customer 28nm production tape outs has more than doubled as compared with that of 40nm. At 28nm, there are currently more than 80 customer product tape-outs. The TSMC 28nm process has surpassed the previous generation’s production ramps and product yield at the same point in time due to closer and earlier collaboration with customers, the contract maker stressed.

Several key customers of TSMC have already started to receive the first wafers with 28nm products.

"We applaud TSMC’s success bringing a robust 28nm process to market, and we look forward to leveraging the benefits of this new process when we ship our next-generation discrete graphics products. The combination of AMD’s industry-leading graphics IP and TSMC’s manufacturing prowess will enable the next big leap in graphics performance with the parallel compute horsepower and power efficiency designed to meet the needs of even the most demanding gamer,” said Matt Skynner, corporate vice president and general manager of GPU division at AMD.

“Our close collaboration in developing 28nm processors will once again deliver the most energy-efficient GPUs and highest-performance graphics processors on the market,” said Jeff Fisher, senior vice president of GeForce business unit at Nvidia.

“Most recently, Qualcomm’s work with TSMC yielded our Snapdragon S4 class of processors, including the Snapdragon S4 MSM8960, a highly-integrated, dual-core SoC designed to reduce power in cutting-edge smartphones and tablets. The Snapdragon S4 class of processors are manufactured in TSMC’s highly sophisticated 28LP process, enabling Qualcomm to deliver the breakthrough combination of high performance and ultra low power to mobile devices,” said Jim Clifford, senior vice president and general manager of operations at Qualcomm.

“In our 28nm generation, TSMC’s 28LP process fits the requirement of Cyclone V and Arria V families with the lowest power and costs, and we have utilized the 28HP process for the industry’s first delivered high-end 28nm FPGA, Stratix V with the highest performance and the lowest power in high-performance systems,” said Vince Hu, vice president of product and corporate marketing at Altera Corporation.

“Building our 7-series FPGA and processing families on the 28nm HPL process in collaboration with TSMC is enabling Xilinx to lower static power by 50% while also increasing both raw performance and usable performance ,” said Vincent Tong, senior vice president of worldwide quality and new product introductions at Xilinx."
I hate Indian trash talkers. Go ahead and try to name an Indian company capable of manufacturing 28nm chips. None exist and I doubt any Indian company will possess the technology or the expertise to do it in our lifetime.


TSMC Confirms 28nm Chips in Mass Production


Silicon wafer

TSMC Begins to Manufacture 28nm Chips for AMD, Nvidia, Qualcomm - X-bit labs

"TSMC Begins to Manufacture 28nm Chips for AMD, Nvidia, Qualcomm.
Nvidia Initiates Volume Production of 28nm Chips
[10/24/2011 01:45 PM]
by Anton Shilov

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company on Monday announced that its 28nm process is in volume production and production wafers have been shipped to customers, including AMD, Altera, Nvidia, Qualcomm and Xilinx. TSMC is the first contract maker of semiconductors to achieve volume production at 28nm node.

“Being the first to 28nm volume production demonstrates TSMC’s leadership in technology and brings great value to our customers through design wins with competitive products,” said Jason Chen, TSMC’s senior vice president of worldwide sales and marketing.

At present, TSMC produces chips using 28HP [high-performance with HKMG], 28HPL [high-performance low-power with HKMG] and 28LP [low-power with SiON] are all in volume production and 28HPM will be ready for production by the end of this year. The production-version design collateral of 28HPM has been distributed to most mobile computing customers for their product-design use.

According to TSMC, the number of customer 28nm production tape outs has more than doubled as compared with that of 40nm. At 28nm, there are currently more than 80 customer product tape-outs. The TSMC 28nm process has surpassed the previous generation’s production ramps and product yield at the same point in time due to closer and earlier collaboration with customers, the contract maker stressed.

Several key customers of TSMC have already started to receive the first wafers with 28nm products.

"We applaud TSMC’s success bringing a robust 28nm process to market, and we look forward to leveraging the benefits of this new process when we ship our next-generation discrete graphics products. The combination of AMD’s industry-leading graphics IP and TSMC’s manufacturing prowess will enable the next big leap in graphics performance with the parallel compute horsepower and power efficiency designed to meet the needs of even the most demanding gamer,” said Matt Skynner, corporate vice president and general manager of GPU division at AMD.

“Our close collaboration in developing 28nm processors will once again deliver the most energy-efficient GPUs and highest-performance graphics processors on the market,” said Jeff Fisher, senior vice president of GeForce business unit at Nvidia.

“Most recently, Qualcomm’s work with TSMC yielded our Snapdragon S4 class of processors, including the Snapdragon S4 MSM8960, a highly-integrated, dual-core SoC designed to reduce power in cutting-edge smartphones and tablets. The Snapdragon S4 class of processors are manufactured in TSMC’s highly sophisticated 28LP process, enabling Qualcomm to deliver the breakthrough combination of high performance and ultra low power to mobile devices,” said Jim Clifford, senior vice president and general manager of operations at Qualcomm.

“In our 28nm generation, TSMC’s 28LP process fits the requirement of Cyclone V and Arria V families with the lowest power and costs, and we have utilized the 28HP process for the industry’s first delivered high-end 28nm FPGA, Stratix V with the highest performance and the lowest power in high-performance systems,” said Vince Hu, vice president of product and corporate marketing at Altera Corporation.

“Building our 7-series FPGA and processing families on the 28nm HPL process in collaboration with TSMC is enabling Xilinx to lower static power by 50% while also increasing both raw performance and usable performance ,” said Vincent Tong, senior vice president of worldwide quality and new product introductions at Xilinx."

no we don 't have.......

now plz change ur flag
Indians just have their children haul dirt on construction sites for a few hours of pleasure of British athletes at CWG. Not just slave, but field slave.

Israel had nothing to do with the J-10. No Israeli ever got anywhere near the J-10. The J-10 is just a 1 engine version of the cancelled J-9.

As for retail...


On the other hand, if Indians opened their markets to foreign competition for 5 years, there'd be nothing left of India.

Another crappy innuendo, true to your style, you make outlandish claims and hypothetical scenarios and hyperbole as your inference.

Go chug some more diapers for Walmart.. Slave!
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