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India takes dim view of British bid to broker Af-Pak strategic pact

oh.. PHLEASEEE .. stop flattering yourselves..

Iran can play a much tougher role than pakistan.. plus they have $ to do so.. pakistan can hope to play power politics one day when they stop relying on AID !!

Iran and Pakistan see fairly eye to eye on Afghanistan (at present, unlike the past)

I emphasize "fairly"

As for so called "aid" - the losses incurred by Pakistan during this war far supersedes whatever "aid" (most which ends up in American and Swiss bank accounts) could ever achieve. Using the same logic, why would india be involved - given that even today it's a larger recipient of international aid than Pakistan ever was
I have no idea why the UK is taking the lead in this role. It really is bewildering. The UK is a so far removed from this region and ground realities it is a joke. I am sick of the UK going around like it is still one of the big boys- the UK is NOT. The UKG should be so ashmed of the part they have played in the current issues (Empire) that they should stay the eff away from the issue.

And any talks that don't involveing ALL the big players in the region-Iran,India, Pakistan and China are doomed to fail.

Americans have outsourced this job to UK. Americans have so much heat in their bellies against them that it reflects when they negotiate, at the same time they need an exit. This has been already discussed that Britain will be a better negotiator than USA in this case.

As far as if UK is pro Pakistan then the time will tell what Pakistan was able to get from this negotiation.

Who cares why you Indians are complaining all the time regarding Pakistan matters whether its John Kerry appointment, Gawadar port, A'stan or Pakistan cricket league.:angry:
You guys are trouble makers you don't have any interests in A'stan, Americans assigned you job to spend money where they can't due to budget cuts in exchange they allowed you to do terrorism in Pakistan now they are going so you also have to pack your bags.:sick:

Look who is talking.

Your president has been called to negotiate because rest of the world and Afghanistan think Pakistan is trouble maker.
india has invested a lot in Afghanistan. it's point of view should be considered .

Iran and Pakistan see fairly eye to eye on Afghanistan (at present, unlike the past)

I emphasize "fairly"

As for so called "aid" - the losses incurred by Pakistan during this war far supersedes whatever "aid" (most which ends up in American and Swiss bank accounts) could ever achieve. Using the same logic, why would india be involved - given that even today it's a larger recipient of international aid than Pakistan ever was

and also a larger aid donor than pakistan ever was.
Pakistan Govt/Army dont want to see Indian Involvement in Afghanistan
we will try our level best to keep india away from Afghanistan

Rather undiplomatically stated - yes

No issue on infrastructure or other related assistance. But supporting our enemies and indoctrinating them against Pakistan would simply not be allowed. There have been cases where spies in the garb of "refugees" took advantage of our hospitality to afghan people. Exploiting human misery for political purposes won't be acceptable to either the "spooks" or the Pakistani qaum as a whole.

Something should also be done about the often mentioned "consulates" which for years we all know aren't doling out tourist visas either. This is an area where pressure may need to be applied in a post NATO/puppet karzai atmosphere which will hopefully be more cooperative.
india has invested a lot in Afghanistan. it's point of view should be considered .

and also a larger aid donor than pakistan ever was.

We've invested a considerable amount too. How many million afghan refugees did India house and provide free medical services too?

Do you share a long porous border with said nation?
We've invested a considerable amount too. How many million afghan refugees did India house and provide free medical services too?

Do you share a long porous border with said nation?
even lots afghans are also there in my Region
who thinks Pakistan is there first home
We've invested a considerable amount too. How many million afghan refugees did India house and provide free medical services too?

Do you share a long porous border with said nation?

Sir. I never said your point shouldn't be considered. u share a border with Afghanistan. so even if we want to counter your interests, we can't.
In a nutshell, yup!

At the end of the day, your countries "concerns" whatever they may be, do not figure in our calculations or agenda.

Every country will safeguard her own interests. Pakistan has a direct stake here, india has none.

Arm twisted by the Brits? :lol:

I seek your elaboration here

If I am not wrong your own countrymen site corruption, Regardless if it is corruption then I have to say I am not anti corruption in any context as long as the means leads to an end. In this case the interest of Pakistan should be served, don't you think?
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