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India Struggles With Its Strategy to Becoming a Great Power

You can be answered. For Food, do you Indians eat beef? For common ancestors, Pakistani Punjabis, Sindhis, Balochis, Pathans, and Kashmiris have nothing in common with Tamils, Bengalis, Gujaratis, Hindi speakers, and Assamese.

Muhajirs only make up a maximum of 5% of Pakistani population.

As for clothing, Pakistanis wear Shalwar Kameez. The Muslims of India wear Kurta Pyjama, while the Hindus wear Churidar, dhoti, and lungi, etc.

Perhaps will concede that Pakistanis and Indians may share the love for Briyani, but all neighbouring countries have something in common to a certain extent.

Even Chinese and Japanese have quite a bit in common even though they are enemies.

But Pakistan and India have way more differences than similarities.

Pakistani Punjabis, Sindhis and Mohajhirs have a lot in common with Indian counterparts
Pathans and Baluchis are distinct. They are 20% of Pakistan's population
Pakistani Punjabis, Sindhis and Mohajhirs have a lot in common with Indian counterparts
Pathans and Baluchis are distinct. They are 20% of Pakistan's population
That is where I disagree with you.

Pakistani Punjabis and Sindhis have nothing in common with Indians.
Muhajirs might be the only community and they make only a measly 5% of Pakistani population.
That is where I disagree with you.

Pakistani Punjabis and Sindhis have nothing in common with Indians.
Muhajirs might be the only community and they make only a measly 5% of Pakistani population.
Sadly, the ground reality is quite different. Greater commonalities exist between the entire Rajisthan- Sindh- Thar belt and the Punjabi rural areas of both than any other ethnicity.
Or are you suggesting that a Pakistani using cholay or daal versus an Indian using the same word has completely different meaning??

Burying heads in the sand or mistating realities outright to prove a point isn’t a proof of loyalty to Pakistan.

The third generation mohajir karachi dwellers whom you decry due to long existing ethic persecution have little in common as such with the Indian urban population.

The ones truly different are actually the Balochis and pukhtoons.

The key difference between thr cultures is Islam and the practice and values it brings to certain aspects of society.

The issue isn’t similar culture or language , it is economics and social independence in being able to practice Islam properly.

Indian Muslims are either losing their religion or resorting to ultra conservativism to survive. Sadly, most urban Indian Muslim will loose their relious thought out of society peer pressure or fear much as muslims in central asian republics lost it over generations.

As far as this ill informed article talking on the reasons for partition and current Indian ambitions are concerned; it is nothing more than the usual concieted and self righteous pomp coming out of the typical Indian a.k.a I can do no wrong.
Another nonsense shitty article which thinks the western way and tries to impose its definition on others. What does a great power mean? does it mean the unrivaled prosperity? power to impose on others? or err.... gaining immortality?

Every western influenced article has only one agenda of indulge in ridiculous d**** comparison contest. It simply displays open jealousy and disharmony of living with others. Just bcos western powers indulge in zero sum game it is applied to every one else. Simply put if some one else is happy I should be unhappy.

What the western powers dont explain that how India & china had been neighbors for 2000 years and conflict only started post 19th century most of it due to historical baggage of british colonialism.
Yes, So what? Each and every living beings on this planet struggle hard day and night nd get the dividend at the end.
That is where I disagree with you.

Pakistani Punjabis and Sindhis have nothing in common with Indians.
Muhajirs might be the only community and they make only a measly 5% of Pakistani population.

Pakistani Punjabi Muslims lived along side with Hindus and Sikhs. 70 years of separation has changed little in the way. Ditto with Sindhi Hindus and Sindhi Muslims. Pakistani Pathans and Baluchis have nothing in common with any Indian group. you have little in common with Tamils, Telugus, Bengalis and Assamese. I will grant you that.

In USA, UK, Australia and even the GCC states you are clubbed with Indians. Outsiders do not distinguish between us. It may make you mad. that is the reality
Sadly, the ground reality is quite different. Greater commonalities exist between the entire Rajisthan- Sindh- Thar belt and the Punjabi rural areas of both than any other ethnicity.
Or are you suggesting that a Pakistani using cholay or daal versus an Indian using the same word has completely different meaning??

Burying heads in the sand or mistating realities outright to prove a point isn’t a proof of loyalty to Pakistan.

The third generation mohajir karachi dwellers whom you decry due to long existing ethic persecution have little in common as such with the Indian urban population.

The ones truly different are actually the Balochis and pukhtoons.

The key difference between thr cultures is Islam and the practice and values it brings to certain aspects of society.

The issue isn’t similar culture or language , it is economics and social independence in being able to practice Islam properly.

Indian Muslims are either losing their religion or resorting to ultra conservativism to survive. Sadly, most urban Indian Muslim will loose their relious thought out of society peer pressure or fear much as muslims in central asian republics lost it over generations.

As far as this ill informed article talking on the reasons for partition and current Indian ambitions are concerned; it is nothing more than the usual concieted and self righteous pomp coming out of the typical Indian a.k.a I can do no wrong.
Agree to disagree then. Now the times have changed.

What you have said may have been true in pre-partition times.

Pakistani Punjabi Muslims lived along side with Hindus and Sikhs. 70 years of separation has changed little in the way. Ditto with Sindhi Hindus and Sindhi Muslims. Pakistani Pathans and Baluchis have nothing in common with any Indian group. you have little in common with Tamils, Telugus, Bengalis and Assamese. I will grant you that.

In USA, UK, Australia and even the GCC states you are clubbed with Indians. Outsiders do not distinguish between us. It may make you mad. that is the reality
No we are not clubbed with Indians.

We are merely known as South Asians in the checkbox.

Yes but 70 years have passed, much has changed since then.
Agree to disagree then. Now the times have changed.

What you have said may have been true in pre-partition times.

No we are not clubbed with Indians.

We are merely known as South Asians in the checkbox.

Yes but 70 years have passed, much has changed since then.
Ground realities will not change as much as we try to assuage ourselves.
The only possible difference is that a lot of poverty ridden Punjab is now under extremist ideals spread.
The Sindhi/Rajisthani axis is India is more free and educated as India abolished the cancer of feudalism.
But then the bias of Northern Punjab via its Feudal social system against every other area of the country is a different discussion .
Leaders of Great India to become great power...

Ground realities will not change as much as we try to assuage ourselves.
The only possible difference is that a lot of poverty ridden Punjab is now under extremist ideals spread.
The Sindhi/Rajisthani axis is India is more free and educated as India abolished the cancer of feudalism.
But then the bias of Northern Punjab via its Feudal social system against every other area of the country is a different discussion .
Well you are entitled to your opinion as I am entitled to my opinion.

Since when does Sindh have anything in common with Rajasthan?

Sindh has nothing in common with Rajasthan.
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