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India Shuts Down Internet To Prevent Mirwaiz From Addressing UN Geneva Convention

Abu Zolfiqar

Rest in Peace
Feb 12, 2009
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Palestinian, French Activists Join Kashmiris From Srinagar In Addressing UN Event In Geneva

Geneva March 18 (KMS): India on Monday shut down the internet service in parts of occupied Kashmir to prevent Kashmiri leaders, including Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, from addressing a United Nations Human Rights Council sideline event via video link in Geneva.

However, APHC leader Nayeem Ahmed Khan and an academic, Sheikh Shawkat Hussain, Professor of Law at Kashmir University, succeeded in recording their messages despite the shutdown, which were delivered to representatives of international NGOs at the Geneva event. Nayeem Khan is under house arrest in Srinagar.

Palestinian activist Issa Amro and Daniela Donges from Geneva International Center of Justice (GICJ) also addressed the seminar.

The panel discussion was presided over by Sardar Amjad Yousaf Khan, Executive Director, Kashmir Institute of International Relations.

American human rights activist, Karen Parker, said the Indian laws enforced in Kashmir “violate international law.” She described her interest in occupied Kashmir since 1990, and said she has seen little improvement in the situation on the ground there in 32 years.

Palestinian activist Issa Amro said military occupation is the same and what Kashmiris go through the Palestinians go through too. We are not asking to occupy India or America, he said, but that as Kashmiris and Palestinians we just want Kashmir and Palestine back so that our peoples could live peacefully in their land. He called for closer coordination between Kashmiri and Palestinian human rights activists.

Altaf Hussain Wani questioned what the United Nations has done to end impunity. Occupation forces walk away with violations. UN should have a law that stops states from giving impunity. He said not only Indian security forces are practicing repression but Indian judiciary is helping in the enforcement of repression.

Meanwhile, demonstration outside UNHRC Geneva was held which was organised out side the UNHRC Geneva to raise the voice for the oppressed people of Jammu and Kashmir. During the demonstration it was repeated that we will continue to give reminder to international community and UNHRC to come forward to stop killing of innocent people Shmaim Shawl on the occasion said that women of Kashmir is paying high price for her right we salute them and we will continue our journey to freedom .

Shamim Shawl also met high commissioner for HR she met NGOs and told her that we are thankful for appointing special rapporteur and we hope that we can get her guide in future.

India shuts down internet to prevent Mirwaiz’s address | Kashmir Media Service
Sad day again. These Indians want to slaughter our people and even dont want world to hear abt them is very sad and barbaric.
Palestinian, French Activists Join Kashmiris From Srinagar In Addressing UN Event In Geneva

Geneva March 18 (KMS): India on Monday shut down the internet service in parts of occupied Kashmir to prevent Kashmiri leaders, including Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, from addressing a United Nations Human Rights Council sideline event via video link in Geneva.

India shuts down internet to prevent Mirwaiz’s address | Kashmir Media Service

Sideline event. So was it really the UN they were addressing ?
sticking feathers up your butt doesnt make you a chicken

same way selling a few rhetorical lines about being "democracy" despite the contrary actions and conduct doesnt mean everyone will believe these people when they say they are

not out of character though

Sideline event. So was it really the UN they were addressing ?

it was a session of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva. Kashmiri as well as Pakistani and other allied partners are also pushing for the appointment of a special Rapporteur for Kashmir. Will be interesting to see what happens.
sticking feathers up your butt doesnt make you a chicken

same way selling a few rhetorical lines about being "democracy" despite the contrary actions and conduct doesnt mean everyone will believe these people when they say they are

not out of character though

it was a session of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva. Kashmiri as well as Pakistani and other allied partners are also pushing for the appointment of a special Rapporteur for Kashmir. Will be interesting to see what happens.

Oh yeah...come appoint reppoteur,. We'll give him 'grand welcome' :devil:
What's even sadder is that Pakistan does not want to do anything for its people :) (or may be is incapable of doing anything)
yes thats the problem........in the hopes of making peace in this region we r sacrificing our own people just to please indians.
Inshallah After 2014 this will change for good.
Except a bunch of disgruntled Pakistanis (who have failed in every single attempt at democracy till now)

the current PM (one I sure as hell didnt vote for) was voted in democratically and Pakistanis and the world accepted it.

there is hardly anyone across the world which questions India's credentials as a democracy. Wherever they are, they are in a small minority

sure a "democracy" where the majority of indians who live in the rural areas live in poverty, have no electricity, no running water or toilets --not to mention a caste system which very much still is in place

a "democracy" which claims rights to a land that was never its own; where the people of that land have consistently rejected india time and time and time again -to the point where "AFSPA" is applied out of panic and fright.

because a bunch of butt hurt Pakistanis dont like India's credentials as a democracy does not mean they are gonna change :)

there's nothing to be butt-hurt about......."butt-hurt" would be indians getting thrashed in cricket then beating up Kashmiri students (and then having the audacity to charge them with sedition) because they cheer in favour of Pakistan (which is what they do throughout Kashmir anyways) :)

sure they did - and I'm not denying that. However Kashmir is a disputed territory. Balochistan is not. Kind of like how Deccan Hyderabad is not considered disputed territory in india either.
Palestinian, French Activists Join Kashmiris From Srinagar In Addressing UN Event In Geneva

Geneva March 18 (KMS): India on Monday shut down the internet service in parts of occupied Kashmir to prevent Kashmiri leaders, including Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, from addressing a United Nations Human Rights Council sideline event via video link in Geneva.

However, APHC leader Nayeem Ahmed Khan and an academic, Sheikh Shawkat Hussain, Professor of Law at Kashmir University, succeeded in recording their messages despite the shutdown, which were delivered to representatives of international NGOs at the Geneva event. Nayeem Khan is under house arrest in Srinagar.

Palestinian activist Issa Amro and Daniela Donges from Geneva International Center of Justice (GICJ) also addressed the seminar.

The panel discussion was presided over by Sardar Amjad Yousaf Khan, Executive Director, Kashmir Institute of International Relations.

American human rights activist, Karen Parker, said the Indian laws enforced in Kashmir “violate international law.” She described her interest in occupied Kashmir since 1990, and said she has seen little improvement in the situation on the ground there in 32 years.

Palestinian activist Issa Amro said military occupation is the same and what Kashmiris go through the Palestinians go through too. We are not asking to occupy India or America, he said, but that as Kashmiris and Palestinians we just want Kashmir and Palestine back so that our peoples could live peacefully in their land. He called for closer coordination between Kashmiri and Palestinian human rights activists.

Altaf Hussain Wani questioned what the United Nations has done to end impunity. Occupation forces walk away with violations. UN should have a law that stops states from giving impunity. He said not only Indian security forces are practicing repression but Indian judiciary is helping in the enforcement of repression.

Meanwhile, demonstration outside UNHRC Geneva was held which was organised out side the UNHRC Geneva to raise the voice for the oppressed people of Jammu and Kashmir. During the demonstration it was repeated that we will continue to give reminder to international community and UNHRC to come forward to stop killing of innocent people Shmaim Shawl on the occasion said that women of Kashmir is paying high price for her right we salute them and we will continue our journey to freedom .

Shamim Shawl also met high commissioner for HR she met NGOs and told her that we are thankful for appointing special rapporteur and we hope that we can get her guide in future.

India shuts down internet to prevent Mirwaiz’s address | Kashmir Media Service
Since it's a Human Rights Council of UN ... can a case be made against how the poor persecuted Muslim Kashmiris made Hindu Kashmiris flee the valley? How threats of raping Hindu women and converting them were aired through the loud speakers of the mosques after the Friday prayer sermons.
Nah! its a capability issue.. Pakistan has tried hard enough a few times.. Both conventionally and unconventionally and failed. Also lost half of its country in an Indian retaliation.. Your leaders seem to have had enough of it..

Someone needs to brush up on their history a little bit. By the way, you may have forgotten about Point 5353

As for Pakistan "trying hard" -- we've lobbied on Kashmir's behalf and as far as I'm concerned Pakistan's stance is a principled one. What india does is oppress and suppress, and then cry every time some more hardliner elements actually do strike back (forget about the innocent protesters who are labelled terrorists and thrown into mass graves!)

Democracy has nothing to do with the financial situation of a country, or sanitation or electricity (if this was a criteria, Pakistan would certainly not be one) . Looks like you nodded off in your civics class ;)

I was starting to nod off to your post but this line woke me up. I never took a civics class :laugh:

I think india should focus on 800 million poor before worrying about Kashmiris who dont even want to be a part of india

That's not butthurt.. That's kambal pitaai, UP ishtyle..

I think getting your azz handed to you on the field and by Kashmiris supporting Pakistan (the enemy) did cause a lot of butt-hurt.

Hell - i even recall seeing some frustrated posts from you on the subject a couple weeks ago.

so much for "ishtyle"......that didnt win you further ridicule :meeting:

Human Rights have nothing to do with Disputed or non disputed status. While Kashmir was attempted to be discussed on the sidelines, the actual UNHRC meeting did discuss the HR situation in Balochistan.. Kind of tells you the direction world is leaning towards.. Eh ?

for them not to discuss Balochistan would make them cherry pickers....theyve focused on other issues in Pakistan when they came about, like blasphemy law or crimes against women (and I wont embarass you or india on this subject in this thread!).

The same panels (and I've watched them in their entirety) also make mention about the fact that in Balochistan a great deal of the human rights issues stems from tribal fighting and not the State Apparatus. And that includes the issues of missing persons. Perhaps if you focused less on trying to juxtapose Kashmir to Balochistan you'd have observed that too.

Now on direction the world is leaning towards --- i think it would be that of hypocrisy. Youre guilty of it, we are sometimes, the west is. But at the end of the day this is about the aspirations of people who reject indian rule, and always have.

The direction is that india will be best served accepting a Kashmir that is independent rather than using the same old lines which nobody believes anymore. For that will be the reality.
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