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India Should Supply Arms To Pakistan To Help Defend Its Borders Against U.S. Attacks

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Excerpt from PRESS RELEASE SEPTEMBER 6, 2008 The Nuclear Destruction of New Delhi/ Delhi Will Go Ahead Regardless of Whether the Nuclear Deal Goes Through

As I have repeatedly said (see my blog titled 'Nuclear Supremacy for India Over U.S.'), if the nuclear deal does not go through, the United States will try to take out India’s nuclear weapons program in other ways, from counter-proliferation strikes, nuclear and other, to enforced budget cuts, etc. and, without the nuclear destruction of New Delhi/ Delhi, India will continue to remain technologically, economically and militarily weak and will continue to slide into slavery to the United States. As I said below, through the nuclear deal, the United States is saying “Drop dead or I’ll kill you”. If India does not drop dead, the United States will pursue other options; the nuclear deal was simply among the ‘peaceful’ options; bribery and the control, through RAW and otherwise, of politicians, civil servants, the military and the media enable it to pursue numerous other ‘peaceful’ options; the nuclear deal was just one prong of the July 18 ‘05 joint statement and the defence framework agreement signed a few weeks before that. New Delhi/ Delhi’s politicians, civil servants, military, the media and population will continue to submit and collaborate in those other options; if the nuclear deal does not go through, it will not be for any lack of cooperation from the Indians in their own slavery which is multi-faceted and long-existing and is best illustrated by the Indians‘ collaboration, to the hilt, in the United States‘ crimes for the past 31 years against India‘s greatest scientist and greatest living Indian; a nuclear weapons program aimed at nuclear supremacy, which I urged in a letter to Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in December, 1982 which led to the start of the Integrated Guided Missiles Program, the Center for Advanced Technology, etc., simply threatens the United States’ ability to bring and keep India in a comprehensive state of slavery. The nuclear destruction of New Delhi/ Delhi will go ahead even if the nuclear deal does not go through.

Without an end of the cover up regarding the above scientist India cannot be free. The traitors in New Delhi have to die for the cover up to be ended.

It needs to be emphasised that, because of the nature of the United States, India has no options other than to kill or be killed/enslaved. Failing to adopt nuclear supremacy as India’s objective wastes invaluable time and those who cover up what I have been saying about this are as much India’s enemies as the United States itself.
PRESS RELEASE SEPTEMBER 8-13, 2008 The Nuclear Destruction Of New Delhi/ Delhi Will Go Ahead Regardless Of Public Awareness In Advance
The nuclear destruction of New Delhi/ Delhi is easy. The main task is to ensure that the people in India and outside know i) that it is going to occur and, so, are not surprised; ii) that, after the blast, India’s government will be in Hyderabad and its contact number will be the telephone number of DRDO. For that, these press releases of mine have to be disseminated both inside and outside India. With the Internet and E-mail, that is also easy. I have sent these to thousands of media organs inside and outside India. The more widely they are disseminated, the better. All those who are against India’s slavery to the firangis should pitch in. This includes all those against slavery to the firangis in Pakistan and other Muslim countries. Doing so and contributing their bit to the task of ending firangi rule over India will be infinitely more effective in stopping firangi attacks on Pakistan, for example, -- which, as I have said, are attacks on India -- than anything else they could do. About a decade ago, in letters to the press, I had urged Pakistan to disseminate nuclear technology, materials and even weapons to other Muslim countries as widely as possible and I have said below (in the addendum of August 4 ‘07 to December 6 ‘07) that Article 51 of India’s Constitution which says “The State shall endeavour to … maintain just and honorable relations between nations” implies it will do so also “by assisting victims of imperialism acquire necessary weapons, including nuclear weapons”. Disseminating these press releases by the Internet and E-mail is much easier. The people of China should also contribute in this task (note that in the press release dated September 3 ‘08 below, I have added “in China, in the Opium Wars to impose opium imports on China”) because the United States is the common enemy of mankind. The media in India are under almost total control of C.I.A.-RAW. But, with the Internet and E-Mail, individuals can wield the same power as newspapers, radio and TV. It is time that individuals against slavery to the United States in India and outside start exercising this power.

The nuclear destruction of New Delhi/ Delhi will, however, go ahead regardless of public awareness in advance. The politicians, the civil servants, the military, the media and the people in New Delhi/ Delhi will, of course, have been destroyed in the blast. The rest of India and the world outside can be informed of what has occurred, where the Indian government is and how to contact it, etc., by E-Mail and the Internet right after the blast.

Ideally, everyone in New Delhi/ Delhi will have been killed in the blast. In fact, however, there will be a gradient of destruction radiating from ground zero. If the media had carried these press releases, those killed would have been mainly the hard core traitors. As I have said in the press release of August 19-21, 2008 below, even the destruction of RAW headquarters and the main government complexes can be effective in destroying firangi rule over India, but it is better to kill too many, right up to the entire population of New Delhi/ Delhi, than too few. How many are actually killed depends on the media and those who control the media, mainly RAW and the media and RAW have made the choice not to inform the public before the blast. Either way, it makes little difference to the objective of the blast.

As I have said, the nuclear destruction of New Delhi/Delhi will be the first such use of nuclear weapons -- within the country, against agents of a foreign power -- and the next step, after the firangi rule over India has been destroyed, will be to attain nuclear supremacy over the firangi enemy and destroy it. India’s enemies, both in and outside the country, are rushing to avoid this fate. But a nuclear blast destroying New Delhi/ Delhi takes no time and, no matter how much they rush, they cannot avoid it.

As I have said, the United States cannot be deterred, only destroyed and nuclear supremacy requires a minimum of ten thousand nuclear warheads. To get the fissile material for these, all of India’s reactors will be run in the military mode. No IAEA safeguards will be allowed on any reactors or anywhere else. No light water reactors will be imported. No nuclear technology needs to be imported and none will be. Nuclear warheads will be tested to their full yields and missiles to their full ranges.

For India, this is a life and death issue which subsumes within it all other issues, whether of security or prosperity. For the main Opposition party, the nuclear deal is not even in its list of four election issues (The Telegraph, September 14 ‘08, Internet). It is time to put an end to firangi rule over India.
PRESS RELEASE OCTOBER 1, 2008 Instructions to State Governments and Other Entities Regarding the Impending Nuclear Destruction of New Delhi/Delhi

As I have said, after the nuclear blast in New Delhi, the dead will be left to leave the ground of the capital region covered with bleaching bones. Those who are far away from ground zero and survive will flee to the surrounding areas in Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Punjab and Rajasthan. There is not much the governments of these states can do to prepare themselves for the influx except be aware that it is going to occur and tell the people of their states to expect it. All state governments should know that, after the destruction of New Delhi/Delhi, India’s government will be in Hyderabad and its contact number will be the telephone number of DRDO in Hyderabad; further instructions will be provided by E-mail after the destruction of New Delhi. They will be funded by the new Indian government in accordance with my proposal about money; in the period immediately after the destruction of New Delhi, they should continue their normal functions so far as possible. The same for other entities that are part of or supported by the Central government. To avoid panic, the state governments should inform their personnel and the people of their states of the impending destruction of New Delhi/Delhi or face the consequences of not doing so.
PRESS RELEASE OCTOBER 2, 2008 Timing of the Nuclear Destruction of New Delhi/Delhi

The government offices are closed today but the timing of the nuclear destruction of New Delhi/Delhi, which will aim to kill the maximum number of traitors in the RAW headquarters and other government complexes as well as outside and will best be done when they are in their offices during working hours on a working day, will be determined by convenience and no day or time is ruled out.
PRESS RELEASE OCTOBER 11, 2008 After the Nuclear Destruction of New Delhi and Before the New Government of India in Hyderabad Begins Functioning

After the nuclear destruction of New Delhi, till India’s new government in Hyderabad starts functioning, questions and enquiries from the state governments and other entities should be sent to me by E-Mail at satchandra24@hotmail.com .

Those who would like to leave the New Delhi/Delhi area are free to do so; as I have said, the nuclear explosion will be just as effective in destroying firangi rule over India even if the entire population and all politicians, civil servants, military, the media, etc., leave New Delhi/Delhi before the explosion. However, the nuclear explosion will not wait for them to leave.

Beyond the nuclear destruction of New Delhi lies the economic prosperity and military supremacy of India and the nuclear destruction of the United States. There are costs -- time is the most important -- and no advantage in waiting for anything.
Excerpts from PRESS RELEASE OCTOBER 24, 2008 Why Are American Companies Providing India’s Satellite Navigation System -- Gagan?

In importing ANY electronic equipment from the United States, the following must be kept in mind :-

"(FEBRUARY 26, 2006) National security crisis due to microwaves from satellites:
I. Microwaves from satellites can be used not just for audio and video surveillance (see addendum dated February 10, 2006 to letter dated May 11, 2005, above). Three days ago, I had put my computer to sleep when I went to sleep. As I approached my work table on getting up a few hours later, the computer switched on without my doing it ; the C.I.A. had switched it on remotely by microwaves hoping I will continue something I was doing on the computer before I went to sleep and this occurred several more times. In the past, when I was doing something, such as preparing one of these letters to the press, on my computer, the screen would suddenly be replaced with, say, a Google search box without my doing anything and it appeared the C.I.A. was remotely controlling my computer over the Internet, but its switching on without being connected to the Internet or the telephone line showed the control was by microwaves. Even signals over the telephone lines usually travel, at least part of the way, over microwaves. This shows that the C.I.A. can control any digital equipment, not just computers, by microwaves from satellites. This applies to all digital equipment, such as that used in a multitude of defence applications, electric power grids, nuclear power plants, etc., even if the equipment is not connected to the outside world by telephone lines. This means that all digital equipment should be shielded so it cannot be operated by microwaves from satellites. The turning on and off of a television set, changing its channels, etc., by a remote is done similarly though TV remotes use infra-red rays instead of microwaves. In a letter to the press several years ago, I also mentioned that the C.I.A. was able to remotely monitor what was being typed on an old-fashioned electric typewriter."

"(March 23 ‘08) India’s nuclear supremacy and microwaves from satellites:
In a letter to the press a few years ago, I referred to Indians’ lack of appreciation of the importance of research and of scientists and gave an example of the Japanese in World War II thinking they had equaled the Americans in aircraft carriers, fighter planes and the rest and the Americans then came out with the atom bomb. In my addendum dated February 26, 2006, titled “National security crisis due to microwaves from satellites” below I described the threat to national security from microwaves from satellites. On the Bharat Rakshak online forum, an American who seems a C.I.A. specialist on India is asking that India acquiesce in a United States’ invasion and permanent occupation of Pakistan (and later of India). He says “even at the moment for example … Pakistan’s air-defenses have been electronically neutralized to allow the ingress of predator drones” and that “the USA has already electronically neutralized the Pakistani nuclear capabilities. The weapons are also dispersed in bits and pieces with no possibility of ever putting even one of these together. Doing so would invite a massive conventional or nuclear response from the USA. Only taking physical control and destruction of these weapons remains which should pose no major problems as the Pakistan armed forces are fully co-operative”. The electronic neutralisation of Pakistan’s air defences and nuclear weapons has almost certainly been done by microwaves from satellites as I said in the addendum dated February 26 ‘06 below can be done. India’s missiles and nuclear weapons can presumably be similarly disabled by microwaves from satellites but shielding them and other equipment from microwaves from satellites can easily be done with metal foil; communication links for missiles and other equipment may have to be redesigned so they work despite the shielding. DRDO should continue, taking control of the Indian government, toward nuclear supremacy over the United States described below."
PRESS RELEASE OCTOBER 26, 2008 ISRO Should Continue With The Moon Mission Normally Regardless Of The Nuclear Destruction Of New Delhi/ Delhi

The answer to the question above (“Why Are American Companies Providing India’s Satellite Navigation System -- Gagan?” ) is, of course, that such dependence and vulnerability is precisely the aim of India’s real ‘government’, RAW, which functions as a branch of the C.I.A. (see my blog titled 'What You Should Know About RAW'). RAW itself sits at C.I.A.-supplied terminals to participate in crimes against the only Indian who has been a threat to the continuance of firangi rule over India as do some cabinet ministers ( addendum of January 10 ‘08 in my blog titled 'Nuclear Supremacy for India Over U.S.'), media people, etc. Most politicians in India’s so-called parliament have fled New Delhi to escape the nuclear explosion but it does not matter who flees and who remains.

ISRO should continue with the moon mission normally regardless of the nuclear destruction of New Delhi/ Delhi.
bro, are u for real? you live in USA (according to what you say regarding location) and then call the people of that country firengees. then you claim invasion of Afghanistan is invasion of india, and how nuclear deal will destroy india.

have u even read the contents of the nuclear deal? not all our reactors are under inspection. we can still make nukes. as for the nuclear test restriction, we can carry out tests if pak or china does. even if we conduct a test without good reasons and lose the nuclear fuel supply, it will just bring us back to square 1, where we are now. we are not going to be worse off

now why should India send weapons to pak? for one pakistan makes weapons on their own, and don't need any from us. if they need extra weapons, they'll get them from china. even if they needed our weapons and help, why should we support pakistan over USA?

Stop living in a world of paranoia. If u have such a problem with USA, stop living there.
Objections to the Nuclear Deal
The objections to the nuclear deal can be arranged in a hierarchy:-
1) The first and a fundamental objection is spending untold billions of dollars on imported reactors instead of ploughing the money into India's own nuclear power program more advanced and more capable (thanks to its nuclear "isolation" and apartheid) than that of the United States in important ways. It can be expanded 10 or 20-fold so India becomes one of the world's biggest EXPORTERS, not an IMPORTER, of the world's best and most economical reactors with the shortest time for installation (all this is true of Indian reactors even at this moment). There is significant demand for Indian reactors from other countries. This by itself is enough reason to summarily and totally reject the nuclear deal. Indians, such as the head of the Nuclear Power Corporation of India, S. K. Jain, say they will not export them unless they receive permission from the white master. In an act of treason, the National Security Adviser M. K. Nayanan has said that importing uranium from non-NSG countries -- the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) is a cartel like OPEC -- will be against “international law”. Similarly, in another act of treason, External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee during his recent visit to Egypt said that India cannot engage in nuclear trade with other countries because it is not a signatory to the Non-Proliferation Treaty. These statements have gone unchallenged in India’s media controlled by CIA-RAW. India can extract an unlimited amount of uranium from sea water for which the Japanese demonstrated the technology and economic viability decades ago and for which India’s Department of Atomic Energy has developed indigenous technology but the United States has been suppressing this option because it will subvert its attempts to bring and keep countries like India in slavery and Indian politicians and scientists, bought up by the United States, are keeping quiet about it.

2) The second objection is that the imported reactors will be light water reactors. These will not only make India dependent in perpetuity on imported fuel and vulnerable to all kinds of pressures but, even if an unlimited amount of fuel was somehow magically guaranteed, it will fatally injure both India's 3-stage nuclear power program and its nuclear weapons program. This is so even if there was not an upper limit of 20% enrichment while reprocessing the waste fuel from the imported reactors. Light water reactors are inherently "proliferation-resistant" (that is, it is difficult to get bomb-grade material from them), though not "proliferation-proof". In any case, the 20% cap on enrichment (weapons and certain types of reactors require around 95% enrichment) cripples India's strategic (nuclear weapons) program-- because parity with or supremacy over the United States requires at least ten thousand nuclear warheads-- and ensures permanent slavery to the white man and permanent serfdom to India.
When the Russians offered the two light water reactors, now under construction in India at Kalpakkam, the Department of Atomic Energy had strongly opposed it correctly saying that it will only benefit the Russian nuclear industry and light water reactors will break India's control over the nuclear fuel cycle and subvert India's 3-stage nuclear power program as well as its nuclear weapons program. But Vajpayee shoved it down India's throat on the instructions of the C.I.A. which calculated that there will be less resistance to such a disadvantageous deal with the Russians and once a couple of light water reactors have been brought in, it will set the stage for a full-scale American assault to subjugate and disembowel India's nuclear program. A bought up Kakodkar is now lying and saying that importing Russian reactors was always in the plans. Press reports at the time of Manmohan Singh’s visit to Washington in July, 2004, during which he signed the joint statement of July 18, 2004 with Bush about the nuclear deal, etc., had said Kakodkar had strenuously objected to the deal but was silenced by the traitor ambassador of India in Washington by saying the Prime Minister had to have a “successful” visit. After he was bribed, Bush asked Kakodkar, during his visit to New Delhi in March, 2006 if he was happy now.
3) Then there are the various requirements in the July 18 '05 joint statement such as separation of civilian and military reactors, IAEA inspections on the civilian reactors including all imported ones, the necessity to get Nuclear Suppliers Group approvals, etc. which cripple India's nuclear program as a whole and bind it hand and foot to the United States.
4) Then there is the blizzard of demands and restrictions in the Hyde Act and previous U.S. legislation including the prohibition of testing (the latest 'concession' by the U.S. on testing simply says that, rather than a test resulting in automatic return of all imported U.S. equipment, the U.S. president may ALLOW India to conduct a test at his pleasure if India begs and convinces the White Master) that make India a total slave to the United States which, even under the documents, will be able to do any damn thing it wants to India in all its internal and external affairs-- a serfdom that is comprehensive and complete.
5) Then there is the United States' propensity and certainty of doing things to India-- once it has India dependent on U.S. reactors, fuel, permissions, etc.-- to arm-twist, blackmail and invade if the lesser breeds don't do everything it wants them to do-- the kind of things it has done and is doing to Iraq and will certainly do to India, including its complete nuclear disarmament, participation in U.S.-led military campaigns against other countries, the total colonisation of its economy and manpower to serve American needs, etc.
Indians on the C.I.A.'s payroll have been pushing this deal which should have been and was instantly and totally rejected, not just by me. The BJP/Vajpayee came out with a written statement rejecting the deal within a couple days of the joint statement of July 18 '05 (before the Hyde Act, the 123 agreement, etc.) but they have been yielding to the trangressions of Manmohan Singh progressively and now Advani says everything is fine so long as India can conduct nuclear tests in a Pokhran III! This is extremely stupid, to take the most charitable view of him.

Getting India's nuclear facilities under IAEA safeguards, whether or not India imports American reactors, has been a prime American goal because at least 75% of the damage to India's nuclear program would have been done once the facilities are placed under IAEA inspections, even if nothing further is done and no nuclear deal with the United States is finally signed and no foreign reactors, from the United States or from Russia or France, are bought. Any move to put Indian nuclear facilities under IAEA safeguards, beyond the ones under IAEA inspections at present, is a grave injury to the nation and an invasion of India like the American invasion of Iraq and deserves a response appropriate to an invasion. If the nuclear deal with the United States is abandoned but IAEA inspections are brought in on the pretext that they are needed to import reactors and fuel from Russia -- one prong of the American strategy and the Americans’ Indian collaborators has been to get the IAEA inspections in place without completing the nuclear deal with the United States and buy Russian reactors instead of American ones, to begin with -- the import of Russian reactors instead of pumping the money into the indigenous nuclear program will be an additional injury. I have said India's nuclear program should be designed and operated so that electricity is a byproduct of producing material for making weapons rather than material for making weapons being a byproduct of producing electricity. Manmohan Singh is still starving the Indian nuclear program of funds and still blocking the option of getting uranium from non-NSG countries, if necessary, though simply exploiting the uranium reserves in the country already known -- at present only 300 tons per year is mined though the known reserves are over 78,000 tons not counting the extremely rich deposits recently found in Ladakh -- is quite enough for India's needs. It is a lie to say that India's nuclear power production cannot be expanded beyond 10,000 MW on domestic uranium, though the production of electricity must be a byproduct of producing material for making weapons. A country that has ten thousand nuclear warheads and the means to deliver them to the continental United States cannot be restricted from importing, without IAEA inspections, etc., however much uranium it wants from wherever it wants by the United States or any other power; the power of nuclear weapons is what India needs; electricity can be produced in numerous other ways for the time being. Agreeing to even talks on new inspections with the IAEA -- an instrument of American imperialism -- are acts of treason and deserve punishment as severe as for the rest of the nuclear deal.
Nuclear supremacy over the United States has to be India’s national objective and its one point agenda (see my article ‘What is nuclear supremacy?’). The nuclear deal is totally incompatible with nuclear supremacy over the United States and deserves to be summarily rejected without going into any details. This is the most fundamental objection of all.
Nuclear Deal -- An Invasion Of India In Progress:

India's nuclear program is its only hope of casting off the yoke of slavery it has been under for a millenium and the so-called nuclear 'deal' with the U.S. is meant to strip that by making India dependent on unneeded and unwanted foreign nuclear technology and fuel (India designs and builds its own nuclear power plants and can even export them and makes its own nuclear fuel), stopping its nuclear research (such as by putting the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research and other institutions, which collaborate in its strategic program, in a 'civilian' list--this is a way of destroying them and India's strategic program by other means -- and closing down the research reactor CIRUS under false excuses) and binding it in chains (after making India dependent on unneeded and unwanted foreign nuclear technology and fuel, "US President has power to scrap agreement if after its enactment India detonates a nuclear device", thus capping and later stripping its nuclear weapons program). The United States' tactic is described by an Indian expression roughly translated as 'first catching a finger, then the wrist'. When it comes to the United States, especially in nuclear matters, especially in dealings with non-white countries, agreements, laws, treaties, etc., mean nothing; only raw power counts. The 'deal' has been portrayed in the Indian press, controlled by the C.I.A. through RAW, as something sought by India but which may only grudgingly be 'granted' by the U.S. Congress and government when exactly the opposite is true: it has been shoved down India's throat through RAW and C.I.A.-controlled politicians and arm-twisting of scientists and the show of reluctance by the U.S. Congress has been meant to make Indians feel they are getting something when they are being robbed of their future and their most vital national assets and all they are getting is a perpetuation of their thousand year old slavery and the stripping away of their only hope for independence. India should not let the United States anywhere near its nuclear program. Indian politicians as well as RAW are the C.I.A.'s servants.
Russia's independence has been stripped away by its unilateral nuclear disarmament I have described. A former U.S. defence official at Harvard crowed of the success of U.S. policy, comparing present day Russia to Nigeria and of turning a superpower into a medium-sized country that exports oil and gas. Soon the United states will be doing to India what it is doing to Iran, with IAEA inspections, threats of sanctions and invasions and the rest.

The assault on India's nuclear program is the present day version of a foreign invasion. Military supremacy over an invader is not optional but essential for survival. Military supremacy today means nuclear supremacy. But "nuclear supremacy" or "strategic nuclear supremacy" for India is not even mentioned by Indian politicians, press, ‘strategic experts‘, etc. Being ignorant and enslaved cannot be a permanent excuse. As I have said, many Iraqi generals were bought up by Americans in the course of their 2003 invasion but it did not make it any less of an invasion and the invasion was expressly called an invasion on Iraq's nuclear program. The fact that many Indian politicians and others have been bought up does not make this any less of an invasion. This is a war for survival and for independence and requires the energy, speed, commitment and a full spectrum mobilisation appropriate to a war.

The failure to even mention -- much less demand -- strategic nuclear supremacy for India on the part of Indian politicians, media, ‘strategic experts‘, etc., shows their commitment to continued slavery to the United States and the white man. The politicians and the media are the stonewall between the people and the twin objectives -- nuclear supremacy and rapid prosperity through my proposal about money (see my article, ‘How India‘s economy can grow 30% per year’ on merinews) -- that the C.I.A. has erected and maintains through RAW. Of these two objectives, nuclear supremacy is the more fundamental one; a demand for strategic nuclear supremacy will clear the way for everything else, including rapid economic prosperity, besides automatically requiring ejection of the nuclear deal. A demand for strategic nuclear supremacy is also essential for overcoming the subjugation imposed on Indians by the holocaust committed by the British, killing ten million in ten years following 1857 -- the killings undoubtedly continued in the years following the first decade after 1857 -- which is responsible for the subjugation to the white man the politicians, the media and others display. In the present age, the white man's ability to kill and subjugate is incomparably greater than that of the British in 1857 and this threat further deepens the subjugation and the slavery. By demanding strategic nuclear supremacy, Indians can overcome this subjugation and then eliminate this threat. There can be no more important item on the nation's agenda. In fact, this should be India's one-point agenda; everything else will follow as so many corollaries. A single-minded pursuit of strategic nuclear supremacy will revitalise the nation as nothing else can and inaugurate a new chapter in the nation's and the world's history.

It bears repeating that the nuclear deal is being IMPOSED on India -- the control of politicians and others by bribery, etc., is also a part of the imposition though the ultimate threat of military action is its foundation -- and this imposition is a manifestation of India's state of subjugation to the white man which has other aspects -- such as sending 80,000 postgraduate students to the United States every year, making no serious effort to educate them in India, putting half a million engineers and others on the payroll, directly or indirectly, of the United States every year, so they join the millions other Indians, military and non-military, on British payrolls willing to give their lives for their British masters and now are willing to give their lives for their American masters -- and an opposition to the nuclear deal has to be founded on an opposition to subjugation to the white man, which requires demanding strategic nuclear supremacy over the United States. Without demanding nuclear supremacy over the United States, you are leaving India open to the nuclear deal and other things being IMPOSED on a subjugated India, subjugated by killing uncounted millions in the past and the subjugation maintained by the threat of killing even more in the future. Weapons are the foundation of sovereignty. Adopting strategic nuclear supremacy over the United States as a national objective -- which is the operative part of sovereignty, rejecting subjugation to the white man -- will automatically make the nuclear deal untenable and unthinkable. Without adopting nuclear supremacy over the United States as a national objective, the nuclear deal also will continue to be IMPOSED on India by various methods. Adopting strategic nuclear supremacy as a national objective will not only ward off the nuclear deal and free India from subjugation to the white man but will also open the floodgates to prosperity and achievement in every sphere that a billion-plus people are capable of. Unlike the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, India's nuclear supremacy will be directed at eliminating the threat, because the United States, by its nature, will be constantly striving for nuclear supremacy. The threat must die for India to live. A single-minded pursuit of strategic nuclear supremacy is required for this.

Are the political parties saying they cannot communicate to the masses the necessity of military supremacy over India's number one enemy which is trying to impose total slavery on India?

When the United States sent its warships into the Palk Straits, in the area where it wants the Sethusamudram channel, it was in service of its plans to deny, by military occupation, India access to India's thorium deposits in case it cannot get India to switch to 'proliferation-resistant' reactors, etc. The International Atomic Energy Agency is a principal instrument of American imperialism used to provide grounds for invasions and occupation of other countries and calling its head an "honoured guest" of India is like Iraq's puppet government calling American occupation forces honoured guests of Iraq. Time is of the essence in acquiring nuclear supremacy for India and for removing, by machine guns and bulldozers or other means, all those who stand in the way of India's nuclear supremacy.

This brings up the point that any government of India, supposedly a nuclear power, behaves like a mouse. An agreement is only as good as your (military) power and willingness to enforce it. The United States flouts international agreements, ranging from the United Nations Charter (when invading or threatening to invade other countries, for example) to the earlier 123 agreement with India, with impunity and at will. The denial regimes, such as the Nuclear Suppliers Group which is the reason for India not being able to import Uranium freely and thus the reason for the whole nuclear deal, are nothing but an expression of American power as are unanimous UN Security Council resolutions in which Arab countries endorse United States invasions of other Arab countries, for example. I have said that if India HAS to get Uranium from outside India for any reason (though, in fact, it does not), it should plan on a military takeover of Australia rather than enslaving itself to the United States through this deal. But India's governments dare not utter a word about nuclear armed missiles capable of reaching the United States, much less a military takeover of Australia.

Denial regimes such as NSG (which is the 'cause' of India entering the slave deal known as the nuclear deal) and MTCR are nothing but instruments of United States imperialism as, indeed, is the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) whose inspections, etc., provide the basis for U.S. invasions and India should have nothing to do with any of them. The people should also demand what is being done for attaining strategic nuclear parity with and supremacy over the United States, both in the number of nuclear warheads and missiles capable of reaching the continental United States territory. The lack of such parity, or supremacy, is the key to India's slavery and, if you are silent on this, you are a collaborator in India's slavery to American imperialism. A demand for strategic nuclear parity with and supremacy over the United States is the key to blocking the nuclear deal and all the other prongs of the march into slavery to the United States and, beyond it, eliminating the threat from this psychopathic serial killer, as well as the key to rapid economic prosperity for India of a kind unprecedented in human history. Rapid economic prosperity for India will also hinder the purchase of Indian politicians, journalists( the last paragraph of a column by K. P. Nayar in The Telegraph of August 22 '07 described the routine planting of entire 'campaigns' in Indian newspapers by the U.S. embassy in support of U.S.-dictated policies; an article by Pranab Dhal Samanta in Indian Express of August 24 '07, page 11, misleadingly comparing India's nuclear deal with China's is an example of such readymade campaigns supplied by the C.I.A. through the U.S. embassy or through RAW), etc.
India Should Supply Arms To Pakistan To Help Defend Its Borders Against Attacks By The United States

India should supply arms to Pakistan to help defend its borders against attacks by the United States which, as I have said, are attacks on India. This should include the entire range of armaments -- ground, air and naval -- as well as nuclear arms. If Iran is willing to host Indian nuclear armed missiles to defend the region, including Pakistan, from the United States, India should deploy them in Iran also. The same for other countries in the region, such as Syria. As I have said, an occupation of Afghanistan by the firangis is occupation of India. India must act to militarily eject the firangis from Afghanistan without delay. I wrote a decade ago that it is India’s responsibility to eject the United States from the Middle East.

All this requires destroying the traitors in New Delhi first and it is time to do so.

As I have said, the nuclear destruction of New Delhi/ Delhi will open the flood gates to both economic prosperity for India and its nuclear supremacy over the United States and enable it to eliminate this threat, not just to itself but to the world (see my blog titled 'Nuclear Supremacy For India Over U.S.).

what a foolish idea!!!
"(From 'Nuclear Supremacy for India Over U.S.' )The refusal by ******** such as Advani to recognise the United States as India's number one enemy is sustained by thousands of C.I.A.-RAW-inspired headlines in India's media such as "Indian-American becomes Governor of Louisiana" which should instead say "Indian rewarded for conversion to Christianity with governorship: As reward for conversion to Christianity at age 18, as Americans themselves admit and his numerous published essays and articles on his conversion, Indian made Secretary of Louisiana's Health and Hospitals at age 24, President of the University of Louisiana system at age 27, then Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services in Bush Administration, then member of U.S. Congress and now youngest Governor in U.S. at age 36" ( Bobby Jindal: The Story They Don’t Want You to Read CenLamar: On Life in Louisiana ). Even more important are the thousands of headlines that are missing from India's media, thanks to C.I.A.-RAW, the story they really don't want anyone to know, saying "India's greatest scientist and greatest living Indian publicly tortured in Harvard seminar, systematically and totally starved for up to 3 weeks at a time, made semi-starved and homeless and even blind for years, kept under 24-hour audio and video surveillance as well as surveillance of communications and electrical typewriter and computer use, document creation and photocopying, etc., by satellite for more than past 3 decades, systematically harassed and in poverty and neutralised and robbed of his work at the cost of hundreds of millions of dollars per year, robbed of crores in his money and property in India by C.I.A.-RAW, forced back into exile in the U.S., all with full cooperation and participation of India's RAW and India's C.I.A.-RAW-controlled prime ministers, politicians and media -- to keep India poor, weak and enslaved: The most intelligent, most handsome man on Earth, a living Incarnation, plans nuclear supremacy for India in near future, to destroy India's number one enemy, the United States, with ten thousand nuclear-armed missiles and will machine gun and bulldoze into trenches all traitors who stand in the way."
PRESS RELEASE SEPTEMBER 22, 2008 C.I.A.-RAW Terrorism In India And Elsewhere And C.I.A.'s Subversion & Control Of Governments In Various Countries

From my direct knowledge of RAW and the C.I.A. whose target I have been for over 31 years, I have been saying for years that almost all terrorist incidents in India since 1983 have been carried out by RAW which functions as a branch of the C.I.A. I have also written below about the C.I.A.'s control of India's and Russia's governments (see addendum dated September 10, 2008 below), including Russia's intelligence agencies. I wrote, when Yeltsin was president, that the bombing of apartment buildings in Moscow which killed hundreds was carried out by Russian intelligence agencies and chided the Russian government for imitating India's RAW. Beslan residents and former Russian intelligence officers with direct knowledge have been vehement that the Beslan massacre was carried out by Russian intelligence agencies, as many massacres in India have been carried out by RAW. I find that something similar to what I have been saying is being said by others (see I. and II. below in this press release) though their knowledge is not direct like mine.

The nuclear explosion in New Delhi, centered on RAW headquarters, will put an end to C.I.A.'s rule over India, of which terrorism is only a small part (see my press release dated August 26, 2008 titled "What You Should Know About RAW" below). It is no use chasing individual groups, controlled by the C.I.A. directly or through RAW and other intelligence agencies in the region, intercepting their communications, etc. The problem of C.I.A. rule will only be solved with the destruction of RAW and then only temporarily. Firangi rule over India is much larger than terrorism and requires the destruction not just of RAW headquarters (which, in principle, could be done by conventional means) but a lot of the rest of New Delhi as well, so that the main government complexes are destroyed and this requires a nuclear explosion. The politicians, the civil servants, the military brass, the media, etc. have to be destroyed simultaneously and left to leave the ground of the capital region covered with bleaching bones. Just as a critical mass of fissile material has to be brought together for a nuclear explosion to occur, a critical amount of destruction of traitors in these various categories has to occur to enable the opening of the floodgates of economic prosperity for India and its nuclear supremacy over and destruction of the United States that will solve the problem of firangi rule over India permanently.

I. (From US Embassy & Marines linked to Islamabad Marriott Hotel Atrocity - US state terrorism in India and Pakistan? : US Embassy & Marines linked to Islamabad Marriott Hotel Atrocity - US state terrorism in India and Pakistan?, Gideon blogs on sulekha, Curr ) US Embassy & Marines linked to Islamabad Marriott Hotel Atrocity - US state terrorism in India and Pakistan?

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Tags: india pakistan us israel apartheid israel uk iraq afghanistan cia mossad terrorism
Delhi Serial Blasts
...more on Delhi Serial Blasts
The leading Pakistani newspaper the Pakistan Daily has reported evidence of a US involvement in the Marriott Hotel bombing atrocity in Islamabad (see "What was mysterious activity going on in the Marriott Hotel Islamabad by US Marines?":

What Was Mysterious Activity Going on in the Marriott Hotel Islamabad by United States Marines | Pakistan Daily ).
In short, according to this report, a key eyewitness, "member of parliament Mumtaz Alam who belongs to the PPP, the ruling party was there eye [and] witnessed the whole scene when the white truck of US embassy came to the gate of Marriot Hotel and US marines themselves unloaded the steel boxes from the trucks and shifted them to the fourth and fifth floors without passing through them the scanners at the entrance of the hotels. When the truck was there, all the entrance and the exit passage way to the hotels were closed. And now this blast has occurred at the Marriott, while that mysterious activity was going on."

US state terrorism is as American as apple pie from South America, Central America, the Caribbean, Africa and the Middle East from Occupied Palestine to US-invaded and bombed Pakistan (the first Anglo soldiers on the ground in the former British Raj since 1947 are US soldiers currently invading the Pakistani North West Frontier Provinces of Waziristan despite the protests of the first democratically-elected Pakistani Government in 10 years - the first Anglo troops on the ground in former British India since 1947).

For early US state terrorism from an eye witness insider, read Agee, P. (1975), Inside the Company. CIA Diary (Penguin, London) in which former CIA operative Philip Agee describes how his colleagues went around bombing Catholic Churches in Ecuador with the successful outcome that "communists" and "Socialists" would be blamed for the atrocities.

Of course US state terrorism is very likely to have been involved together with Zionist Israeli state terrorism in the 9-11 atrocity (see:

MWC News - A Site Without Borders - - Were US & Israel Behind the 9/11? , Former Italian President Francesco Cossiga: US CIA & Israeli Mossad did 9-11 ) .
Simple cause and effect tells us that US state terrorism is unquestionably involved in the post-9-11 carnage in Occupied Iraq (2 million post-invasion excess deaths, 6 million refugees) and Occupied Afghanistan (4-6 million post-invasion excess deaths, 4 million refugees) (see:

MWC News - A Site Without Borders - - 9-11 Excuse for US Global Genocide , "9-11 Excuse for US Global Genocide. The real 9-11 atrocity: 9-11 Million Dead in Bush Wars").
The role of US state terrorism and US-backed Apartheid Israeli state terrorism in violent overt and covert acts around the world is well attested from the US death squads in Latin America, Israeli and US involvement in the Genocide of Guatemalan Indians (the Guatemalan Mayan Indian Genocide that involved 0.1 million dead, one million in internal exile and 1.9 million 1960-1996 violent and non-violent excess deaths; see "Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950" (G.M. Polya, Melbourne, 2007:

MWC News - A Site Without Borders - - Gideon Polya and Body Count and Israel and Guatemala ) to the killing fields of the New American Empire that stretches from Occupied Haiti to Occupied Somalia and thence from Occupied Palestine, Occupied Syria, Occupied Diego Garcia, Occupied Iraq, Occupied Afghanistan and NOW US-bombed and US invaded Waziristan in now-democratic Pakistan.
The 1950-2005 excess deaths (avoidable deaths, deaths that did not have to happen) in countries occupied for some time by the US in the post-1945 era totals 82 million – and due to horrendous post-invasion excess deaths in the ongoing Palestinian Genocide (0.3 million), Iraqi Genocide (2 million) and Afghan Genocide (4-6 million) the death toll from US state terrorism and US-backed Apartheid Israeli state terrorism is steadily increasing.

The country-by-country breakdown of 1950-2005 excess deaths/2005 population ratio in the US and in post-1945 US-occupied countries (excluding Germany and Japan) is as follows (m = million; * indicates another major Occupier): US [8.455m/300.038m = 2.8%] - Afghanistan* [16.609m/25.971m = 64.0%], Cambodia* [5.852m/14.825m = 39.5%], Dominican Republic [0.806m/8.998m = 9.0%], Federated States of Micronesia [0.016m/0.111m = 14.4%], Greece* [0.027m/10.978m = 0.2%], Grenada* [0.018m/0.121m = 14.9%], Guam [0.005m/0.168m = 3.0%], Haiti* [4.089m/8.549m = 47.9%], Iraq* [5.283m/26.555m = 19.9%], Korea* [7.958m/71.058m = 11.2%], Laos* [2.653m/5.918m = 44.8%], Panama [0.172m/3.235m = 5.3%], Philippines [9.080m/82.809m = 11.0%], Puerto Rico [0.039m/3.915m = 1.0%], Somalia* [5.568m/10.742m = 51.8%], US Virgin Islands [0.003m/0.113m = 2.4%], Vietnam* [24.015m/83.585m = 28.7%], total = 82.193m/357.651m = 23.0% (for detailed tables and quantitative details of the carnage from US state terrorism, UK state terrorism and US-backed Apartheid Israeli state terrorism see: Global Avoidable Mortality: Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950 (2008 lecture) ) .

Indians faced with this evidence of horrendous US state terrorism should seriously consider Means, Opportunity and Motive (MOM) in the recent bombing atrocities in India – and finger points compellingly at US state terrorism and US-backed Israeli state terrorism.

The only beneficiaries from these atocites are Bush America and Apartheid Israel and the close ties of the US Government and CIA with both the Indian and Pakistani Governments and Security gives them a carte blanche to commit terrorist acts in the sub-continent – just as they had carte blanche to bomb Catholic churches in Ecuador in the 1970s.

Peace is the only way. Sanctions and Boycotts - successful against US-, UK- and Apartheid Israel--backed, anti-Indian, anti-Asian, racist Apartheid South Africa - are the way ahead to protect India , Pakistan and the world from US state terrorism, US-backed Israeli state terrorism and UK state terrorism.
II. (From What Was Mysterious Activity Going on in the Marriott Hotel Islamabad by United States Marines | Pakistan Daily ) Alex Jones
September 21, 2008
Votes: +5

Below is documentation of the
usa system of destroying governments--
even"friendly" govenments--which
has operated for 200 YEARS--
In fact it is the "friendly" governments
that are easiest to destroy because
they stupidly welcome the
usa destroyers into their lands.


News no. 14342 from www.uruknet.info :: informazione dall'Iraq occupato :: news from occupied Iraq :: - it

Operation Gladio: Interview With Daniele Ganser | 911blogger.com
Video: Operation Gladio - BBC Documentary. | 911blogger.com

Alex Jones' Prison Planet: The truth will set you free!
US military said to have establishest 'hit-gang' hunting dissident US GIs
samsung laptop review antec sonata at adereview.com
Butchered By The Brits - Their Role In Irish Terror
Alex Jones' Prison Planet: The truth will set you free!

Criminal Oliver North: Who Lost Nicaragua?
Islamic State Of Iraq Tallies Military Operations For Baghdad City, Anbar Province

report abuse

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Alex Jones

September 21, 2008
Votes: +4
Below is documentation of the
usa system of destroying governments--
even"friendly" govenments--which
has operated for 200 YEARS--
In fact it is the "friendly" governments
that are easiest to destroy because
they stupidly welcome the
usa destroyers into their lands.


News no. 14342 from www.uruknet.info :: informazione dall'Iraq occupato :: news from occupied Iraq :: - it

Operation Gladio: Interview With Daniele Ganser | 911blogger.com
Video: Operation Gladio - BBC Documentary. | 911blogger.com

Alex Jones' Prison Planet: The truth will set you free!
US military said to have establishest 'hit-gang' hunting dissident US GIs
samsung laptop review antec sonata at adereview.com
Butchered By The Brits - Their Role In Irish Terror
Alex Jones' Prison Planet: The truth will set you free!

Criminal Oliver North: Who Lost Nicaragua?
Islamic State Of Iraq Tallies Military Operations For Baghdad City, Anbar Province

Destabilisation is the name of the game

Rumours of War Destabilisation is the name of the ‘game’ :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dall'Iraq occupato :: news from occupied Iraq :: - it
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Routine and Systematic Torture Is at the Heart of America's War on Terror :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dall'Iraq occupato :: news from occupied Iraq :: - it
Uranio: otro muerto, y ya van 46!
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Common Purpose

Fear - The Most Effective Washington Power Tool
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How the spooks took over the news
Alex Jones' Prison Planet: The truth will set you free!
Incredible thread!

I think this guy appeared on the WAB for a day and was promptly banned.
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