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India should appreciate Pak’s efforts: Gilani

The same dumdum a few posts earlier -

Its such a shame tht despite seeing the truth u have closed ur eyes ?

Practice what you preach, respected gentleman (with a dirty mouth)

Look how rude i was?

Originally Posted by Pakistani Nationalist
U mean murder of 300+ young kashmiris in these recent months by indian occupying forces right?

And yes, do more.
Did USA hire asias poor man to do petty jobs now?:rofl:
Tell ur owner USA we will do wat suits our national interest.

Now shoo!
There is no agreement or mechanism between India and Pakistan to exchange prisoners terrorists and what a lame reply. :hang2:

You totally refuted the UN council naming of Pakistani Arif Qasmani in the Samjhauta attacks by calling my reply lame!

Live in denial buddy, it keeps you safe.

@ PN, do more then come back and beg for our appreciation. Now scat!
Thank u for trolling.......

How many kill indian soldiers kill their superiors and then commit suicide?
How many indian soldiers got killed when we took 57% IOK in 47?
Many indians died in kargil as well not to forget 65.
How many indian army officiers get caughting raping the wives of junior officiers?
and the list continues.....

I wonder how many kashmiris indians killed in IOK in just recent months?

When u start crying about stuff........do take a look in ur own GIREYBAN or collar....

Happy diwali siani.

I think i was on topic and my reply was not insuling to you............so as far i now i havent trolled................mean while mods will correct it.

and you spelled my name wrong
You totally refuted the UN council naming of Pakistani Arif Qasmani in the Samjhauta attacks by calling my reply lame!

Live in denial buddy, it keeps you safe.

@ PN, do more then come back and beg for our appreciation. Now scat!

What UN said is different thing Indian army col himself admitted RDX stolen from Indian army depot used to attack Samjhota express.
If you are not serious to take action then don't expect anything from us.:smokin:
This is utter nonsense, pure BS
why our PM Mr Respected Gilani has to give statements like these, when Omaba is visiting India?

No we dont want indian appreciation of anything.

Because our Prime Minister is a pure lame brain. Like come on our brave soldiers aren't fighting TTP terrorists to gain appreciation from the countries like Bharat. Or when in the past we really cared for their appreciation or anything from them.

Instead of asking for appreciation from Bharat he should improve his level of governance. With corruption every where in his government he is asking countries like Bharat to appreciate our efforts against terrorism. Is he gone nuts or what.

What UN said is different thing Indian army col himself admitted RDX stolen from Indian army depot used to attack Samjhota express.
If you are not serious to take action then don't expect anything from us.:smokin:

Don't tell lies please, I know you have been told that lie by the same people who protect arif qasmani that indian colonel admitted any such thing. Give me credible source, otherwise live in denial, that option is always open and already selected by the majority in your country.

Thats a lie, open your eyes, its not all AWESOME in your country.
Pakistan is fighting terrorists, but it must be accepted by Indians that freedom fighters are not terrorists.

Also, instead of making a drama after each incident, India and Pakistan should resolve that the dialog will continue regardless of extremist and terrorist incidents.

and patiently wait for the next incident to happen ?
Unfortunately, that does not seem to be an option.
As far as the charge of terrorism made by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh against Pakistan is concerned, it cannot be said with certainty whether the 2008 Mumbai attack was a rogue operation or elements of the Pakistani state were involved in its execution. What is clear, however, is that since this government came to power in March 2008, it has created a political consensus against the war on terror. The military found it feasible to carry out operations in Swat and FATA because of across the board political backing, without which no military campaign can hope to succeed. There has been a marked difference between operations carried out after the swearing in of the political government and the earlier forays since 2004, which were punctuated by peace deals and military actions in a see-saw approach. What should impel both India and Pakistan to cooperate with each other is the common threat of terrorism. Pakistan’s current government is very much willing to root out menace of terrorism as entire world including USA confessed Pakistan’s efforts to dismantle terrorist outfits. India must also play its role in unearthing terrorist outfits like RSS, Akali dil, Shev sena etc.
As far as the charge of terrorism made by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh against Pakistan is concerned, it cannot be said with certainty whether the 2008 Mumbai attack was a rogue operation or elements of the Pakistani state were involved in its execution. What is clear, however, is that since this government came to power in March 2008, it has created a political consensus against the war on terror. The military found it feasible to carry out operations in Swat and FATA because of across the board political backing, without which no military campaign can hope to succeed. There has been a marked difference between operations carried out after the swearing in of the political government and the earlier forays since 2004, which were punctuated by peace deals and military actions in a see-saw approach. What should impel both India and Pakistan to cooperate with each other is the common threat of terrorism. Pakistan’s current government is very much willing to root out menace of terrorism as entire world including USA confessed Pakistan’s efforts to dismantle terrorist outfits. India must also play its role in unearthing terrorist outfits like RSS, Akali dil, Shev sena etc.

Who told you they are terrorist organization?????
Is their any world organization declare them terrorist like they did with lots of Pakistani organizations ????

You are cleaning the mess you made in the first place, first light your and everyone else's house on fire then ask for appreciation when you go to extinguish it, common really.
You did the same after you attacked the town Naxalbari, and the insurgency controls 1 third of indian districts, worry about your own and we will worry about ours.
You did the same after you attacked the town Naxalbari, and the insurgency controls 1 third of indian districts, worry about your own and we will worry about ours.

well said, but please tell this to your leader mr. Gilani..who is asking for india's appreciation.
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