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India seminary wantsRushdie visa cancelled


Aug 19, 2011
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Mr Rushdie is due to attend the Jaipur
Literature Festival at the end of
The 64-year-old writer sparked
Muslim anger with his 1989 book The
Satanic Verses.

He lived in hiding for many years after
Iran's Ayatollah Khomeini issued a
fatwa over the book.
It was regarded as blasphemous by
many Muslims, who protested by
burning the book in public.

"Indian government should cancel his
visa as Rushdie had annoyed the
religious sentiments of Muslims in the
past," the Darul Uloom Deoband
seminary's Vice-Chancellor Maulana
Abul Qasim Nomani said in a release.

He said he had put his request in
writing to Prime Minister Manmohan
Singh and Congress president Sonia
"In case of no response from the
government, the Darul Uloom Deoband
will take appropriate action," he said.

Darul Uloom is based in the northern
Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, which is
going to the polls in February. The
seminary's demand to cancel the
author's visa has drawn support from
several political parties.
Correspondents say no political party
wants to antagonise the Muslim
community, which constitutes 18% of
the state's voters.

This is not the first time Mr Rushdie
has visited India. He has made many
private visits to the country and also
visited the Jaipur Literary Festival in

"Regarding my Indian visit, for the
record, I don't need a visa," Mr
Rushdie wrote on the micro-blogging
site Twitter.

Organisers of the festival said the
Indian-origin author did not require a

BBC News - India seminary wants Rushdie visa cancelled
expect the via to be caancelled real soon...its up election time aftre all...
seriously, the media needs to pay less attention to the whines of these small factions. If you got a problem with his book, then dont buy it. I am a Hindu, but I do not find anything wrong in MF Hussian's paintings.
Freedom of speech will be upheld no doubt. Unless this guy goes over the line to inciting violence then there should be no issue.
Good decision by GOI. This joker deserves to be slapped in his pudgy face.
GoI didn't make any decision yet... and dont hold your breath he will most probably be given a visa.

They will fold to pressure.
These deobandi Jihadi need to be kicked out, their Visa needs to be cancelled.

Indians support hate-monger over their own citizens. Lmao.
what is wrong with Sulman rushdie visiting India? He will be not here to preach anti-islam! Let him have his freedom visiting India.
If it hurts the sentiments of your people, why would you support the hate-monger? It could cause civil unrest.
well...just now i was watching NDTV news and there was a serious discussion going on this topic..Darul Uloom Deoband wants Mr Rushdie's visa to be cancelled...the main point was Mr Rushdie has made many visits to India before this particular one and this time the issue is hyped due to elections..all major parties giving their views to woo particular muslims class...one of the participants in the NDTV's show equated this Mr Rushdie's case with artist MF hussain's..he wanted an equal treatment just like MF hussain was banned in India., one guy also given the example of GITA controversy(book was banned in russia recently) that whole parliament filed a protest so y not any protest against Mr Rushdie's visit who actually carries blasphemy charges over him..still most ofthe people didnt know what exactly Mr Rushdie has written in his book, every one is just going with the flow..
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