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India’s secret ICBM ambitions


Jan 4, 2009
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India’s secret ICBM ambitions
Official Indian sources say India is capable of building an ICBM with a range of 5,500 km, but some dream a rocket that could reach 15,000 km. The development worries China, but New Delhi downplays the issue saying that it is only pursuing its own security. Meanwhile scientific work continues.

New Delhi (AsiaNews/Agencies) – India can extend the range of its nuclear range beyond Asia. The announcement was made by the Indian government's Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) which said that it had the technology to build inter-continental ballistic missiles (ICBM) that could extend nuclear-armed India's reach even beyond Asia. For some India harbours a secret ambition to develop an ICBM that could reach the United States.

“We have achieved the capability to make missiles with a range of 5,500km but the decision to develop an ICBM has to be taken by the political leadership,” DRDO Chief M. Natarajan said.

Last Thursday, the DRDO test-fired the intermediate-range Agni-III missile which has a range of 3,500 km (2,200 miles) and can carry a 1.5-tonne nuclear or conventional payload. This is within striking distance of Beijing and Shanghai.

India’s other long-time rival Pakistan was already vulnerable to India’s Agni-I (700-800 km range) e Agni-II (more than 2,000 km range).

Agni-III project Chief Avinash Chander said that a second test of the intermediate-range missile would take place in August or October.

Referring to Pakistan and China, former DRDO Chief K. Santhanam said that “India does not plan to be a global superpower but in the regional perspective a 3,500-plus-kilometre range IRBM (intermediate-range ballistic missile) is enough to deter adventurism from across our two borders.”

Commenting on the development, official sources said that the test was carried out with the tacit approval of the United States which looks favourably to India’s power as a counterbalance to China.

In Beijing authorities reacted by saying that they hope that a country as important as India would work to maintain and promote peace and stability in the region.

In order to allay any concern, New Delhi said that the new missile was not intended to threaten any country but only to increase its national security.

China and North Korea helped Pakistan develop the Shaheen 2 missile which has a range of more than 2,000 km. The rocket was tested in March 2004 and puts the whole of India within a striking distance.

India started working secretly on nuclear weapons after China conducted its first atomic test in 1964—two years after Beijing fought a brief but bloody border war with its neighbour.

New Delhi detonated its first atom bomb in 1974 and in 1998 declared itself a full-fledged member of the nuclear weapons state club.

For some experts the DRDO's dream—denied in public—remains an ICBM with a 15,000 km range, named ‘Surya’ or Sun, that could strike US cities. (PB)

If this happens will Pakistan surprise india like we did in 1998 because i think india wants to join this big 5 club on icbm USA-russia-China-Korea
I've heard a news and read on the net somewhere that North Koreans have worked on 10,000 km ICBM..could it be that Pakistan has got blue prints of it??? hehe ur rite we might surprise India again as always...
I've heard a news and read on the net somewhere that North Koreans have worked on 10,000 km ICBM..could it be that Pakistan has got blue prints of it??? hehe ur rite we might surprise India again as always...

I have heard something like this to that N korea gave pakistan ICBM stuff in return DR Abdul Gave them some Nuclear info some thing in this regard if any one know more please add
Could you share a few of those ICBM's with us? That will keep India under control.

Munshi as far as i know Shaheen-III an intermediate-range ballistic missile under development by Pakistan. The Shaheen-III missile started development around 2002 with a planned range of 4,000 km to 4,500 km(can reach europe). Few specific details are known as yet. Shaheen-III missile will be capable of carry both conventional and non-conventional payloads.If based on Shaheen-II then it will be a three stage missile with length of 19.2m and diameter of 1.4 m . On the other hand news appeared that it might well be a new missile with diameter of 2m and length of 12m with range of 4000km+. This might also be used as SLBM in future. and u need 5000+ to have icbm and there is a rumor that pakistan is working on the missile name tamuir there were allot of talk about it was even in wiki but now u cant even google it so i think this dream could be a reality if India gets it so will we by hook or crook hope this helps :pakistan:
India might at max deploy a 8500km missile. I don't see India deploying a missile greater than that.
India doesn't harbour any ambitions to field any SSM with a range beyond 5000 kms.
Our geopolitical requirements simply doesn't accomodate any such ambitions. Rest all is pure crap.

MBI Munshi,
What would BD do with an ICBM? Hit some Indian city with an ICBM? ;)
Talk to some of your strategic planners (if you have any), and see if they have any such contingency plans. I don't think that they would like to convert BD from "Shonar Bangla" to a "Glass and Radiation Graveyard" till Kingdom Come.
hey friends if it is a secret ambition then how come its out in the forum?
hey friends if it is a secret ambition then how come its out in the forum?

i don't think an I.C.B.M is a secret ambition for india, its an ambition and most people know India is working on I.C.B.M. even Wikipedia does!!!I.C.B.M IS A BIG catagory and range is very important it can be anywhere from 5000- 15000 or more.
I.C.B.M are no threat to pakistan or other satellite countries of india.
Even if India has an ICBM that is capable of a range of 10 000km or more, i doubt it if they will test it infront of the whole world. The Europeans and the Americans will start pissing in their pants, thats definitely not something India wants.
India doesn't harbour any ambitions to field any SSM with a range beyond 5000 kms.
Our geopolitical requirements simply doesn't accomodate any such ambitions. Rest all is pure crap.

MBI Munshi,
What would BD do with an ICBM? Hit some Indian city with an ICBM? ;)
Talk to some of your strategic planners (if you have any), and see if they have any such contingency plans. I don't think that they would like to convert BD from "Shonar Bangla" to a "Glass and Radiation Graveyard" till Kingdom Come.

Still snooping around, looking for posts by silly Pakistani kids telling PA to nuke USA, then posting them on worldaffairsboard and passing them off as the views of the average Pakistani?
An average Pakistani Citizen's Perception on War with the US
You must be so proud of yourself, trying to mislead Westerners. I guess if you guys can't beat Pakistan yourselves, you have to get the rest of the world on your side to help you.
Could you share a few of those ICBM's with us? That will keep India under control.
hmm, interesting... Have you ever thought about the consequences if bd tests such a thing?

I guess BD's govt would give more importance to economy than testing icbms (if that is possible).
Still snooping around, looking for posts by silly Pakistani kids telling PA to nuke USA, then posting them on worldaffairsboard and passing them off as the views of the average Pakistani?
An average Pakistani Citizen's Perception on War with the US
You must be so proud of yourself, trying to mislead Westerners. I guess if you guys can't beat Pakistan yourselves, you have to get the rest of the world on your side to help you.

OOHH, it hurts when these 'kids' are beaten? :agree:

It is not written in the post that it is by a 'silly Pakistani kid'. Your fellows clap for the childish comments from the same 'silly Pakistani kids' if Indian members avoid to reply. :angry:
OOHH, it hurts when these 'kids' are beaten? :agree:
You people can only beat uninformed and immature kids. Why would that hurt me?

It is not written in the post that it is by a 'silly Pakistani kid'. Your fellows clap for the childish comments from the same 'silly Pakistani kids' if Indian members avoid to reply. :angry:

Of course, you are right. Afterall to you guys, all Pakistanis, not just the kids, are evil people who want to destroy everybody with nuclear weapons, you just need to convince everybody else in the world of this "fact" too. :lol:

You can't even show me where a single one of my "fellows" who is mature and knowledgable has "clapped for the childish comments," can you?
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Still snooping around, looking for posts by silly Pakistani kids telling PA to nuke USA, then posting them on worldaffairsboard and passing them off as the views of the average Pakistani?
An average Pakistani Citizen's Perception on War with the US
You must be so proud of yourself, trying to mislead Westerners. I guess if you guys can't beat Pakistan yourselves, you have to get the rest of the world on your side to help you.
Seriously, I can't believe Indians can go this low.EDITED - Offensive
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