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India’s Mars exploration mission by Oct

Why is the cost of performing a task in space exploration so important? I never look up how much does it take to make a t-shirt in America vs India. So this is not important. If its important to you, than you can look it up and brag about it. But this is inconsequential to me.

cost is important for every cost & analysis . ex : in x- amount of money you accomplish 2 mission but in same cost i perform 4 missions that is cost benefit .

as per your opinion that is in consequential to us since you are from china .
what are the facts as per you . people see facts as per there wishes. i don't know whether India will be superpower in 2030 or not but no one can stop any one from dreaming for achievement. no matter how hard it is .

Its one thing to have a plan, another to brag. Many Indian posts fit into the bragging side. Though there are plenty of Indians in here that have common sense and logic.

cost is important for every cost & analysis . ex : in x- amount of money you accomplish 2 mission but in same cost i perform 4 missions that is cost benefit .

as per your opinion that is in consequential to us since you are from china .

I don't know about China. But in America, it cost more to do the same exact things as India. Also, American mars expeditions are more expensive than India's planned one as we have been sending not orbiters but rovers to Mars for over 10 years.
Tentative list of Mars scientific payloads

1. Mars Exospheric Neutral Composition Analyser (MENCA)
MENCA (Mars Exospheric Neutral Composition Analyser) is based on the technique of quadrupole mass spectrometry and it operates in the mass range of 1-300 amu. The scientific objective of MENCA is to explore the Martian exospheric neutral density and composition at an altitude of ~500 km and above from the surface of Mars and to examine its radial, diurnal, and seasonal variations. The low inclination of the proposed orbit will provide an opportunity to encounter Phobos, one of the two natural satellites of the Mars, on few occasions. This will enable us to estimate the upper limits of the neutral density distribution around it. The study of Martian exosphere is important for understanding the escape rate of of Martian atmosphere and its impact on Mars’ climate change.

2. Lyman Alpha Photometer (LAP)
Measurement of atmospheric deuterium to hydrogen abundance ratio (D/H) is vital to examine the escape process of water in the current atmosphere and also understand the loss process of water in the evolutionary history of a planet. Lyman Alpha Photometer (LAP) is a miniaturized ultraviolet photometer primarily designed for D/H measurement of the upper atmosphere of Mars. LAP will measure the present day D/H ratio that will be compared with the original D/H ratio estimated from observing pristine comets and asteroids. The comparison will tell us how much hydrogen and therefore water has been lost over the life time of the planet.

3. Methane Sensor for Mars (MSM)
It is designed to measure methane in the Martian atmosphere with ppb accuracy and map its sources. It is based on Fabry Perot (FP) etalon filters that work on the principle of multiple beam interferometry.

4. Thermal infrared Imaging Spectrometer (TIS)
It is a grating based spectrometer that uses un-cooled micro-bolometer array as detectors. TIS will measure thermal emissions from mars surface.

5. Mars Color Camera (MCC)
It is designed to work in the visible range (0.4 micron- 0.7 micron) and is optimized to work from a highly elliptical orbit 500 x 80,000 km.
Its one thing to have a plan, another to brag. Many Indian posts fit into the bragging side. Though there are plenty of Indians in here that have common sense and logic.

on PDF every one is trying to explain.
some go overboard some are reasonable but you reply as per post you don't paint every one with same brush .
and my basic question is cannot people of nation have dreams of achieving .
since before 300 years ago India had achicived a lot of things .
on PDF every one is trying to explain.
some go overboard some are reasonable but you reply as per post you don't paint every one with same brush .
and my basic question is cannot people of nation have dreams of achieving .
since before 300 years ago India had achicived a lot of things .

As I said, its one thing to have plans. Its another to brag. The fellow that post above you can actually make all these things under 25Kg. It would be impressive.
As I said, its one thing to have plans. Its another to brag. The fellow that post above you can actually make all these things under 25Kg. It would be impressive.

as per you stating the facts by government is bragging . so what if we can send only 10 kg still we are trying to send it why are you are so irritated.
i feel that sometimes we indians do tend to go overboard....how will this mars mission help us....sure it will get us some fame in international community......but how will it help an average indian on the street
i feel that sometimes we indians do tend to go overboard....how will this mars mission help us....sure it will get us some fame in international community......but how will it help an average indian on the street

there are lot of technological spin offs from this kind off projects.
i feel that sometimes we indians do tend to go overboard....how will this mars mission help us....sure it will get us some fame in international community......but how will it help an average indian on the street
we have already explained in other threads how these missions help in various fields. Lets say we plan to go to Mars by 2050. We develop plants that can be grown on space ship with min. amount of water so that there won't be shortage of food.

So you need fast developing and healthy plantation. Now considering size of population India has and soon we will face problem in feeding more people, we are already feeding now, that technology will be helpful in getting more crops in less time and less water.

Look at ISRO's Remote Sensing Satellites. When we started, people like you said same thing, what's the need but ISRO has saved hundreds of billions in avoiding damage by antural disasters, helping in managing them, also the resources and most importantly in saving millions of lives.

Always try to look at other side too.
we have already explained in other threads how these missions help in various fields. Lets say we plan to go to Mars by 2050. We develop plants that can be grown on space ship with min. amount of water so that there won't be shortage of food.

So you need fast developing and healthy plantation. Now considering size of population India has and soon we will face problem in feeding more people, we are already feeding now, that technology will be helpful in getting more crops in less time and less water.

Look at ISRO's Remote Sensing Satellites. When we started, people like you said same thing, what's the need but ISRO has saved hundreds of billions in avoiding damage by antural disasters, helping in managing them, also the resources and most importantly in saving millions of lives.

Always try to look at other side too.

sir aap explain bhaut accha karte ho.
Considering methane content, we may find methane eating bacterias/ or dependent single cell species. BTW we already sent few Martians in single cell organisms when US reached MARS first time. :D
we have already explained in other threads how these missions help in various fields. Lets say we plan to go to Mars by 2050. We develop plants that can be grown on space ship with min. amount of water so that there won't be shortage of food.

So you need fast developing and healthy plantation. Now considering size of population India has and soon we will face problem in feeding more people, we are already feeding now, that technology will be helpful in getting more crops in less time and less water.

Look at ISRO's Remote Sensing Satellites. When we started, people like you said same thing, what's the need but ISRO has saved hundreds of billions in avoiding damage by antural disasters, helping in managing them, also the resources and most importantly in saving millions of lives.

Always try to look at other side too.

Your answer seems mostly science fiction to me.....and i am pretty sure that when India planned to launch the remote sensing satelite,it knew its uses.What i see now is isro moving from missions which had practical benefits to the country to what you can call as fancy missions.Thats just my opinion,u have the right to have urs.
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