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India’s fastest supercomputer set to land in Bangalore soon


Nov 16, 2010
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India’s fastest supercomputer set to land in Bangalore soon

India’s fastest supercomputer will be soon housed in Bangalore. Sources with the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research and CSIR Centre for Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation (CSIR C-MMACS) confirmed to Express on the eve of National Science Day that, the yet-to-be-named high performance computing (HPC) system will be used for genome informatics (gene sequencing), geo-science informatics (earth, ocean and atmosphere) and engineering sciences (aerodynamics of planes, development of smart materials and computer-aided drug design).

The supercomputer, when operational, is expected to deliver a sustained performance in excess of 250 teraflops (T-Flops). “The system would be capable of performing 250 x 1012 Floating Point Operations (FLOPS) per second – more than 10,000 times faster than a normal computer with dual core processor. The complex problems generally associated with advanced scientific research would all now get a huge boost with the arrival of the supercomputer,” says Prof P Seshu, Head, C-MMACS.

As per the Top-500 list of supercomputers in the world published in November 2011, the biggest system in India is Eka presently with Tata Computational Research Laboratory, Pune. This system installed in 2007 is roughly around 133 T-Flops of sustained performance.
Supercomputers in scientific research can be utilised for modelling earthquakes, ocean currents, quantum chemistry and Astrophysics. In the 12th Five-Year Plan (2012-’17), the central government has decided to pump in funds to tune of Rs 6,000 crore to propel India into the elite supercomputing club.

“CSIR-CMMACS presently has 24 T-Flops system, which is listed among the top in the country. Over the next few years, CSIR plans to upgrade their supercomputing capacity to 10 petaflops (10 x 1015 ),” says R P Thangavelu, Coordinator, HPC Group, C-MMACS. A state-of-the-art data centre is being planned at the CMMACS facility in Belur, near Old Bangalore Airport.
A visualisation hyperwall is also being established to facilitate compute and data intensive scientific research. “Present high-fidelity computer simulations as well as the vast array of sensors spew out huge data (terabytes to petabytes). Thus, efficient data analytics and visualisation tools immensely aid the researcher to infer knowledge from data,” says Prof Seshu.
Prof Samir K Brahmachari, Director-General CSIR told Express that such a facility would play a crucial role in empowering data intensive scientific discovery in the fourth paradigm of science. “Today all the 40 CSIR labs in India are interconnected using the National Knowledge Network (NKN) which enables all the scientists to access the supercomputing facility remotely. The new system would enhance the capabilities in areas such as genome analysis, weather modelling, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and the like,” Prof Bramachari said.
The Top 10 fastest supercomputers in the world:

November 2011 | TOP500 Supercomputers

1 Japan - RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Science (AICS)
K computer, SPARC64 VIIIfx 2.0GHz, Tofu interconnect

2 China - National Supercomputing Center in Tianjin
NUDT YH MPP, Xeon X5670 6C 2.93 GHz, NVIDIA 2050

3 United States - DOE/SC/Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Cray XT5-HE Opteron 6-core 2.6 GHz

4 China - National Supercomputing Centre in Shenzhen (NSCS)
Dawning TC3600 Blade System, Xeon X5650 6C 2.66GHz, Infiniband QDR, NVIDIA 2050

5 Japan - GSIC Center, Tokyo Institute of Technology
HP ProLiant SL390s G7 Xeon 6C X5670, Nvidia GPU, Linux/Windows

6 United States - DOE/NNSA/LANL/SNL
Cray XE6, Opteron 6136 8C 2.40GHz, Custom

7 United States - NASA/Ames Research Center/NAS
SGI Altix ICE 8200EX/8400EX, Xeon HT QC 3.0/Xeon 5570/5670 2.93 Ghz, Infiniband

8 United States - DOE/SC/LBNL/NERSC
Cray XE6, Opteron 6172 12C 2.10GHz, Custom

9 France - Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique (CEA)
Bull bullx super-node S6010/S6030

10 United States - DOE/NNSA/LANL
BladeCenter QS22/LS21 Cluster, PowerXCell 8i 3.2 Ghz / Opteron DC 1.8 GHz, Voltaire Infiniband
Well done. Congrats India.

What make u think this is anachievement. This is bull ****. When world is building petaflop comps we r still stuck in teraflops. Got has released 2 billion last year to build 100 s of fastest comps India and still not even 1 has started.
What make u think this is anachievement. This is bull ****. When world is building petaflop comps we r still stuck in teraflops. Got has released 2 billion last year to build 100 s of fastest comps India and still not even 1 has started.

Its a never ending race, either you keep participating(in hope of winning some day) or you give up and hang up your boots. This is a move in the right direction and should be appreciated.
Buddy , India goes by its requirements, building super computer is not big task, its application that makes it.....now days i am using Intel 2nd Core i5 in my mac but using only 5 % of processing power...... I can do my even Pentium dual core easily .....
Buddy , India goes by its requirements, building super computer is not big task, its application that makes it.....now days i am using Intel 2nd Core i5 in my mac but using only 5 % of processing power...... I can do my even Pentium dual core easily .....

I beat you in terms of specs :D
The Top 10 fastest supercomputers in the world:

November 2011 | TOP500 Supercomputers

1 Japan - RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Science (AICS)
K computer, SPARC64 VIIIfx 2.0GHz, Tofu interconnect

2 China - National Supercomputing Center in Tianjin
NUDT YH MPP, Xeon X5670 6C 2.93 GHz, NVIDIA 2050

3 United States - DOE/SC/Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Cray XT5-HE Opteron 6-core 2.6 GHz

4 China - National Supercomputing Centre in Shenzhen (NSCS)
Dawning TC3600 Blade System, Xeon X5650 6C 2.66GHz, Infiniband QDR, NVIDIA 2050

5 Japan - GSIC Center, Tokyo Institute of Technology
HP ProLiant SL390s G7 Xeon 6C X5670, Nvidia GPU, Linux/Windows

6 United States - DOE/NNSA/LANL/SNL
Cray XE6, Opteron 6136 8C 2.40GHz, Custom

7 United States - NASA/Ames Research Center/NAS
SGI Altix ICE 8200EX/8400EX, Xeon HT QC 3.0/Xeon 5570/5670 2.93 Ghz, Infiniband

8 United States - DOE/SC/LBNL/NERSC
Cray XE6, Opteron 6172 12C 2.10GHz, Custom

9 France - Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique (CEA)
Bull bullx super-node S6010/S6030

10 United States - DOE/NNSA/LANL
BladeCenter QS22/LS21 Cluster, PowerXCell 8i 3.2 Ghz / Opteron DC 1.8 GHz, Voltaire Infiniband

List will change overtime .:D
This is indeed good news, 21 century will see the fast shrinkage of technology gaps between developed countries and developing countries. These techonologies should be available to billions of peoples in Asia and Africa.

Hope one day other developing countries like Pakistan and Bangladash can make it too.
Terafop comp are absolete India is still building them. Where is the race......lol. this comp will be used by scientists all over the country then y not build a system that's in top 10.waste of money. A pets flop comp costs like 20 million maxxxx. Got have given 100 billion where is that money.

Teroflop computers are obsolete? Is there are a rule that only the fastes supercomputers are useful and rest worthless? The more supercopmuters India has better. Doesn't matter if its a 250 teraflops or petaflops.

It will be in top 50 fastest supercomputers in the world. And I don't think thats useless.

Government will be providing 6000 crore INR over 5 years. So you ll see more addition to the list in coming years.
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