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India’s empty democracy can’t protect its people

overtaking Britain or America in steel production in 15 years

This is the original, then thank you.

I got more information with censorship than you, the key lies not in the review but brainwashing, if you do not have the ability to distinguish, that is more dangerous than a censorship.

You should feel more anger on your ignorance, why you are ignorant, you should feel angry for it.

Oh in 2012 you still need 15 years, while you made 4 years plan during Great Leap forward.
China has something worse, even Mao warned against it


Islamic Honor Killing in China: Husband Beheads Wife Because She lived "against Islamic law"

Chinese bride marries with £100 million dowry

Child brides resurface in China with shortage of females


Why will China have BOMBAY SLUMS?, when Mumbai is part of India :rofl:

Besides the number of slum dwellers in China is far greater than India.


India had nationwide blackouts prelevant from independence to present?

Besides, the above just a trailer considering China has the worst press freedom score.

dont compare random wounds with rotten flesh which engulfs half of the indian body!
40 million in 4 years!

that's 10 million in 1 year, that's 27400 per day, that's 1140 per hour, that's 1 in every 3 seconds.

man that mao was a great killing machine, Hitler must be turning in his grave.

this is worsening into rehashing the horrible indian statistics again if you can calculate the no of children under 5 years old who have died out of malnourishment. @1.6 million ~2 million per year,sum this one up again from the day of your independence to present under the rule of indian democracy!
Chinese censorship is anti-people and to weed out anything that is anti-Communist
Save your empty pity. No matter where it came from, every article in present day will read that China has better conditions than India, and I'm betting that they will all say that China is a better place to be born in than India, period. Don't wave your idealistic crap in front of us, we are tired of it. That being said, up to this point, our system of government has been PROVEN to work, that is why we are defending it, not because we are all paid by the government. Hell, if you look at the facts, you guys are more brainwashed than us to be saying that your government is somehow better.
That's pretty much the case of every country in the world.

Countries depend not on the quality of the government, but the quality of the people.

If this is the case, than India is not doing as well as it can. Its best and brightest all leave India and serve other countries.
nomad from Canada
Sorry but you're grossly overestimating the contribution of American capital to China's growth. The lion's share of China's foreign investment comes from other Asian countries (with Hong Kong and Taiwan contributing about half of the total), while America contributing only 10 or 15%.

I just took a 3-week road trip in China's relatively poor Sichuan and Yunnan provinces, immediately followed by a 3-week road trip in India's Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh surrounding its capital Delhi. The contrast between the two countries could not have been greater: China has gleaming new highways even in remote mountainous areas, beautiful new urban parks and landscaped streets in even minor cities like Xichang and Miyi that few foreigners have heard of, and no visible abject poverty anywhere urban or rural. India was the complete opposite: congested potholed roads everywhere, homeless people sleeping in roadside tents in cities and villages, and even in Udaipur, reputedly India's most beautiful city, you cannot walk a few steps in its streets without stepping on cow dung or being run over by a tuk tuk. Not to mention Agra, which is literally an open sewer as soon as you step outside the gates of the Taj Mahal.

From my personal experience, I have to agree with the author and make the conclusion that he dared not state openly: although we would like to believe otherwise, the Chinese totalitarianism has worked out far better for its people than the Indian democracy.
Jan. 21, 2013 at 3:16 a.m.RECOMMENDED2

India Is Losing the Race - NYTimes.com
In democarcy you wont have this...


Democracy has both positive and negative things.. Unfortunetly in India we have more second one.

This picture singularly demonstrates the positive side of China.

In China, people dare to voice their opinions regardless what the situation is.

In China, the armed forces are composed of quality people.

When quality people are at odds, they do not resort to killing or raping, but a compromise.

Thus, the tanks avoid the people, and the person eventually left after having demonstrated his desire and requests.

Whereas low quality, brain-washed people, especially the overwhelmingly many in Western democracy countries and their bad students countries in Asia and somewhere else, hilariously use this picture to lie in public: the tanks ran over the demonstrator. :taz:

What I would say to those fanatics (such as the fanatics in this forum) is FU! And stop lying in public, democracy! Show me the picture the tanks ran over the person. In fact, the person is well alive even today. Of course the liars of democracy ran away like cockroaches meeting sun lights.

This picture in some sense demonstrates to the world why China is so uniquely great, in past, perhaps in present and in the future. And no wonder it is the only country with the longest, non-interrupted, and well-documented civilization in the world.

Just a side note: democracy India kills more people every year than authoritarian China dose.
Save your empty pity. No matter where it came from, every article in present day will read that China has better conditions than India, and I'm betting that they will all say that China is a better place to be born in than India, period. Don't wave your idealistic crap in front of us, we are tired of it. That being said, up to this point, our system of government has been PROVEN to work, that is why we are defending it, not because we are all paid by the government. Hell, if you look at the facts, you guys are more brainwashed than us to be saying that your government is somehow better.

What a joke, did your censorland tell you Chinese have more free life than Indians. :lol:
this is worsening into rehashing the horrible indian statistics again if you can calculate the no of children under 5 years old who have died out of malnourishment. @1.6 million ~2 million per year,sum this one up again from the day of your independence to present under the rule of indian democracy!

But not 40 millions in 3 years.
But not 40 millions in 3 years.

you have shown a little bit of improvement accepting the fact of the 'phenonmenal' child deaths (<5 year-old) throughout the decades since independence under indian democracy.

BUT as I said on another thread about this:

1. that is only counting the <5 year-old category
2. on condition that the indian's system has improved a bit over the years meaning pre- 2010 or 2011 or whatever year stated in that statistics, a lot more kids of this category have died out of malnutrition
3. how about kids>5-year-old up to their adolescence
4. how about other categories, like the elderly

give it up man before another round of humiliation on india! And the figures of your malnutrition kids are supplied by UN.
you have shown a little bit of improvement accepting the fact of the 'phenonmenal' child deaths (<5 year-old) throughout the decades since independence under indian democracy.

BUT as I said on another thread about this:

1. that is only counting the <5 year-old category
2. on condition that the indian's system has improved a bit over the years meaning pre- 2010 or 2011 or whatever year stated in that statistics, a lot more kids of this category have died out of malnutrition
3. how about kids>5-year-old up to their adolescence
4. how about other categories, like the elderly

give it up man before another round of humiliation on india! And the figures of your malnutrition kids are supplied by UN.

Oh you are comparing infant mortality rate with Great Leap forward and cultural revolution, :woot:
Oh you are comparing infant mortality rate with Great Leap forward and cultural revolution, :woot:

we are comparing current occurance rather than something happened more than half a century ago which no one really knows for sure of the facts and figures.
we are comparing current occurance rather than something happened more than half a century ago which no one really knows for sure of the facts and figures.
we all have our social demons to deal with. this silly mud-slinging is hardly constructive.
we are comparing current occurance rather than something happened more than half a century ago which no one really knows for sure of the facts and figures.

But its the continuation of same system you have since 1949 and we have since 1947. :woot:
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