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Entire NLF was wiped out. The LGBs blew away many bodies, most of them didn't get proper burial. There remains didn't get soil from there mother land.

You remember American bone collection in Vietnaam??? It was a project to bring the remains of US soldier to home (many years aftr war got over). Pakistan will also bring up similar project after they end war on India.. One day Pakistan will give up the enimity.

Pathetic troll......since when have we started discussing Kargil now.????
Get a stock of yourself. I can post some pictures to give you a belly full.!!
Entire NLF was wiped out. The LGBs blew away many bodies, most of them didn't get proper burial. There remains didn't get soil from there mother land.

You remember American bone collection in Vietnaam??? It was a project to bring the remains of US soldier to home (many years aftr war got over). Pakistan will also bring up similar project after they end war on India.. One day Pakistan will give up the enimity.

Exactly, it was accepted by a retired high rank general that most of the NLI was wiped of and IA fired almost 1500 shells per person on an average. Some of them could not get final burial due to heavy artillery shelling.
It is a well known fact that Indian Army aviation is in bad shape, there are processes going on for Apache, LCH etc. which will join the forces soon. .

And whose fault is it Army was never supposed to have many rotatory aircrafts let alone the fixed wing this is not US we are talking about when our defence forces were made it was very clear that it will be the IAF which will give air support to the IA and yet IA acquired cheetah and Dhruvs bcoz of lack of FOBs of IAF and those meant just for ambulance role or small utility roles and now they are trying to buy LCH bcoz of their lack of coordination with IAF fine buy them but then why are MOD are giving Attack helos to IAF why so confusion??? make a decision wheather to allow IA to operate all kinds of helos or not and don't let other branch have them. Simple make a decision and save money but we are going to buy helo separate helos for both of them after all we have to waste money no.

Air defense by 'army' is relatively obsolete as the main are sa-6 & sa-125s which went through a mid life upgrade till 'Akash's fill them.

There is indeed a gap for modanising the forces but will be filled very soon. All these hue and cry is to fast track it.

Yes the missiles we are using are old but our air defence is still quite strong and does'nt have much loopholes.But yes air defence is one field where we will see the most development in the future.
India indeed suffered casualties but pakistani casualties are unknown.......why pakistan is hiding its casualties??????
such nature indicates a greater no. of pak casualties than of India.

Their casualties are unknown bcoz acc to them the ones who attacked us were either rogue NLF or bunch of terrorist so who gives a shyt how many died.:eek: But anyway don't go offtopic.
Entire NLF was wiped out. The LGBs blew away many bodies, most of them didn't get proper burial. There remains didn't get soil from there mother land.

You remember American bone collection in Vietnaam??? It was a project to bring the remains of US soldier to home (many years aftr war got over). Pakistan will also bring up similar project after they end war on India.. One day Pakistan will give up the enimity.
You are right,we dropped more than 75,000 kg's of bombs on them.Many of the bodies couldn't be found simply because of the severe intensity of the bombing and shelling.

Well in that case Indian should not be here in the first place...... As its defence.PK ......
Typical of you and your country men,unable to face the truth so they run off.
Entire NLF was wiped out. The LGBs blew away many bodies, most of them didn't get proper burial. There remains didn't get soil from there mother land.

You remember American bone collection in Vietnaam??? It was a project to bring the remains of US soldier to home (many years aftr war got over). Pakistan will also bring up similar project after they end war on India.. One day Pakistan will give up the enimity.

Exactly, it was accepted by a retired high rank general that most of the NLI was wiped of and IA fired almost 1500 shells per person on an average. Some of them could not get final burial due to heavy artillery shelling.

You are right,we dropped more than 75,000 kg's of bombs on them.Many of the bodies couldn't be found simply because of the severe intensity of the bombing and shelling.
You must have been bombing your own positions....maybe that's the cause for the infamous Kargil Coffin fiasco. ...Albeit, this thread has nothing to do with the likes of Kargil, but since you Indians are the very victims of your own media, here is some reality check.

Near Tiger Hill, Point 5353 still Pak-occupied - Indian Express

What say.....objectives achieved. !!!
Man this thread has become a river. It is going through every aspect of Indo-Pak relations:)
Typical of you and your country men,unable to face the truth so they run off.

Wrong again..... I am applying your logic..... and it says you are not suppose to be here..... But instead we see indians every day talking about Pakistan and its problem..... why do you guys have such double standards???

Man, as to how many times we have discussed that, the point was not occupied as we decided not to from a logistical point of view and was not very strategically important as this point goes over the line of LOC it is not known who owned that point.

But if you are still happy in occupting one, then please be happy like your failed attempts on Siachen Glacier.
You must have been bombing your own positions....maybe that's the cause for the infamous Kargil Coffin fiasco. ...Albeit, this thread has nothing to do with the likes of Kargil, but since you Indians are the very victims of your own media, here is some reality check.

Near Tiger Hill, Point 5353 still Pak-occupied - Indian Express

What say.....objectives achieved. !!!

It is just like a severe defeat in boxing match, looser argued that "Jo maine wo ek maara tha na, mast maara tha"!!! :lol:
You must have been bombing your own positions....maybe that's the cause for the infamous Kargil Coffin fiasco. ...Albeit, this thread has nothing to do with the likes of Kargil, but since you Indians are the very victims of your own media, here is some reality check.

Near Tiger Hill, Point 5353 still Pak-occupied - Indian Express

What say.....objectives achieved. !!!
You accepted defeat.
Objectives achieved.
Ill-conceived planning by Musharraf led to second major military defeat in Kargil: PML-N - PakTribune
Man, as to how many times we have discussed that, the point was not occupied as we decided not to from a logistical point of view and was not very strategically important.

Still u bring that???...

While the point is clearly on the Indian side of the LoC, it remains in Pakistani control which has fortified it with reinforced bunkers and has even built a special road nearby to carry up supplies for soldiers.

The Indian Army, which made several unsuccessful attempts to occupy the post after the Kargil war, has since given up the post as “untenable” given the geography of the region that makes it fairly easy for Pakistani troops to climb.

What makes Point 5353 so valuable for the two armies is that it has a clear view of the national highway that connects the Kashmir valley with Kargil. The main reason the Army retaliated hard to the Pakistani intrusion in 1999 was that disruption of traffic on the road would cut off supplies to Ladakh and the Siachen glacier.

Dude, these are not my words but quotes from your own media.
While the point is clearly on the Indian side of the LoC, it remains in Pakistani control which has fortified it with reinforced bunkers and has even built a special road nearby to carry up supplies for soldiers.

The Indian Army, which made several unsuccessful attempts to occupy the post after the Kargil war, has since given up the post as “untenable” given the geography of the region that makes it fairly easy for Pakistani troops to climb.

What makes Point 5353 so valuable for the two armies is that it has a clear view of the national highway that connects the Kashmir valley with Kargil. The main reason the Army retaliated hard to the Pakistani intrusion in 1999 was that disruption of traffic on the road would cut off supplies to Ladakh and the Siachen glacier.

Dude, these are not my words but quotes from your own media.
Oh then that post gona need Pinaka system ASAP
While the point is clearly on the Indian side of the LoC, it remains in Pakistani control which has fortified it with reinforced bunkers and has even built a special road nearby to carry up supplies for soldiers.

The Indian Army, which made several unsuccessful attempts to occupy the post after the Kargil war, has since given up the post as “untenable” given the geography of the region that makes it fairly easy for Pakistani troops to climb.

What makes Point 5353 so valuable for the two armies is that it has a clear view of the national highway that connects the Kashmir valley with Kargil. The main reason the Army retaliated hard to the Pakistani intrusion in 1999 was that disruption of traffic on the road would cut off supplies to Ladakh and the Siachen glacier.

Dude, these are not my words but quotes from your own media.

Srinagar-Leh highway is some 20km far away from point 5353 so your comment is mostly exaggeration. We also have an alternate route to Kargil though Manali-Leh highway which is being converted into all weather highway with a 8.8km long tunnel which proves that point 5353 is just a white elephant for Pakistan Army and there is not much cheering about it. Even the control on Haji Pir Pass could not help Pakistan much. India is revamping infrastructure in Himalayan region with all weather roads and Rail line projects which crash-crunched Pakistan could not afford, even your railway is on the verge of being closed.

ano enjoy kar putar!

did you ever cared to listen to his whole interview or just fooled by the title.
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