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India remains world's number 1 Arms importer


Jun 28, 2010
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India remains Russia's No 1 client in arms export
India remains Russia's No 1 client in arms export - Indian Express

India continues to be Russia's largest strategic partner in military-technical cooperation, the head of Russian state arms exporter has said.

"India, China, Algeria, Vietnam and Venezuela are our leading partners," CEO of Rosoboronexport Anatoly Isaikin told the Kommersant daily, adding that India is "client No 1" for Russia "for years ahead."

He underscored that under the long term military-technical cooperation programme Russia is taking part in various projects, which include joint R&D and joint production.

Isaikin said Russia was currently bidding for 20 tenders floated by India. "Winning at least half of these tenders is huge luck for any state."

He, however, said that failure of MiG-35 in MMRCA tender was "extremely unpleasant and sensitive" for Russia.

Isaikin expressed confidence that Moscow will retain its leading position in the Indian arms market in spite of entry of new players like the US.

Since India will still remain the World's number 1 Arms importer for years to come means that all the talk about India's indigenous weapons are nothing but a LIE !!!
Since India will still remain the World's number 1 Arms importer for years to come means that all the talk about India's indigenous weapons are nothing but a LIE !!!

What do they teach in place of logic in your school??

United States is the largest importer in the world ( 2 trillion dollars worth of stuff every year) followed by China. By your logic the talk about USA's and China's indigenous industries is all a LIE :)
He underscored that under the long term military-technical cooperation programme Russia is taking part in various projects, which include joint R&D and joint production.

That is wonderful. :tup:
Since India will still remain the World's number 1 Arms importer for years to come means that all the talk about India's indigenous weapons are nothing but a LIE !!!

Thats the thing you want to belive in actually truth is India is indegenious programs are on and will remain on . And at the same time Pak will remain the worlds biggest arms begger.:pakistan: First US now China. Thats just fabulous.:bunny:
What do they teach in place of logic in your school??

United States is the largest importer in the world ( 2 trillion dollars worth of stuff every year) followed by China. By your logic the talk about USA's and China's indigenous industries is all a LIE :)

You mean USA is the world's largest Arms exporter !
Since India will still remain the World's number 1 Arms importer for years to come means that all the talk about India's indigenous weapons are nothing but a LIE !!!

This guy is the biggest joker in the forum. I missed his 'India's institution not there in the list' thread. :lol: During Lokpal bill bill also his jokes were enjoyable.

Frustrated about India. :agree:
Since India will still remain the World's number 1 Arms importer for years to come means that all the talk about India's indigenous weapons are nothing but a LIE !!!

both things are going simultaneously importing weapons and development of weapons on the homeland.
India is buying up all sorts of weapons from the world markets funded by all the out sourced jobs from Europe and US and in addition to that it is investing several times more than the entire Pakistan army's budget on developing its domestic defense industries. All the while US tells Pakistan not to worry and forget about Indian threat and do away with your India centric policy. What else do they expect. Pakistan has four neighbors. China has never been a threat. Afghanistan has never been powerful enough to become a strategic threat. And Iran has always been friendly and a quite neighbor from which a threat is never expected. That leaves India, which has attacked Pakistan numerous times, divided Pakistan and even today most of the weapon systems it buys up are specifically anti-Pakistan. In addition it is being backed by lobbies in US to become a permanent UN security member which makes India almost a guaranteed winner in the event of a war with a non-member. Maybe Americans will promise Pakistan just an "air craft carrier" coming to Indian ocean in the event of a war. But then again, we know better.
both things are going simultaneously importing weapons and development of weapons on the homeland.

SIGH yes you are wright but some people like Hafizzzz can't understand such simple things poor guy . Anyways wellcome to the forum.
This guy is the biggest joker in the forum. I missed his 'India's institution not there in the list' thread. :lol: During Lokpal bill bill also his jokes were enjoyable.

Frustrated about India. :agree:

I am agree with you few example of indigenous development is Agni Missile, Pinaka Multibarrel Rocket Launcher, Akash Missile,GSLV(Geo Stationary launch Vehicle),PSLV(Polar Sattelite launch Vehicle).Tho persons who are making joke can not produce even a scooter.
India is buying up all sorts of weapons from the world markets funded by all the out sourced jobs from Europe and US and in addition to that it is investing several times more than the entire Pakistan army's budget on developing its domestic defense industries. All the while US tells Pakistan not to worry and forget about Indian threat and do away with your India centric policy. What else do they expect. Pakistan has four neighbors. China has never been a threat. Afghanistan has never been powerful enough to become a strategic threat. And Iran has always been friendly and a quite neighbor from which a threat is never expected. That leaves India, which has attacked Pakistan numerous times, divided Pakistan and even today most of the weapon systems it buys up are specifically anti-Pakistan. Maybe Americans will promise Pakistan an "air craft carrier" coming to Indian ocean in the event of a war. But then again, we know better.

Pakistan must beef up her security and should work together with China, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Afghanistan etc to keep Indian Hegemony at Bay !!!

I think you are little mistaken as we are talking about India out here not your dear freind China.;):azn:


India's Smiling Buddha Blast And Canada's CANDU Snafu-
Bush Mired in Fallout
India's Smiling Buddha Blast And Canada's CANDU Snafu By Ingmar Lee

In 1956 Canada provided India with a 40 megawatt "Canadian-Indian Reactor, U.S." (CIRUS) research reactor near Mumbai. The United States supplied the heavy water necessary to control nuclear fission. In 1959 Canada sold a 125-megawatt nuclear reactor to Pakistan and then in 1964, sold them a "CANada Deuterium Uranium" (CANDU) reactor. In 1971, Canada constructed a 137-megawatt CANDU heavy-water nuclear reactor at Karachi, Pakistan. Canada also included heavy water and a heavy water production facility as part of the deal. Three years later, in 1974, India detonated its first nuclear device, nicknamed the "Smiling Buddha," at Pokhran, Rajasthan, using plutonium from the CIRUS reactor. Turns out, Canada's reactors are just great at producing weapons-grade plutonium. Canada did not bother to ask India to comply with International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) safeguards nor for any accounting of the amount of plutonium the CIRUS produced. India claims that its agreement with Canada did not preclude the use of CIRUS-produced plutonium for "peaceful" nuclear explosions. India described its Smiling Buddha blast as a "Peaceful Nuclear Explosion,"
Importing and copying !!!! LOL

What is the problem in copying China also copying if you can do then copy GSLV ,PSLV, Rupee Pay card system developed by Reserve Bank Of India to tackle Visa, Master .
Few Example Of sucessfull Copy
Toyata Innova SUV= Mahindra Xylo
AK 47= Insas
Pakistan must beef up her security and should work together with China, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Afghanistan etc to keep Indian Hegemony at Bay !!!

Yeah very true actually that post clearly shows that Pak alone is good for nothing and can't do anything at their own.But I understand the reason behind that mistrust as you guys havn't won any war till now.:woot:
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