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India rejected separate Sikh Marriage Act which Pak enacted 4 yrs ago

Should India Enact Anand Karaj (Marriage) Act for Sikhs?

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Sep 12, 2008
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Posted: Thu Sep 01 2011, 02:57 hrs

Amritsar: While the Centre’s refusal to enact Anand Karaj (Marriage) Act has taken the Sikh circles by a storm, they point to the case of Pakistan where a separate law to register marriages of the community was framed four years ago.

Pakistan had passed Sikh Anand Marriage Act 2007 to validate the marriage ceremony but in India they are registered under the Hindu Marriage Act.

So strong is the law to register marriages in Pakistan that a Sikh from anywhere in the world can register his or her marriage there, though the marriage ceremony has to be conducted in the country as it extends the provisions of the law applicable to any Sikh irrespective of his nationality. There had been instances when Sikhs from various countries had got their marriages registered in Pakistan.

The Sikhs had lauded Pakistan’s move to enact the law in 2007 and even appealed to the Union government to take a similar decision. “Even during the British times, Sikhs had Anand Marriage Act 1909 framed and the same should have been adopted in Indian Constitution,” said Shiromani Panthak Council chairman Manjit Singh Calcutta.

In Pakistan, the government and Pakistan Sikh Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (PSGPC) issue appropriate marriage certificates. The gurdwaras including Gurdwara Dera Sahib, Lahore, Gurdwara Janam Asthan, Chunna Mandi, Lahore, Janam Asthan, Nanaka Sahib, Gurdwara Panja Sahib, Hassan Abdal, Gurdwara Bhai Joga Singh, Peshawar, Gurdwara Kartarpur Sahib, Narowal had been accredited to issue marriage certificates.

Akal Takht Jathedar Giani Gurbachan Singh and SGPC has also demanded that the Anand Karaj Act is framed at the earliest.

They said the Sikhs deserve the law and had been demanding consistently for almost a century but successive governments in the Centre have played down the demand. “The new law is more needed because of introduction of compulsory registration of marriages in 2006 in India,” said Calcutta, who is also a Sikh scholar.

India rejected separate Sikh Marriage Act which Pak enacted 4 yrs ago - Indian Express

---------- Post added at 05:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:05 PM ----------

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According to wiki, theres only under half a million sikhs in Pakistan, around 300k.

which is hardly much to boost about having Sikh marriage act.

What the hec, even small England, thousands of miles away from heartland of Punjab, has more Sikhs then whole of Pakistan. :lol:
According to wiki, theres only under half a million sikhs in Pakistan, around 300k.

which is hardly much to boost about having Sikh marriage act.

What the hec, even small England, thousands of miles away from heartland of Punjab, has more Sikhs then whole of Pakistan. :lol:

Stick to the topic troll, we all know most Sikhs of Pakistan migrated to India after partition because their leader at the time, Master Tara Singh, told them to. It is well documented and even today many Indian Sikhs can trace their ancestry to the land of Pakistan.

We have separate marriage acts for all our religious communities (Sikhs, Hindus, Christians, etc..). We, in Pakistan recognize all these marriages as legitimate, and all their marriage ceremonies as legitimate as long as it is between a man and a woman.

There are more Sikhs in India than in Pakistan, then why doesn't India recognize Sikh marriages and allow a separate Sikh Marriage Act? Why to this day they register under Hindu marriage Acts when they are not Hindu, and their religious ceremonies are not Hindu ceremonies, and they dont follow Hinduism. This is obviously discrimination against Sikhs.
This is where india SUCKSSS big time, i mean this would have been an act of Reconciliation of thousands of separatist sikhs world over/ a gesture to heal the wounds of suffers in anti-sikh riots of 84.
This also make some sikh groups wonder, that people asking for khalistan or people in 84 were right.

In India there is separate marriage act for Hindus, Muslims and Christians, than whats problem for offering it to sikhs. Isn't population of 25 million devotes big enough for this.

Shame on you govt., you lost a chance to shut the face of sikhs asking for separate state.:tdown::tdown:
Stick to the topic troll, we all know most Sikhs of Pakistan migrated to India after partition because their leader at the time, Master Tara Singh, told them to. It is well documented and even today many Indian Sikhs can trace their ancestry to the land of Pakistan.

Thats because before 1947 when Pakistan was made, Sikhs used to live all over South Asia, mainly Punjab region.

But after creation of Pakistan, most Sikhs moved to India and hence they can be traced to Pakistan, though not as many Sikhs now live in Pakistan Punjab compared to pre 1947.
Why compare Indian and Pakistani laws? Sikh marriage act must be on its merit and if there is legit requirement (other than just a separate act for name sake) then it should be met.

In India a Sikh can become PM, in Pakistan the constitution bars it. Why not compare that instead of a non issue?

And whats the laughable comment that India does not recognise Sikh marriages? Thats as ignorant as it can be. But then...

This is where india SUCKSSS big time, i mean this would have been an act of Reconciliation of thousands of separatist sikhs world over/ a gesture to heal the wounds of suffers in anti-sikh riots of 84.
This also make some sikh groups wonder, that people asking for khalistan or people in 84 were right.

In India there is separate marriage act for Hindus, Muslims and Christians, than whats problem for offering it to sikhs. Isn't population of 25 million devotes big enough for this.

Shame on you govt., you lost a chance to shut the face of sikhs asking for separate state.:tdown::tdown:

Point taken, but can you please tell me which Sikh religious requirements are not met by the hindu act or the common act that Sikhs use?
A seperate marriage act wont make the Pakistani Sikh's more freer than Indian Sikh's. A sikh is a PM in India. Can they in Pakistan ??
Point taken, but can you please tell me which Sikh religious requirements are not met by the hindu act or the common act that Sikhs use?

The biggest one is that at time of marriage sikh's have to register as Offshoots of Hindu's..Good enough??

This is what many Khalistani's hate, besides this why is it so difficult to give when it would help in making india more united. Its totally legit demand, even the marriage rituals are totally different.
Mostly sikh's get irritated by the fact that they had marriage under Hindu Marriage act... Why not other way..Sikhs have been saviors of Hindus under critical Mughal rule and that too Big time... So hindus could also get Married under Sikh Marriage act.

reality is much deeper than it seems my friend.
The biggest one is that at time of marriage sikh's have to register as Offshoots of Hindu's..Good enough??

This is what many Khalistani's hate, besides this why is it so difficult to give when it would help in making india more united. Its totally legit demand, even the marriage rituals are totally different.
Mostly sikh's get irritated by the fact that they had marriage under Hindu Marriage act... Why not other way..Sikhs have been saviors of Hindus under critical Mughal rule and that too Big time... So hindus could also get Married under Sikh Marriage act.

reality is much deeper than it seems my friend.

The act does not mention what marriage rituals need to be followed, they vary in India everywhere.

The act does not say Sikhs are Hindu offshoots, thats a lie. Anyone who knows law will tell you that no such thing is intended, it clearly says 'For the sake of this act....', like we have in other laws 'for the sake of this act a company is considered a legal person' - does not mean the law says a company is a person and can get married :)

I however totally understand how this can be misused by people who want to use emotions to instigate people. So to that extent if Sikhs need it the law should be made, but not to please some khalistanis. The lies these khalistanis use is a different chapter, like Sikhs are not allowed to buy land in neighboring state etc etc - blatant lies. We will not be able to please them, that would be a bad reason to create this act.
The act does not mention what marriage rituals need to be followed, they vary in India everywhere.

The act does not say Sikhs are Hindu offshoots, thats a lie. Anyone who knows law will tell you that no such thing is intended, it clearly says 'For the sake of this act....', like we have in other laws 'for the sake of this act a company is considered a legal person' - does not mean the law says a company is a person and can get married :)

You took it Literally, i meant it for motive behind it. It says that any person other Muslim and Christian would marry under Hindu Marriage Act...Isn't it Hippocratic, i mean they could have chosen it to be under other XYZ or Special Marriage act, but straight away under Hindu marriage act.
Point taken, but can you please tell me which Sikh religious requirements are not met by the hindu act or the common act that Sikhs use?

BTW, its not good enough to say that we offer all coverings you need and get married, so you are under Hindu marriage act. In democracy if people ask for CHOICE, they should be given. Its what 25 million favor for.
You took it Literally, i meant it for motive behind it. It says that any person other Muslim and Christian would marry under Hindu Marriage Act...Isn't it Hippocratic, i mean they could have chosen it to be under other XYZ or Special Marriage act, but straight away under Hindu marriage act.

1) Well we DO have a special marriage act under which anyone can get married, surely the word 'special' is not objectionable ;)
2) Check out the provisions of the Hindu act, there's nothing religious or conflicting with Sikh religion, Infact the law clearly states Sikhism is a separate religion.

The documents required for registering a marriage under the Hindu Marriage Act are as follows:

Application form duly signed by both husband and wife
Documentary evidence of date of birth of parties (Matriculation Certificate / Passport / Birth Certificate) Minimum age of both parties is 21 years at the time of registration under the Special Marriage Act
Ration card of husband or wife whose area SDM has been approached for the certificate
Affidavit by both the parties stating place and date of marriage, date of birth, marital status at the time of marriage and nationality
Two passport size photographs of both the parties and one marriage photograph
Marriage invitation card, if available
If marriage was solemnized in a religious place, a certificate from the priest is required who solemnized the marriage
Affirmation that the parties are not related to each other within the prohibited degree of relationship as per Hindu Marriage Act or Special Marriage Act as the case may be
Attested copy of divorce decree/order in case of a divorcee and death certificate of spouse in case of widow/widower
In case one of the parties belong to other than Hindu, Buddhist, Jain and Sikh religions, a conversion certificate from the priest who solemnized the marriage
All documents excluding receipt should be attested by a Gazetted Officer

So the problem is solely with the word Hindu, well I object too as there is no such word as Hindu in the Vedic Sanatana Dharma I follow!!! Atleast Sikhs are recognised, I'm not even recognised ;)

Again, I don't care if a separate act is made, but better option would be if we are all under one common civil code.
A seperate marriage act wont make the Pakistani Sikh's more freer than Indian Sikh's. A sikh is a PM in India. Can they in Pakistan ??

A seperate marriage act would recognize the Sikh religion and Sikh community, which is their basic right, why is India the largest democracy in the wolrd reluctant to do that?

A sikh is a PM in India. Can they in Pakistan ??

The point is can a Muslim?
Why not just call it "Dharmic" Marriage Act. Dharmic religions = Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism & Jainism.
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