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India Rebuts China's Remark on Stapled Visas


Aug 14, 2013
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India Rebuts China's Remark on Stapled Visas -The New Indian Express

NEW DELHI: India Friday strongly rebutted China's stand that its giving stapled visas to the people of Arunachal Pradesh was a "goodwill gesture" and said there should be "no discrimination against visa applicants on grounds of domicile or ethnicity".
Days after Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said that Beijing has decided to give stapled visas to people of Arunachal Pradesh, which it lays claim over, "as a gesture of goodwill", Indian Foreign Secretary Sujatha Singh said that "..there should be no discrimination against visa applicants on grounds of domicile or ethnicity. After all we are one people."
"After all, we are one people. This is the point we have continually made (to the Chinese side)," she added.
She was replying to a query on Wang's remarks at a press conference in New Delhi, during which he acknowledged the Chinese position that in India's "eastern sector (Arunachal Pradesh) relatively big area is in dispute. It is an objective fact. But the people living there need to interact with each other, and as a special arrangement we have resorted to stapled visas to address the need of the local people to travel.. This is a gesture of goodwill and flexibility."
Wang has said that the practice has been "going on for relatively long period of time and if acceptable to the Indian side it could be continued in future because it does not compromise or undermine our respective positions on the boundary question."
The Chinese minister had added that both sides can hold further discussions on the subject and suggested that they could come up with a "more convenient visa provision" for the people of Arunachal Pradesh.
Good about time the India gov' stood up instead of taking it up the rear end! The Chinese minister purposely avoided anything that India wanted resolved. Borders, visa's, etc were ignored and the CHinese lied that these stapled visa's were going on since the beginning of time and its a goodwill gesture (whatever the f-king means). It absolutely undermines our position and it sends a clear msg to Arunachalis.

The only thing Wang clearly stated from his statement was for India and China to increase trade massively.....but guess who that favors more? Think about it. China gaining more control in our economy is not a good decision to allow. Resolve borders first, then open lines of trade. China will pounce on us if trade is increased....we are in no position to compete when the West cannot do so due to the tactics used. That's the truth.
Good about time the India gov' stood up instead of taking it up the rear end! The Chinese minister purposely avoided anything that India wanted resolved. Borders, visa's, etc were ignored and the CHinese lied that these stapled visa's were going on since the beginning of time and its a goodwill gesture (whatever the f-king means). It absolutely undermines our position and it sends a clear msg to Arunachalis.

The only thing Wang clearly stated from his statement was for India and China to increase trade massively.....but guess who that favors more? Think about it. China gaining more control in our economy is not a good decision to allow. Resolve borders first, then open lines of trade. China will pounce on us if trade is increased....we are in no position to compete when the West cannot do so due to the tactics used. That's the truth.

Time has come for India to take very tough stand on this issue .

China is only trying to measure India's reaction on this issue.

If we look at the wording ....of Chinese envoy ...it was made up of ifs and buts ...

We therefore must take very strong position and force China to change this policy ...

It is matter of great shock ...that such policy was tolerated by GOI .

China came up with this policy only few years back....what was china doing for last 5 decades ?

Clearly the reason to introduce this policy was an afterthought and done keeping in mind the gutless Congress government.
Time has come for India to take very tough stand on this issue .

China is only trying to measure India's reaction on this issue.

If we look at the wording ....of Chinese envoy ...it was made up of ifs and buts ...

We therefore must take very strong position and force China to change this policy ...

It is matter of great shock ...that such policy was tolerated by GOI .

China came up with this policy only few years back....what was china doing for last 5 decades ?

Clearly the reason to introduce this policy was an afterthought and done keeping in mind the gutless Congress government.

not gutless, but forced, India is weak relative to us. We are also not saying too much in SCSs and ECSs, not as much as we like due to the American power.

Crap role down hill, not up.

We were smart enough to back down against the US in 96 and today, almost 20 years later we can more or less stand up to them, give us another 20 and it's over.

If you want to talk, fine, but wait until you are strong enough. The difference is strength is crazy. Go check out the navy page, see the difference. We have more modern DDGs than all of your frigates and DDGs put together. That's about the closest India can get to China, it's much worse in the air and on the ground.

A tough stance when weak is not strength, it's stupidity. China was like that once, standing up to Japan, ended in WW2, and 20 million dead, country destroyed. With the US we waited and we see today's situation, much different.
Time has come for India to take very tough stand on this issue .

China is only trying to measure India's reaction on this issue.

If we look at the wording ....of Chinese envoy ...it was made up of ifs and buts ...

We therefore must take very strong position and force China to change this policy ...

It is matter of great shock ...that such policy was tolerated by GOI .

China came up with this policy only few years back....what was china doing for last 5 decades ?

Clearly the reason to introduce this policy was an afterthought and done keeping in mind the gutless Congress government.

Exactly. Congress was so weak, and the Chinese knew it. They pounced on us every chance they got and we did nothing. Rahul and Sonia did not want to rattle the nest and make a strong decision that could sink them if it backfired. That's a wake up call. They are a weak, incompetent family for deserves no right to rule as if they were the ruling elite. That goes against the ethos of democracy.

And it annoys me to see Indian posters bending over backwards to kiss China's balls when China and the CHinese are united in how they feel and think about India.
not gutless, but forced, India is weak relative to us. We are also not saying too much in SCSs and ECSs, not as much as we like due to the American power.

Crap role down hill, not up.

We were smart enough to back down against the US in 96 and today, almost 20 years later we can more or less stand up to them, give us another 20 and it's over.

If you want to talk, fine, but wait until you are strong enough. The difference is strength is crazy. Go check out the navy page, see the difference. We have more modern DDGs than all of your frigates and DDGs put together. That's about the closest India can get to China, it's much worse in the air and on the ground.

A tough stance when weak is not strength, it's stupidity. China was like that once, standing up to Japan, ended in WW2, and 20 million dead, country destroyed. With the US we waited and we see today's situation, much different.

If China had been so strong ..it would not have been so surreptitious and measured in introducing this arunacahl Pradesh specific policy .

It shows that it is not sure and is trying to size up Indian response .

all you have said I understand very well .

We are not as weak as some national chauvinists like you think ....

we will not lay low and take humiliation as china may have !

Don't measure us with your height !
If China had been so strong ..it would not have been so surreptitious and measured in introducing this arunacahl Pradesh specific policy .

It shows that it is not sure and is trying to size up Indian response .

all you have said I understand very well .

We are not as weak as some national chauvinists like you think ....

we will not lay low and take humiliation as china may have !

Don't measure us with your height !

This specific territory has people in it, and that is a problem, we don't want more people, especially those people, no offence but the infrastructure sucks, and the people are not that educated.

Your tone is exactly why I don't fear India, you talk big without putting in the work and sacrifice. You want the best of both worlds, guess what you can't have it, no one can.

At one point you guys had SU-30, Mirages and more and could say your air force was better, we started with a few Russian J-11s and SU-30s, and the J-10As were obviously not that great, the J-11Bs lacked a great engine and was not in good number.

But because we took that hit, and let our selves be weak for a little while, we completed the engine and other things including radar and more, so today, J-10Bs, J-11B, J-15, J-16, and more are rolling off the assembly line, with J-20 and J-31 near induction.

We have about 700 4th and 4++ gen fighters. The difference is already huge, but will be even bigger in a few years, because our rate of induction of fighters is far faster. We will have about 1000, 4th to 5th fighters on the ready by 2020.

That's not arrogance, that's just a fact. You want to have a say? This is what you need. You can either accept the difference and improve or look big and get beaten down and look ridicules, your call.

Perhaps like the Philippines, Ukraine, Iraq, you can protest to the international community, but guess what, it's not that nobody cares, it's nobody dares to do anything or could.
This specific territory has people in it, and that is a problem, we don't want more people, especially those people, no offence but the infrastructure sucks, and the people are not that educated.

Your tone is exactly why I don't fear India, you talk big without putting in the work and sacrifice. You want the best of both worlds, guess what you can't have it, no one can.

At one point you guys had SU-30, Mirages and more and could say your air force was better, we started with a few Russian J-11s and SU-30s, and the J-10As were obviously not that great, the J-11Bs lacked a great engine and was not in good number.

But because we took that hit, and let our selves be weak for a little while, we completed the engine and other things including radar and more, so today, J-10Bs, J-11B, J-15, J-16, and more are rolling off the assembly line, with J-20 and J-31 near induction.

We have about 700 4th and 4++ gen fighters. The difference is already huge, but will be even bigger in a few years, because our rate of induction of fighters is far faster. We will have about 1000, 4th to 5th fighters on the ready by 2020.

That's not arrogance, that's just a fact. You want to have a say? This is what you need. You can either accept the difference and improve or look big and get beaten down and look ridicules, your call.

Perhaps like the Philippines, Ukraine, Iraq, you can protest to the international community, but guess what, it's not that nobody cares, it's nobody dares to do anything or could.
Seriously i stopped reading after the first line,
Are you sure you dont want them or they dont want you.:D after all who wants to be in a country i dont want to use the word you can fill the word.

Your tone is exactly why I don't fear china, you talk big without putting in the work and sacrifice.you cannt have faith to take right decision and want to be told everytime.

To show your realty,i will give a hint,just check whats the ccp spends on external security and how much it spends on your Internal security.then come back i will show you your place.
This specific territory has people in it, and that is a problem, we don't want more people, especially those people, no offence but the infrastructure sucks, and the people are not that educated.

Your tone is exactly why I don't fear India, you talk big without putting in the work and sacrifice. You want the best of both worlds, guess what you can't have it, no one can.

At one point you guys had SU-30, Mirages and more and could say your air force was better, we started with a few Russian J-11s and SU-30s, and the J-10As were obviously not that great, the J-11Bs lacked a great engine and was not in good number.

But because we took that hit, and let our selves be weak for a little while, we completed the engine and other things including radar and more, so today, J-10Bs, J-11B, J-15, J-16, and more are rolling off the assembly line, with J-20 and J-31 near induction.

We have about 700 4th and 4++ gen fighters. The difference is already huge, but will be even bigger in a few years, because our rate of induction of fighters is far faster. We will have about 1000, 4th to 5th fighters on the ready by 2020.

That's not arrogance, that's just a fact. You want to have a say? This is what you need. You can either accept the difference and improve or look big and get beaten down and look ridicules, your call.

Perhaps like the Philippines, Ukraine, Iraq, you can protest to the international community, but guess what, it's not that nobody cares, it's nobody dares to do anything or could.

So you don't want people ...but you want territory ! and you are crying about poor infrastructure in that territory ?

Do you even understand what you are talking ?

This is why neighbors despise China ...expansionist mindset is very clear ...that's why you want territory without people in it ...

But mind you will neither get territory nor the people who live there . No matter whether you have 700 or 7000 4+ gen fighters ....you will not be able to win hearts of those people with all your money and weapon .

Nobody knows how future will unfold ....nobody knows how things will turn up .

we have no issues with China's progress as long as it does not threaten us ...

but unfortunately Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely . that's what is happening with China .

If arunachal pradesh was China's territory ...why did it keep quite for 5 decades ..and why it realized suddenly now that it need to issue separate visas for them ? Remember we are not powerless like China which witnessed annexation of manchuria , Mongolia and similar vast tracts of territories at behest of its neighbors . we won't let China do that .

You seem very proud of your 700 -1000 4+ gen fighters ...well keep yourself happy with them ...

Germany also boasted such military might at the start of WW II ...but unfortunately due to its arrogance ...it created enemies all around and had to fight battle on many fronts and was ultimately defeated and brought to ruins by defending forces .

I just hope that China does not step in Germany's shoes and meet similar fate !
We are a
Seriously i stopped reading after the first line,
Are you sure you dont want them or they dont want you.:D after all who wants to be in a country i dont want to use the word you can fill the word.

Your tone is exactly why I don't fear china, you talk big without putting in the work and sacrifice.you cannt have faith to take right decision and want to be told everytime.

To show your realty,i will give a hint,just check whats the ccp spends on external security and how much it spends on your Internal security.then come back i will show you your place.
We are already strong, as demonstrated by our american rivalry. We have some of the worlds best infrastructure, and everything else around every corner of the country, our earnings far out strip you. So yea we have put the work in, if we haven't what are you? Brain dead for the last 40 years?

As to internal security you know what america spends? Our internal security also include police, regular ones, a lot of it is going towards new homes and new stattions and much more towards ordinarypolice benefits.

You think you are well informed, get back to me when you get the full picture and see if we are the biggest police state.

Also expansionist? Other than india there are no land disputes, but india has it with most of its neighbors.....

As to sea, it's historical. Left by our time of weqkness.
We are a

We are already strong, as demonstrated by our american rivalry. We have some of the worlds best infrastructure, and everything else around every corner of the country, our earnings far out strip you. So yea we have put the work in, if we haven't what are you? Brain dead for the last 40 years?
NK has rivalry with US,i see NK as stong china as demonstrated by your logic.

As to internal security you know what america spends? Our internal security also include police, regular ones, a lot of it is going towards new homes and new stattions and much more towards ordinarypolice benefits.
Dont even compare your self with US.US dsnt have one million paid internet worriors to monitor its citizens who are critical to its govt.
How may more years you have to spend more on your internal security i.e towards new homes and new stattions and much more than you spend on external security.

You think you are well informed, get back to me when you get the full picture and see if we are the biggest police state.
i will get back to you when i find any other country with more than a million monitoring its citizens who are critical to the govt.and where people specially non-hans have no religious freedom

Also expansionist? Other than india there are no land disputes, but india has it with most of its neighbors.....
As to sea, it's historical. Left by our time of weqkness.
it still is your biggest weakness.the 9 dash line will sink you someday.every time i look at the 9 dash line i think..what were they thinking ?you dont realise everyone in asia wants to see china rise specially being an asian country.but this 9 dash line makes other countries doubtfull.its difficult to sustain with out friends ask germany.
NK has rivalry with US,i see NK as stong china as demonstrated by your logic.

Dont even compare your self with US.US dsnt have one million paid internet worriors to monitor its citizens who are critical to its govt.
How may more years you have to spend more on your internal security i.e towards new homes and new stattions and much more than you spend on external security.

i will get back to you when i find any other country with more than a million monitoring its citizens who are critical to the govt.and where people specially non-hans have no religious freedom

it still is your biggest weakness.the 9 dash line will sink you someday.every time i look at the 9 dash line i think..what were they thinking ?you dont realise everyone in asia wants to see china rise specially being an asian country.but this 9 dash line makes other countries doubtfull.its difficult to sustain with out friends ask germany.
NK doesn't have a rivalry with the US, that's like saying Iran has a rivalry with the US. These countries are just picked on by the US. They can no more than annoy the US. What exactly can these two countries do to the US? Nothing, hence no rivalry.

Rivalry is conflict between equals, not just conflict, that would just be an enemy.

As to new homes and benefits? Not forever, but probably a long long time, you see we care about the living condition, benefits, wages, and more of our staff, we don't just stick them in some crappy joint and hope for the best.

China doesn't have the a million, and probably has more than the US, but we got 4 times their population. US can arrest people for Facebook threats, do you know how many people you need to monitor for that?

You are full of crap if you think China is a police state, right now there are 59 million visitors each year to China, tons of videos on Youtube and other sites by foreigners, see if they think China is a police state.

Tiananmen is highly policed, but so is the white house, and after a couple of attacks, do you think we should leave it unpoliced.

Great powers need to monitor things hence US and China have these huge departments, maybe one day even you can understand, but let's no hold our breath.

How much do you really know of Tibet and Xinjiang, not much is what I bet, I won't even go that far, just the fact you said non-ham clearly demonstrates that you have no idea most of the 56 races are about the same as han, because Han is a broad concept, if we go back to the original Chinese empires, only a fraction are true Chinese decent.

9 dash line is what it is. But it really shows your level of intellect by comparing to Germany. Situation is not the same yet here you are. America is waging war across the world, do you see a danger? Vietnam, Philippines and Japan is not France UK and Russia. China is also not Germany. They were conquering way bigger. China wants our own stuff from way smaller.

You are like every other dude that have no vision. US had a vision here they are, we have a vision, give it time, and we will be where we want to be. You play it safe, the US sanctions you anyways for nukes, non of your neighbours like you anyways. So pretty much you don't have our vision and yet you are no better situated than us. Bangledeshies hate you, Sri Lankas are not found of you and Pakistanis, lol do I even need to say it...

How are you better than us? We will face these hatred from our neighbours due to our success sooner or later.
NK doesn't have a rivalry with the US, that's like saying Iran has a rivalry with the US. These countries are just picked on by the US. They can no more than annoy the US. What exactly can these two countries do to the US? Nothing, hence no rivalry.

Rivalry is conflict between equals, not just conflict, that would just be an enemy.

As to new homes and benefits? Not forever, but probably a long long time, you see we care about the living condition, benefits, wages, and more of our staff, we don't just stick them in some crappy joint and hope for the best.

China doesn't have the a million, and probably has more than the US, but we got 4 times their population. US can arrest people for Facebook threats, do you know how many people you need to monitor for that?

You are full of crap if you think China is a police state, right now there are 59 million visitors each year to China, tons of videos on Youtube and other sites by foreigners, see if they think China is a police state.

Tiananmen is highly policed, but so is the white house, and after a couple of attacks, do you think we should leave it unpoliced.

Great powers need to monitor things hence US and China have these huge departments, maybe one day even you can understand, but let's no hold our breath.

How much do you really know of Tibet and Xinjiang, not much is what I bet, I won't even go that far, just the fact you said non-ham clearly demonstrates that you have no idea most of the 56 races are about the same as han, because Han is a broad concept, if we go back to the original Chinese empires, only a fraction are true Chinese decent.

9 dash line is what it is. But it really shows your level of intellect by comparing to Germany. Situation is not the same yet here you are. America is waging war across the world, do you see a danger? Vietnam, Philippines and Japan is not France UK and Russia. China is also not Germany. They were conquering way bigger. China wants our own stuff from way smaller.

You are like every other dude that have no vision. US had a vision here they are, we have a vision, give it time, and we will be where we want to be. You play it safe, the US sanctions you anyways for nukes, non of your neighbours like you anyways. So pretty much you don't have our vision and yet you are no better situated than us. Bangledeshies hate you, Sri Lankas are not found of you and Pakistanis, lol do I even need to say it...

How are you better than us? We will face these hatred from our neighbours due to our success sooner or later.
Dude you seriously need some replying,pleeeeeeeeeze wait till the 3rd match today Eng-ita (fifa world cup) is over,when i reply to point A dont talk about point B.
We are a

We are already strong, as demonstrated by our american rivalry. We have some of the worlds best infrastructure, and everything else around every corner of the country, our earnings far out strip you. So yea we have put the work in, if we haven't what are you? Brain dead for the last 40 years?

As to internal security you know what america spends? Our internal security also include police, regular ones, a lot of it is going towards new homes and new stattions and much more towards ordinarypolice benefits.

You think you are well informed, get back to me when you get the full picture and see if we are the biggest police state.

Also expansionist? Other than india there are no land disputes, but india has it with most of its neighbors.....

As to sea, it's historical. Left by our time of weqkness.

If I go by your logic, then I blame those disputes with the British. Then I'll use a map of Indian empire under Ashoka to claim our historical land. Doesn't matter how long ago or for how long it was in our possession. Our problems with our neighbors are directly the result of you meddling in their affairs. We ar enot blind nor are we stupid. We see what you are up to and we will counter hard. Be aware. It wont be a war but it will be confronted. If you take up war , then so be it. We also know our weaknesses but we know how to counter it very well.
Once upon a time When India's PM used to be bold and nationalist, when the Indian Army was given clear objectives by the political leadership minus interference, India chased the invading Chinese army out of Sikkim. This is not at all about our current capability, this is all about our intent and political will-power. Our leadership is clueless and our advisers are a bunch of cowards.

Good news is that Modi has sent a clear message by inviting the Tibetan Prime Minister at his swearing-in ceremony. Aman ki Asha kind of people deserve a boot up their behind.
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