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India Presses Russia on Smerch Problems

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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India Presses Russia on Smerch Problems

India is pressing Russia about Smerch multibarrel rocket launchers (MRBLs) that Indian Army officials say have problems with their firing system. The Army is also having difficulties obtaining spare parts for the Russian-built weapons.

An Indian delegation raised the matters last month at a joint meeting in Moscow, Defence Ministry sources said. The outcome of the meeting was not known.

A Russian diplomat here said the firing system problems occur only in isolated cases, and noted that the Army had tested the weapons before bringing them into service.

The Indian Army needs more Smerches, despite the technical problem, an Army official said.

India bought the Smerch in 2005 and 2006. New Delhi asked for technology transfer, but Russia refused.

The Army relies heavily on the Smerch MRBLs, which can fire 12 rockets at once and hit targets out to 70 kilometers, along with the Russian-origin Grad 122mm rocket systems and indigenous Pinaka MRBL.

Its range can be extended to 90 kilometers, the Army official said. It can also launch surface-to-surface and surface-to-air missiles, he added.

India Presses Russians on Smerch Problems - Defense News
I think now we should again ask for transfer of tech or we should move forward and go for better MBRL's.

May be Astros III of Brazil or HIMARS,M270 from US or LIMAWS of UK.
Problems with Smerch (MRBLs) , Army waits for Pinaka-2 | idrw.org

Sources close to idrw.org , have told us that Indian army is not only facing problems in firing system of Russian made Smerch multibarrel rocket launchers (MRBLs) ,but also facing shortage of spares for the same systems .

India has asked Russia to send a expert team to India to rectify problems it has been facing mainly with the barrels of the rocket launchers , Indian army currently operates 62 Systems , and problems have been seen on random systems and not on all the systems brought from Russia .

India at the time of agreement with Russia in 2006 had asked for Transfer of technology of this Smerch multibarrel rocket launchers , but Russia refused fearing development of India’s own system .

India after successfully developing Pinaka with range of 40 km , was keen on to Purchasing Smerch which comes with maximum range of 90 km , TOT on Smerch was denied to India by Russia, since DRDO already had plans to develop a 120 km Pinaka-2 multibarrel rocket launchers (MRBLs) .

India with Israeli help has improved the accuracy of Pinaka-I systems to a great extend and also is working on Pinaka-2 , which might have its first user trials by mid or end of 2012 .

Indian army currently is happy with DRDO developed Pinaka-I systems , and plans to order more to replace old Russian made BM-21 ‘Grad’ Launchers and also is looking forward on Pinaka-2 systems , but if they are any delays ,then army is also considering ordering more Russian made Smerch (MRBLs).

Pakistani army also operates Chinese variant of Smerch (MRBLs) , known as Type A100 . with minor improvement on its range .
i think that we should either procure new western MRBL system like from France or UK that will give TOT or replace Smerch/Grad systems with Pinaka 2 and Prahaar missiles
one question.

why are we working on Pinaka when we already have Prahar with better range?

thanks in advance.
one question.

why are we working on Pinaka when we already have Prahar with better range?

thanks in advance.

There is Big Difference Between Pinaka and Prahaar , Prahaar Being 150 km Range Tactical Ballastic Missile and Pinaka Being 40 km Rocket Launcher

In a Sense Pinakas were Replacement for Old soviet Bm21 Grads along with Smerch MBRLS
Prahaar Bridges the Gap Between Pinaka/smerch And Prithvi Tactical Missile for the Indian Army
one question.

why are we working on Pinaka when we already have Prahar with better range?

thanks in advance.

If i m not mistaking Rockets and top shell(projectile) is different on bases of firing method one fire from tops and other by solid buster. the difference of missile and rocket is guidance rocket r not guided or sometiuime guided by GPS. Missiles r highly maneuvourable not rocket is. missiles r costly rockets not. so its chepter to fire many rockets to distroy battlefield nearer target. missile has many sensors.etc. etc.
I think now we should again ask for transfer of tech or we should move forward and go for better MBRL's.

May be Astros III of Brazil or HIMARS,M270 from US or LIMAWS of UK.

The army chief have said its sad we are inducting obsolete systems.

World have moved up from rockets to missiles they are economical and accurate. We need to mass produce such systems like "Prahar". Just increase the range to 500 kms. When we can do with made in India why go outside?
Of course India is having problems with Smerch now. Remember, Pakistan is now Russia's favorite partner in South Asia.

Don't forget, Russia's strongest ally is China, India's #1 enemy, and worse enemy is the Anglo, India's favorite master.
Of course India is having problems with Smerch now. Remember, Pakistan is now Russia's favorite partner in South Asia.

Don't forget, Russia's strongest ally is China, India's #1 enemy, and worse enemy is the Anglo, India's favorite master.

thank you sir for your valuable information!
The army chief have said its sad we are inducting obsolete systems.

World have moved up from rockets to missiles they are economical and accurate. We need to mass produce such systems like "Prahar". Just increase the range to 500 kms. When we can do with made in India why go outside?
Nope,the present range of 150 km is enough for now.Remember,the Prahar is developed as a battlefield support missile,so it has to be easily deployable,light weight and shoot and scoot capable.So a bulkier 500 km range missile is not desirable for that role.Besides,in order to give the integrated battle groups rapid fire support the vehicles have to be able to carry greater numbers of missiles which again is impossible for a 500 km range missile without sacrificing the vehicles' mobility.This beats the very idea of deploying a NLOS BSM system.
Moreover,you can never replace artillery rocket systems with NLOS BSMs as the former is much simpler and cheaper to produce and operate than the later.
Hope it helps.
Of course India is having problems with Smerch now. Remember, Pakistan is now Russia's favorite partner in South Asia.

Don't forget, Russia's strongest ally is China, India's #1 enemy, and worse enemy is the Anglo, India's favorite master.

Wow! So now we've problems in SOME launch tubes (bought 1-3 years ago) because Putin announced a recent statement? Awesome.

I'd prefer if we totally revamped and forced indigenization. That's what I like about you lot.
This probably means Pinaka 2 is ready to go and Smerch orders maybe cancelled or reduced?
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