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India offers to protect China oil shipments


Dec 30, 2009
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India offers to protect China oil shipments

By James Lamont in New Delhi and Geoff Dyer in Beijing

Published: February 17 2010 22:43 | Last updated: February 17 2010 22:43

New Delhi on Wednesday offered Beijing the protection of the Indian navy to help it to secure shipping lanes in the Indian Ocean that are crucial for the energy needs of its fast-growing economy.

Pallam Raju, India’s minister of state for defence, said India was “happy” to assist China to keep open vital sea lanes between the Middle East and Asia in order to guard against piracy or conflict.

The minister said New Delhi “understands that [China] needed to protect its oil interests” – in explanation of an increasing Chinese presence across the Indian Ocean and its naval expansion. “It’s about oil,” he said.

Mr Raju’s appeal for collaboration contrasts starkly with deep-seated anxieties expressed by Indian naval officers and policymakers about the encroachment by China in the Indian Ocean.

They view port-building activities in Gwadar in Pakistan and Hambantota in Sri Lanka and the construction of a special economic zone in Mauritius with suspicion. Built for commercial use, they say the facilities can, nevertheless, easily be turned over as anchorages for warships.

Yet military analysts believe China is a long way from having a worldwide network of military bases.

The potential discussions with India coincide with a debate in China in academic and military circles about establishing overseas military facilities.

China has long eschewed a strategy of building overseas bases which it believed would be expensive and diplomatically risky, especially given its stated goal of non-interference in other countries’ affairs.

But as a result of its participation in anti-piracy naval operations off the coast of Somalia last year, there has been discussion of need to improve support and supply arrangements in strategic locations for Chinese ships, notably in the South China Sea and in the Indian Ocean.

Several members of the Chinese military have written newspaper articles calling for new “support facilities” for the Chinese navy to be established.

India announced this week that it is to deploy two more mountain divisions – about 30,000 troops – in its north-eastern region, which borders China. That is seen as a response to Beijing’s greater assertiveness in a territorial dispute about the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh.

Mr Raju told the Financial Times that New Delhi was prepared to collaborate with Beijing to guarantee safe passage of supplies. He said China and India had similar interests to secure trade, particularly in regard to energy and resources.

Both China and India have sent warships as part of an international mission to fight piracy off the coast of east Africa.

Some senior Indian policy advisers are less sanguine. MK Rasgotra, a former foreign secretary and an adviser to prime minister Manmohan Singh, said China was trying to copy the US and UK in having offshore naval bases far from its own coast. But he described the strategy as belonging to a “bygone era”. A Chinese bid to gain a foothold in the Maldives had been recently thwarted, he said.

Mr Raju said New Delhi was more concerned about China’s role in Pakistan than its infrastructure development in South Asia, loosely termed as the “string of pearls” strategy intended to contain India. He said China, a major arms supplier to Pakistan, needed to play a greater role in bringing stability to the nuclear-armed country wracked with a Taliban insurgency.

FT.com / Asia-Pacific - India offers to protect China oil shipments
probably china will reply"thanks, but no thanks". We should worry about our interest than others.
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Thanks a lot, Indian Navy
protecting chinese ships can ensure we buy more and more iron ore from India than Australia, now China is the biggest business partner of India:yahoo:
Thanks a lot, Indian Navy
protecting chinese ships can ensure we buy more and more iron ore from India than Australia, now China is the biggest business partner of India:yahoo:

I believe it is bad way of sarcasm. :no:

India has offered. It is upto China to decide on this matter.
Article is written in a poor way. India is not going to threaten the Chinese interests in any way.

An offer by India becomes....AP disputes....string of pearls....to taliban as well. :hitwall:
I believe it is bad way of sarcasm. :no:

India has offered. It is upto China to decide on this matter.
Article is written in a poor way. India is not going to threaten the Chinese interests in any way.

An offer by India becomes....AP disputes....string of pearls....to taliban as well. :hitwall:

There will be no end of dispute if Indian had this kind of attitude!
good move by india gov

this is the way we can sought out our differneces
hope more cooperation increases
cooperation is the way forward for both countries

hence both governments are doing right things

as cooperation increase on various fronts slowly and steadly each and evry issues will fade away

i am for it=healthy relations betweeen china and india(but a long way to go)
Thanks a lot, Indian Navy
protecting chinese ships can ensure we buy more and more iron ore from India than Australia, now China is the biggest business partner of India

tnx for ur constructive comment and POV
china imports large no of iron ore
this could heavily benefit indian raw material industries
be serius mans. its good two asian powers come close defend each others intrests and there willl be peace.are you really think ego stubering works? no i love peace more then any thing.
Its like fox (india) asking for job to guard hen house (ships). Who in the world would trust fox to guard hen house?
India is calling China's bluff ! If China agrees, India has nothing to lose but everything to gain as conflict with China cold or otherwise is something we cannot afford for a long time.In a way, it solves Kashmir N Pakistan issue for India. It also is a message to US that we arent on their side if they play their double game with Pakistan vis-a-vis Taliban and Kashmir issue or that we have other options and need not just be Pro-US.

If China doesnt agree, they cannot use energy security as a reason (atleast they cannot site it as a reason to India if India protests the same) for building ports in Pakistan, Srilanka or even Karakorum highway.

Good move.
Thanks a lot, Indian Navy
protecting chinese ships can ensure we buy more and more iron ore from India than Australia, now China is the biggest business partner of India:yahoo:

hehehehehe. Why would Chian depend on Indian Navy that could not sight even rubber boats crossing into India ;)

On another note, Why would China let Indians have an eye on its military shipments as growing presence of China in Indian Ocean is not only for oil but rather more strategic depth with on one hand Gawadr, on the other Hambantota in Sri Lanka and foots in Mauritius, China is in a better position.
Its like fox (india) asking for job to guard hen house (ships). Who in the world would trust fox to guard hen house?

On the contrary, China in my opinion will consider it seriously as a possible thaw in relations with India....even if publicly they say no. Right now, US has stepped up pressure on China wrt Dalai Lama, arms to Taiwan etc etc...so India is giving them some leeway by doing this.....
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