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India offers $5m aid to flood-hit in Pakistan

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even though if i think of my fellow countrymen i would say LET'S TAKE THE $5 MILLION AID!

BUT i don't want the people who survive to live the rest of their lives listening to india saying "HUMARA PARDAN MANTRI TUM KO PAISA DIYAY" india doesn't have the self control to resist not using this aid as a mean to show off!

so yes even though we need the aid we don't want india to forever think we are indebted to it! don't want sunny deol lines that will follow! we rather die due to starvation then live and be overshadowed by india!
In front of nature disaster, all country must stay together, india should have done this earilier. But it is still a gesture to praise
even though if i think of my fellow countrymen i would say LET'S TAKE THE $5 MILLION AID!

BUT i don't want the people who survive to live the rest of their lives listening to india saying "HUMARA PARDAN MANTRI TUM KO PAISA DIYAY" india doesn't have the self control to resist not using this aid as a mean to show off!

so yes even though we need the aid we don't want india to forever think we are indebted to it! don't want sunny deol lines that will follow! we rather die due to starvation then live and be overshadowed by india!
sir, the ball is in your court, u have to take the shot. what we can say. the people of both country are more or less same. nobody is gonna say that in future. have you heard of anyone else apart from sunny deol, even that in a movie, to say that?? we also got aid from you, during gujrat and actully people appreciated that.
India accepted aid and help from Pakistan when Gujarat earthquake struck although relations were much better then but it seems like a % Pakistanis are too proud or view this as a negative thing when it is just humanitarian assistance the same that India provided to Haiti when it was hit.
sir, wht are you upto. this article is very recent and try to understand the context of this. this is because you are in a big mess (floods). they want to offer Pakistan a free-trade agreement in the long term to help you. agian problem with comprehension skills. well tell me whose word you take Gen kayani or a deputy of him?? waiting... well, about dancing in this very forum ur fellow countymen were also dancing with flame in their back.

It is you who needs to understand why cameron issued a statement like this in the 1st place while he was in India, its all about money and business, however its remarks invited some harsh criticism from his own people. What is so hard to understand. Anyways this is off topic. But rest assured no matter how you want to see his remarks or the EU, the relationship between Pakistan US and EU, cannot be compared to the relationship between Pakistan and India. Its that simple.
sir tell me if kashmir was not disputed then it could be justifiied?? or you want to say that karachi is not disputed thaty it is justified.

Lets leave this for another time shall we? I am sure none of us want to derail the thread.
India accepted aid and help from Pakistan when Gujarat earthquake struck although relations were much better then but it seems like a % Pakistanis are too proud or view this as a negative thing when it is just humanitarian assistance the same that India provided to Haiti when it was hit.

It has nothing to do with the % of Pakistanis being too proud. No. You are missing the point here. Its the history that exists between the 2 countries.How can you ignore that part and say Pakistanis are too proud or whatever.
It has nothing to do with the % of Pakistanis being too proud. No. You are missing the point here. Its the history that exists between the 2 countries.How can you ignore that part and say Pakistanis are too proud or whatever.
sir, do u forget the history of european countries...england , germany, france etc. and japan america. if they can live with peace having a hell of hostility in past why cant us.. this are the small steps which can bring us together for the better future of our people. do you want to continue to full pocket of amricans and russians?? only through CBMs kashmir problem can be solved. think about it.
We have beat all weather friends with the 5 million offer.

It has nothing to do with the % of Pakistanis being too proud. No. You are missing the point here. Its the history that exists between the 2 countries.How can you ignore that part and say Pakistanis are too proud or whatever.

But there will always be some issue with Pakistan and India if its not one thing its another but at times like this when acts of God/Nature whatever u wish to call it occurs then why look at history? people's well being should be no1 priority and if you did wish to look at history then remember also that Pakistan provided help during the Gujarat earthquake.
None of the Pakistanis even those affected badly from this earth quake and on the verge of dying will not accept anything from and By India. Why do you think the labels were removed from products in 2005 earth quake. Its not about what we want or don't, thing is the relationship between the 2 sides is anything but friendly, we have fought 4 wars, one resulting in the breakup of Pakistan, you ask a common man, the memory is still fresh, Its not about India or politics, its about the history that exists between us, sadly but true.

your own statements are contradictory,,,,,yu say pakistan will not accept any aid from india....the very next sentence you accept that your nation had received aid from india.......2005 was just 5 yrs back, and pakistan did accept aid just like we did in gujarat

so are you saying that ripping off the labels will negate the fact that the aid was INDIAN?....because if you want we would provide stuff without labels(with made in india sign) or best of course we can provide it money(dollars 0r euro not indian rupee)as long as it goes for the intended purposeof helping flood victims.we dont mind as long as it is for humanitarian purpose.

still news like the one were the british point out -"that the aid they sent for earthquake rehab didnt make it there"......its not helping isnt it?
Thanks but no. India and Pakistan have not reached to the level of trust and mutual understanding to a point where India could come out and make such offers. We'll survive anyhow.

we can all say that sitting comfortably in our rooms dude, its the people who are at loss ultimately, at testing times we all should suppress our egos and try to help guys in need
the aid was unwillingly offers to pakistan therefore pakistan should say thanks but no thanks.
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