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India may talk to ISI, Taliban

Cheap labor for pakistan. Please talk after giving citizenship to them.

Till that time :pop:
Cheap labor. I'll get some pics and send them to you. They get any house they want. They move around in 4 wheelers. Those who worked hard even have whole markets owned by them. You are far far far far away from reality.

By the way you are so genorous to them. Why dont you take them all to your country and give them citizenship. I dont see any program started by your govt. Mass Citizenship scheme for afghans.
Cheap labor. I'll get some pics and send them to you. They get any house they want. They move around in 4 wheelers. Those who worked hard even have whole markets owned by them. You are far far far far away from reality.

By the way you are so genorous to them. Why dont you take them all to your country and give them citizenship.

What benefit Pak Gov/state is providing to them ??. I think big NO. Looks like they are contributing to pakistan economy by consuming goods and service.
Yup, would be quite helpful if the 3 million Afghans were shipped to india. Indians, I am sure, would enjoy their company and what they bring with them.
About 1,100 Afghans given Indian citizenship in past 3 yrs: Govt

NEW DELHI: About 1,100 people from the trouble-torn Afghanistan have been given Indian citizenship in the past three years, the government
said today.

"1,083 Afghan nationals have been granted citizenship during the last three years (ie January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2009)," Minister of State for Home Affairs, Mullappally Ramachandran, told the Rajya Sabha in a written reply.

The grant of citizenship under the Citizenship Act, 1955 and Rules made thereunder is a multi-level and multi-agency activity.

As per rule 11 and 12 of the Citizenship Rules, 2009, an application for grant of citizenship is to be submitted by the applicant to the collector within whose jurisdiction the applicant is ordinarily a resident. It is then moved to the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) by the state administration concerned for necessary actions.

"Since initial application is submitted to the collector concerned and a number of agencies are involved in the processing of applications for grant of citizenship, no centralised data base of pending cases is maintained. All cases received in the MHA are processed as expeditiously as possible," the Minister said.
India should instead help millions of indians living in utter poverty in india.

India is not U.S.A., it never was and never will be. Wake up and smell the coffee.

India is a THIRD WORLD COUNTRY with MILLIONS living BELOW the Poverty Line.

Imagine how much india would've helped its own people by spending all that money and time on its own indian people rather than Afghanistan, too bad now its all going to go to waste :hang2:

The issue with people like you is that you have to be critical of India no matter what the issue is. What is wrong if we are contributing in the rehabilitation process in afghanistan? It is our choice to make, so you do not have to worry about the poverty in our country, it is being addressed to.
And before you call us a third world country, just know the difference,that we are in the league that provide aid, while you live off economic aid.
thank you
1,100 won't make a difference. You need them in large numbers to have fun with them. I am really serious about shipping these 3 million Afghanis to India. GoI cares so much about their welfare, they should take them all in.
And before you call us a third world country, just know the difference,that we are in the league that provide aid, while you live off economic aid.

ya Provide AID at the expense of your own people.
About 1,100 Afghans given Indian citizenship in past 3 yrs: Govt

NEW DELHI: About 1,100 people from the trouble-torn Afghanistan have been given Indian citizenship in the past three years, the government
said today.

"1,083 Afghan nationals have been granted citizenship during the last three years (ie January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2009)," Minister of State for Home Affairs, Mullappally Ramachandran, told the Rajya Sabha in a written reply.

The grant of citizenship under the Citizenship Act, 1955 and Rules made thereunder is a multi-level and multi-agency activity.

As per rule 11 and 12 of the Citizenship Rules, 2009, an application for grant of citizenship is to be submitted by the applicant to the collector within whose jurisdiction the applicant is ordinarily a resident. It is then moved to the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) by the state administration concerned for necessary actions.

"Since initial application is submitted to the collector concerned and a number of agencies are involved in the processing of applications for grant of citizenship, no centralised data base of pending cases is maintained. All cases received in the MHA are processed as expeditiously as possible," the Minister said.
SUCH A BIG CONTRIBUTION.,...............are there any afghan left in afghanistan after such big generous citizenship scheme or whatever from you. I am impressed. How many more left. Just few million more from Pakistan only.

You post made me laugh.
1,100 won't make a difference. You need them in large numbers to have fun with them. I am really serious about shipping these 3 million Afghanis to India. GoI cares so much about their welfare, they should take them all in.

I want to know how many afghan got pakistan citizenship?
You do realize that Pakistan never really used Afghanistan as a "strategic depth" contrary to popular Indian opinion. Pakistan never created or nurtured Taliban, it merely supported it. Note the difference. And it supported it because it's better to have a peaceful neighbour than a hostile one. And because Taliban were popular in Afghanistan, at least at that one.

This not Indian opinion, This is what your Gen. Kayani is saying on the record. I have discussed this issue many times here and i know what i am talking. Please do some research...

My point here is that you guys are not recognising the fact that Afghanistan is sovereign country not your so called backyard.

For Pakistan and any other country it is a white elephant. Pakistan is suffering more then anyone else. Since when the WOT has started it has exposed Pakistan very badly. Your western border was a nation withing a nation. Non of your bureaucrats were aware about how much these outlaw forces were disseminated into your lawless landscapes. Just few months back Islamabad was making deals and withing few weeks your army started offence sincerely (as per what US was demanding). It is your army and US attacking your villages way before Indian presence in Afghanistan.

What you are facing in Pakistan is a simple straight forward knee jerk reaction of those desperate powers, not because of conspiracy by India.
Keep it simple cause i know your army is keeping it simple and fighting them bravely. It is only Pakistani people feed with conspiracy theories by those who has been controlling Pakistan turn by turn for their own convenience. Dare to ask GoP why this whole **** happened at the very first place.

Tell me one thing, will peace prevail in your region if when after India will quit its mission completely in Afghanistan?

I want to know how many afghan got pakistan citizenship?

I'd say at least the ones that were born in Pakistan. I have no idea about the rest. But regardless, even if they were given citizenship, I think India should welcome them with open hands and take them in. Including the ones that were born inside Pakistan.
What benefit Pak Gov/state is providing to them ??. I think big NO. Looks like they are contributing to pakistan economy by consuming goods and service.
why dont you guys take this honor. They'll contribute to your economy. I hope i'll see my neighbors soon in India.
I want to know how many afghan got pakistan citizenship?
probably more than 100000....with new ID cards many afghan setteled in Tribal areas got Pakistani citizenship. Most with fake records others with proper procedure. But we dont show off that how generous we are by giving them citizenship.
the unseen things, Indians are absolutely Blind to see this & think that Afgh has population of 1,100 :rolleyes:

your Shiny roads are going to serve the Norther Alliance only, Its good to see you people at least 'casually admitting' that India is no party in Afgh

Allama Iqbal Faculty of Arts Kabul University​

Under construction Jinnah Hospital in Kabul​

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