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India is cleaning up Ganges river. Here’s how.

How about not polluting it in the first place? This requires a huge shift in society and culture. Impossible in the short term. Might take 100 years of education to return toxicity levels to a safe threshold.
Much of the river's pollution comes from untreated industrial waste and city sewage, which is a policy problem not a social one.
This problem only gets worse given the innumerable tributaries Ganges has which means cleaning the Ganges means cleaning the entire river system which includes huge tributaries like Yamuna, Ghaghra etc.

Common people don't pollute the river knowingly, instead they do so because they have got no other choice.

Cleaning the Ganges is a herculean task and I would be pleasantly surprised if we manage to pull this off, for me it would be the most impressive feat of modern India
I heard poor people thrown infected dead bodies in ganges river, without burning, when covid was at peak.
That is totally false, no matter how poor a man is he will never disrespect a dead family member like this, even in the worst of situation you can find enough materials to cremate a body, those materials (like jute bags, broken chairs, paddy husk) might not be honorable but will be million times better than throwing the body in water.

Those news reports you saw were from a certain area (eastern up and Bihar) where people don't cremate their dead, specifically children under the age 12 and old people who have become celibate.

Most of the riverside graves news channel showed were old and unrelated to COVID (although undoubtedly there were some fresh graves)
Good thing is you are on a defence forum with virtually no women let alone feminists otherwise you'd have gotten in real trouble for referring to hairy armpits as disgusting. lol
How sexist of you, sir. Very disappointed. Women can be on defense forums too. They can do everything men can. And how dare you assume the gender of everyone here. How do you know @lastofthepatriots or @-=virus=- don't identity as wamenz?
its disgustingly polluted in some areas (bodies set afloat, filth, sewage, chemicals etc)

but absolutely pristine in others



mirrors India nicely, disgusting filth in parts

and super nice otherwise



@Paitoo @Maula Jatt @villageidiot @Areesh @jamahir bhikari @Imran Khan
ever river is pure at starting when i was in GB i cant belive how river look like . hum chttia mat banao .



How sexist of you, sir. Very disappointed. Women can be on defense forums too. They can do everything men can. And how dare you assume the gender of everyone here. How do you know @lastofthepatriots or @-=virus=- don't identity as wamenz?
We did have female members on PDF but alas the tharki nana’s and bhundi kings made them so uncomfortable they left.
. . . . . . .
I’d rather not thanks. The older members on PDF know who I refer to. And this thread is about the Ganges so I’d rather not derail it any further with nonsense.

Which members were tharki nanas and bhundi kings? Give many examples. And what did they post?
dont look at me

. .
its disgustingly polluted in some areas (bodies set afloat, filth, sewage, chemicals etc)

but absolutely pristine in others



mirrors India nicely, disgusting filth in parts

and super nice otherwise



@Paitoo @Maula Jatt @villageidiot @Areesh @jamahir bhikari @Imran Khan

You keep your holy rivers dirty and the not so holy ones clean? 🤔

What is up with Hindutvati women? Are you selling them?

Much of the river's pollution comes from untreated industrial waste and city sewage, which is a policy problem not a social one.
This problem only gets worse given the innumerable tributaries Ganges has which means cleaning the Ganges means cleaning the entire river system which includes huge tributaries like Yamuna, Ghaghra etc.

Common people don't pollute the river knowingly, instead they do so because they have got no other choice.

Cleaning the Ganges is a herculean task and I would be pleasantly surprised if we manage to pull this off, for me it would be the most impressive feat of modern India

Or the Hindutvatis could simply blame Pakistan?

lost, or never kept count

more than I'd have liked any any rate

but thanks.. how's things ? kabhi astropics bhi lo and post karo.

some celestial goodness coming up shortly your side of the planet

Is that you in the avatar?

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