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India has to wait.....wait....wait....


Jun 28, 2010
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India not to get UNSC seat soon: US
India not to get UNSC seat soon: US Latest news, breaking news, world news, international news and current affairs

WASHINGTON: The United States has acknowledged that despite its support, India was unlikely to get a permanent seat in the UN Security Council anytime soon.

Robert Blake, US Assistant Secretary for South and Central Asian Affairs, told a briefing at Washington’s Foreign Press Centre that the expansion of UNSC was, “a very complex process that has to take place — many, many contenders for permanent seat — there is a whole question of veto”.

The United States, he said, “needs to have a very serious and detailed conversation with all our friends who are competing for these seats”.

During a visit to India last week, President Barack Obama endorsed India’s bid for a permanent seat in the UNSC saying that the world body needed reforms to accommodate the changes that have taken place since the World War Two.

“I would caution against expecting any kind of breakthrough anytime soon,” Mr Blake said.

“I think the President and others have made it clear that this (reform) is going to be a long and complicated process and that we are committed to a modest expansion both of permanent and non-permanent seats,” he said. The official said the only “real change” Mr Obama announced was US support to India’s permanent seat in the 15-membered UNSC, but “we have always been clear that this is going to be a long-term and very complicated process”.

Mr Blake, however, said that the US support for India’s bid was unconditional.

He noted that in statements made during his visit to India, President Obama had emphasised the need to fight terrorism in South Asia but he was also “very clear that Pakistan itself has been the chief victim of international terrorism”.

I guess India has to wait considering that Japan has been lining up for more than 20 years waiting to get a U.N. seat.
I guess India has to wait considering that Japan has been lining up for more than 20 years waiting to get a U.N. seat.

Hopefully both get the elusive permanent seat... we shall wait...
I guess India has to wait considering that Japan has been lining up for more than 20 years waiting to get a U.N. seat.
Japanese are a part of G4. The term of G4 means that any one gets in, the other 3 will be helped to gain seat. Japanese getting in will make our job easier. We don't mind a bit of waiting. Just in case you didn't know such an agreement existed between us, Japan, Germany and Brazil.
I guess India has to wait considering that Japan has been lining up for more than 20 years waiting to get a U.N. seat.

How many time u guys will keep on resurrecting the same threads and same words
I guess India has to wait considering that Japan has been lining up for more than 20 years waiting to get a U.N. seat.

What is the rush? Right now, India is working to become stronger economically- and that is what really matters. Everybody wants to buddy-buddy with a rich guy. ;)
This is the fifth or sixth thread this Hapizzzzz chap has opened on this issue. Shows his mental agony at the prospect of permanent seat for India!
I guess India has to wait considering that Japan has been lining up for more than 20 years waiting to get a U.N. seat.

Better wait then never..! And i dont think there are any reforms in next couple of years but it is for sure whenever that happen you can see india on that list and yeah it will be better for us if it gets late an late cause with time our economic position will also gets stronger and stronger with current pace and that will also help in making our bid more stronger at that time then now..

If 8 or 10 years from now then that will be best for india cause at that time we will be in top 5 largest economy's of world and that will make our bid more stronger then NOW...!!!

This is the fifth or sixth thread this Hapizzzzz chap has opened on this issue. Shows his mental agony at the prospect of permanent seat for India!

How many times have Indian users here open up new threads claiming that the world is supporting India to get U.N. seat ? SO many times that I don't even have enough fingers to count.

India wants a U.N. seat so desperately !!!
India wants a U.N. seat so desperately !!!

Is there anything wrong if india wants it despretly??And yeah india will get it whenever this happen and unfortunatly you can't do anything about it except starting multiple threads on same topic and getting some relief by reading these words "India has to wait ....wait.....wait" again and again..;)
How many times have Indian users here open up new threads claiming that the world is supporting India to get U.N. seat ? SO many times that I don't even have enough fingers to count.

India wants a U.N. seat so desperately !!!

Well this doesnt mean India Wouldnt Get a Permanent seat.... Well We are ready to wait and Willing to aswell and We already are a Non Permanent member.... So Mr Hafizzz You May Please stop ranting :lol: and BTW Hafizzzzzzz We are not desperate, We see Pure Desperation in You and Your Leaders
Please we are ready to wait and we already knew this, it take time to change and we whole heartly also support japan,brazil,southafrika and germany with india,we are not mean but want all these deserving and influenced nation to be there.So hafizz sooner or later UNSC no longer called as P5 but P5 5 =P10 ....
well when india gets it then we can talk. So far they have not been able to get IoK. What kind of "power ful" nation is this which is helpless at the whim of much weaker adversary and runs aloud the world forums in defaming its rival without much evidence.
Frnd also in couple of years you again going to see some massive changes in G8 membership with growing influence of BRICSA ,they are already startd this discussion to make way for BRICSA .
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