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India has legitimate interest in Afghanistan: Petraeus

They can play but tell me HOW exactly will India play a role in the elimination of Tailban & solution of the mess that is there ,politically...
they want to play a role & interfere where they simply don't have leverage, we all know about the recent Indian Desperation in case of A-stan

Frankly, India has no military interest in Afghanistan other than that of securing it's own assets.

India will not play a direct role in the elimination of Taliban. India will play a role in upliftment of the population of Afghanistan, which will encourage the general population not to support Taliban.
India can help Afghanistan economically which will benefit both India AND Afghanistan.

So if you leave the humanitarian/medical aid aside, we are not doing complete charity work. We will also be getting benefits in return in the form of business and goodwill from Afghanistan.

btw, whether Taliban CAN be eliminated through force, isn't very clear.
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Every country is interfering in A-stan for its interest, Period!

There again is a difference between interfering and influencing. Influencing is perfectly legible
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well the fact is A - STAN is very important for India as for USA and RUSSIA and now India is good relation with both

we have to do all the the thing which is need there

---------- Post added at 04:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:32 PM ----------

well the fact is A - STAN is very important for India as for USA and RUSSIA and now India is good relation with both

we have to do all the the thing which is need there
How about you both Indians and Pakistanis help contribute towards Afghanistan and stay away from strategy and military? Why not deal in commercial and non-military terms, do business and simply gain mutual trade benefits rather than thinking of putting them"under influence"?

That country has seen enough bloodshed to last a century. There's no point of military interests in that country which now wants nothing to do with military. Whoever is supporting Taliban needs to get caught and be vanquished.

One the Taliban are annihilated, I won't be surprised if Afghan government adopts a similar constitution to Japan's. After so much violence and madness for 3-4 decades, I think any government would want to abhor any violence. It'd be sensible for Afghans to enter into a security pact with United States and European Union and focus all money in infrastructure development for at least the next one decade while gradually maintaining a self-defense force in the following decade.

Afghanistan wants all the help it has to get now. The more the hands are, the lesser each will have to give individually and at the same time Afghans will get their required amount of aid due to pooling of resources.

It would be wise for either of your countries to let Americans and Russians take the command.

Ms. Emo:

I was so far under the impression that you are not interested in any thing that has to do with pacifying the Taliban. How come then you claim to even consider talks with those who are not only tormenting Afghans but also your own people in your country?

Moderators should move this thread to world affairs section as it mentions the region from an American perspective.
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It's silly to assume that ANY nation does anything for another out of the collective 'goodness' of their hearts. Perhaps there once was a time where this happened, but rarely so when it comes to geo-political hotspots. A'stan is one of them.

India needing Pakistan's permission to be involved in A'stan is very arrogant. That would be like Canada needing USA's permission to be invovled in Mexico. Frankly, that's not the done thing - that region (North America) has a series of severely interconnected economies that not only brings stability to the region, but also a sense of financial and economical parity and connectivitiy. It's such a big deal that the trans texas corridor is being made. (For trade routes - cheaper to unload cargo in mexico and send it by land to USA and Canada than to import things directly)

Co-operation within/between Central and South Asia is the only way that our varied peoples will rise up and be in control of their own material wealth and control of their own destinies.

Frankly, instead of paying the 'white man' to help us and then smile when they take our resources shouldn't we be building that infrastructure and autonomity ourselves?

The pettyness displayed by some senior members in this thread really show how far we all have yet to grow as adults who are looking for resolutions to problems. I don't care if you hate India, or hate Pakistan -- but the main point here should be the people of A'stan.

Their nation was bombed back to the stone age twice in my lifetime. They need all the help they can get. If Pakistan's xenophobia is hindering the rebuilding process because of some real or imagined fear of India then Pakistan needs to grow up. If India is trying to forment difficulty for Pakistan through A'stan then they need to recognize that is selfish as well.

Helping your cousin nations should not only happen when they have something to give you back.
The story is different in Afghanistan then Japan, even if US and NATO allies able to defeat the Taliban then the Afghan Govt. has to control the tribal warlords which will be the biggest challenge for the govt.
But before all this until there is a peace or some kind of understanding between India and Pakistan peace cannot prevail in Afghan soil. That's why US has almost force the two nation to discussion table hopefully some positive results may come out
I m not saying that Pakistan is a super duper country but the logic 'see yourself' can be applied to Indians as well, certainly there are people in India which need this money more than people of A-stan, will it make sense? NO

Pakistan has all the right to do what it thinks is its interests, if Americans can come down from thousands of miles for their interests, why can;'t we have our own interests, don't even suggest that Indians have altruistic motives in A-stan, if Chinese interference in India's neighbor can make Indians scared then why can't we have our concerns, we have all the right to define our interests & pursue them, you are no one to dictate anything to us

Since when did the Americans come willingly in Afghanistan???
Go back in time before 9/11 and afterwards, and you would see the compelling reasons.

India or any other country is talking of development in Afghanistan so that it prospers and in return the countries investing get some profits. Its like setting up companies oversees, just as Honda or TATA does.
This certainly is not terrorism is it.:no:

Of course the Pakistan business should also do the same.:cheers:
But instead there is always a talk of Taliban or Haqqani or arms or fighting or this or that.:frown:
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