The refugee crisis whatsoever is your won, I mean Pakistan also have a major hand in that. So bare with it and be happy.

Now who's mistake is that ????? But did Pakistan learn a thing or two from that ?? I'm afraid not.
If 15 out of the 20 Points in your NAP is not touched, let alone Implemented I'm sorry to say, your government and establishment is not serious enough to tackle these menace. For example;
- After the Peshawar incident, government decided to proceed with the execution of extremists convicted in terror related cases. The Government has already started implementation.
- Special courts, headed by the officers of the armed forces, will be established for the speedy trial of terrorists. These courts will be established for a term of two years.
- Formation of armed militia will not be allowed in the country.
- National Counter Terrorism Authority will be revived and made effective
- There will be a crackdown on hate-speech, and action will be taken against newspapers, magazines contributing to the spread of such speech.
- Financial sources of terrorists and terror organisations will be cut.
- Banned outfits will not be allowed to operate under different names.
- Special anti-terrorism force will be raised.
- Measures will be taken to stop religious extremism and to protect minorities.
- Madrassas will be regularized and reformed.
- Print and electronic media will not be allowed to give any space to terrorists.
- Keeping the rehabilitation of IDPs as the top-most priority, administrative and development reforms in FATA will be expedited.
- Communication systems of terrorist organisations will be destroyed.
- Social media and the Internet will not be allowed to be used by terrorists to spread propaganda and hate speech, though exact process for that will be finalized.
- Like the rest of the country, no space will be given to extremism in any part of the Punjab.
- Operation against terrorists in Karachi will be taken to its logical conclusion.
- In the interest of political reconciliation, Baluchistan government will be given complete authority by all stakeholders.
- Elements spreading sectarian violence will be prosecuted.
- Comprehensive policy will be formed for registration of Afghan refugees.
- To give provincial intelligence agencies access to communication of terrorists and to strengthen anti-terror agencies through basic reforms in the criminal justice system. Constitutional amendments and legislation will be carried out for this purpose.
And I'm not the one who says so, there are lot of saner voice in Pakistan who also say so, I'm just
highlighting things they keep on saying.
we can not pay you for rich Iranian energy..
@Raghfarm007 @Fafnir said so.. Let us poor deal with GCC for cheap oil and gas.
You should worry about losing exisiting marke to Yanks, Yanks are offering cheap merican oil to our eastern neighbour so they stop imports from Iran.