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India floods kill 29, displace more than a million

Dear dance and insignificant Chinese trolls,

I was under the impression that we were in a "Pakistan defence forum". Threads on pakistan's internal affairs have an exclusive place in this forum. It is only natural that people post in it.

Meanwhile, Indian affairs are restricted to "Indian defence".

However, your sympathy for the Indian flood victims is much appreciated and noted--we are ofcourse, glad to have received the blessings from such 'peaceful' personalities.
i still 98 floods in china,its terrible,lets rise and stand in silent tribute for victims
Meanwhile, Indian affairs are restricted to "Indian defence".

Dear Mech,

Since you are so "bothered" by this situation, I will introduce to you a thing called the ignore button.

I know I'll be using it soon.

Off course, but why should Russian floods interest posters such as laman12345, who started 3 different threads about "monsoons" failing in India, with unhidden joy as well as hope that India should have a drought.

Does he want that we should be "rejoicing" when earthquakes, floods or drought hit China? And where will all this lead to??

It is people like him who are a shame on humanity.

(And btw.. I am just pointing to a specific poster, not chinese trollers in general).
the fact is the people most affected will be bangladeshi illegals who may have no place to hide. i feel sorry for them
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