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India dumping nuclear waste in Bangladesh

Denial n day dreaming is a common Indian habit... so dnt want to waste my time here.

Bangladesh government should take this issue seriously and if found true should sue India and bring the case to UN for sanction.

[[[ As you are now mentally obsessed with Sunita paul ... the following link may help you to know Sunita paul ... one of your fellow Indian journalist ....


MBI Munshi also posted an article on her ... you can see it to know more about her...


If you want to know more about her then contact MBI Munshi on facebook... he may help you...




You are plain stupid or gullible beyond belief. Nothing there proves Sunita Paul exists, you belive this bullcrap ONLY because its a lie and you have a problem.

And you asking me to talk to MBI is plain precious :lol::lol::lol: who next, christina palmer?
There is a process called Cementation of Radioactive materials, which is use for Nuclear plant waste disposal.


Weekly blitz probably heard about it, didn't bother to do any research, took money from Holcim's competitors, hashed a bs conspiracy theory, and illiterate sheep swallow it hook, line and sinker. :lol:

Radioactive waste in cement:rofl:
If it's true why doesn't the BD govt do something about this? Either (like 95% of anti-India threads posted in BD section) this news is completely false or the BD govt doesn't care about its citizens and allows this activity to continue for whatever reason. Either option wouldn't surprise me anymore, but in regards to the later it would just be another case where BDs blame lack of proper governance of their govt in trying to protect her citizens on India. Just like the news of Asbestos ridden paint being exported to BD despite being illegal in India itself and not used and BSF shootings of BD citizens. In case one if the paint was harmful to people why did the BD govt allow such imports to flow unhindered into their country with no safety restrictions? And in scenario number 2, if a BSF agent hurts a BD citizen in self defence the GoB has to take ultimate responsibility not the lowly agent defending his own life and his nation, if the GoB was doing their job properly they would make sure there was no way a BD citizen could ever encounter an "evil" BSF man by proper fencing/patrolling on their side to not only keep BDs in but all undesirables out- why should it be India's sole responsibility to man borders and keep people in/out?
^U really think these maggots who hoof around in pdf are real BDians ?
Reality is much different. BD have many sensible people in politics and all this playing around with propaganda is limited to a few loosers who are unemployed.
If it's true why doesn't the BD govt do something about this?

Current Awami regime is indian stooge came to power with indian money and protected by india.

India and Bangladesh - Embraceable you
Jul 30th 2011 | DHAKA | from the print edition

NOT much noticed by outsiders, long-troubled ties between two neighbours sharing a long border have taken a substantial lurch for the better. Ever since 2008, when the Awami League, helped by bags of Indian cash and advice, triumphed in general elections in Bangladesh, relations with India have blossomed.

India and Bangladesh: Embraceable you | The Economist
You are plain stupid or gullible beyond belief. Nothing there proves Sunita Paul exists, you belive this bullcrap ONLY because its a lie and you have a problem.

And you asking me to talk to MBI is plain precious :lol::lol::lol: who next, christina palmer?

If you dont want to believe something that no one asked you to, walk away. Dont bring indian trash mouth here. Because no one to smell indian stink.
Hmm..nuclear waste dumping in BD..that explains a lot of things,especially the thinking ability of the PDF bangladeshis.
nuclear waste needs a proper place to be dumped and in a country of barely literate Macher joli eating Jamatti's is the perfect place i mean come on now its Bangladesh we could dump agent orange there and they'd still lick our boots.
Listen Sunita Paul, you were always very nasty. Behave, this is not weekly blitz where baseless propaganda articles without an iota of credibility or evidence are printed for the benefit of half-literate jamatis.

half literate? come on now your being a bit too generous on their part :lol:
from Sonar Bangladesh to enriched uranium Bangladesh :lol:

nuclear waste needs a proper place to be dumped and in a country of barely literate Macher joli eating Jamatti's is the perfect place i mean come on now its Bangladesh we could dump agent orange there and they'd still lick our boots.

I LOLed...
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