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India did not target Balakot Madrassa - Ind Def Minister

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Baray hi BC hain yeh saaray ke saaray MC ke bachay..
Was there ever a doubt in anyone's mind...?
There is another top on top of that hill??? Vedic top??
By Indian standards (& those are pretty low) - anything is possible.
Yes,He is right they target 8 Trees.....Finally Confirmed.....:victory::bounce::lol::victory:
No - No. Still unconfirmed. By mid year, it'll change from Balakot to Peshawar to Karachi.
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This biatch is trying to save her ugly face as a failed defence minister.
Indians should ask her why she has been showing the pics of the complex with a hole in the roof if it was not targeted?? Isn't that a confession that India lied and fooled the janta?
If the camp is further up the hill why doesn't it show on the released pics??

I can't believe that this kind of simple logic does not apply to Indians. :meeting:
This isn't new.

There were reports right after the strike that the madrassa was spared.
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"Abeh bashtard guy, stop asking me these unpatriotic questions, why don't you go to Pakistan"
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ok then their intended target was a section of 1Billion tree tsunami...
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