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India Developing, but still a long way to go

Hyderabad outer ring road
Kya baat!

Pls. don't jump on my throat for stating my below, personal opinion.

[U]Mumbai Shot, Powai by (c) [url]http://spinningawheel.blogspot.ca/2009_07_01_archive.html[/url]

[/U] [IMG]http://lh3.ggpht.com/_hCtDDp0G8f4/SlAurza_PdI/AAAAAAAAAuc/0K1C1CtBT38/IMG_0154_thumb%5B2%5D.jpg?imgmax=800[/IMG]

- Obviously, India's 'Land Reform Movement (Bhoo-Dan Movement)' was politically motivated. I contend and suggest that major land holdings around Delhi (Dilli Sultanat), Lucknow ( ? ), Nawab Siraj-ud-Daulla in Bengal and many, many other regional Mughal satrap holdings like Vazirs owned places like Allahabad, Moradabad, Faridabad, Ghaziabad, and all the other - 'bad's' ( ... hehe, maybe not very BAD); there was overwhelming Mughal land holdings. Said holdings may not have been replaced with outright Colonial ownership, Colonialism was quite accommodating of local power dynamics.


- Karachi's culture and population explosion is evidence of migration from UP and northern India. It's also established fact that the it was the educated, liberal and landholding and decadent elite of Delhi, Lucknow and nearby places like above were targeted by the so called 'land reform' movement. It is my contention that dirty Indian politicians used modern ideas like land reform to primarily target the said Mughal community and grab their land holdings. Not to mention that this biased land reform political weapon wa also used by goonda and looter elements to forcibly disenfranchise the already partition impacted Mughal community.


- I propose my above hypothesis as the basis of land development across north India. No wonder land records are so fuzzy. Often farmers jump up and down about their land; hardly anyone claims 'baap-dada' ki, ya 'pusht-dar-pusht' zameen. Baap-Daada ke time was Angrez Raj. Pust-dar-Pusht was Mughal Rule.

Fast forward to today? Who owns land.

No wonder builders get corrupt govt. land agencies like HUDA, Noida etc. to typically land grab for them, lathi-charge and marginalise the so called farmers (or small like land grabbers themselves, in many cases nomadic Gujjar tribesmen who grabbed outlying lands upon partition and marginalisation of the Mughal community, not always nicely. I am often personally surprised at Yadav 'land-holdings' by way of Cow sheds and related lands, one good way is grabbing shared community water pools by putting water Buffaloes in. Fodder farms. Animal husbandry is a great excuse for nomads to come into property especially if it's up for grabs, excuse being 'holy cow!'.).

Not trying to be argumentative, just understanding how such vast land parcels came on the market in Delhi NCR and related places in North India. Therefore, no shortage of land. Amazing and logical analysis methinks.

Positive feedback welcome.
^^^is it worth for an outsider to invest in noida??

The best place to invest in NCR is Noida...Good Infrastructure, Low prices & a lot of potential for growth...

If u r seriously considering to invest in India then Noida shud b on ur radar...
Man Yamuna Expressway looks effing nice! Seems well thought out as well with dedicated ERVs like ambulance and Fire rescue vehicles.

Any similar projects by pvt players elsewhere in India?
Seen this vid, but thanks a bunch anyway!!

Any idea what combarable services there are for public highways wrt ERVs and recovery?
almost none.....age old tata 407 based recovery vehicles and dilapilated fire trucks...:hitwall:
Vadodara Bharuch expressway First Aid Center


toll booth



Palanpur-Swaroopganj emergency vehicles..
almost none.....age old tata 407 based recovery vehicles and dilapilated fire trucks...:hitwall:

Thanks for the reply.Does anone know of emergency response vehilces/services being upgraded in India especially on highways?

+if not does anyone belive that new prjects like Yamuna Expressway with the dedicated ERVs and the like will spur on a new wave of upgrades and purchases of new emergency equipment?
Thanks for the reply.Does anone know of emergency response vehilces/services being upgraded in India especially on highways?

+if not does anyone belive that new prjects like Yamuna Expressway with the dedicated ERVs and the like will spur on a new wave of upgrades and purchases of new emergency equipment?
I think highways done by Built Operate Transfer basis will have those like that Palanpur-Swaroopganj highway above,,,
Yep, a very long way to go. In fact, light years. Just check below:



India is mainly a big slum with no proper hygiene or infrastructure in place despite the so-called economic boom. The few rich are f i l t h y rich and the majority of the poor cannot even afford two meals a day. This is the reality about India. Just posting a few pictures of posh shopping centres won't change the reality.
Are you saying pakistanis are in better condition?
Thanks for the reply.Does anone know of emergency response vehilces/services being upgraded in India especially on highways?

+if not does anyone belive that new prjects like Yamuna Expressway with the dedicated ERVs and the like will spur on a new wave of upgrades and purchases of new emergency equipment?
I think highways done by Built Operate Transfer basis will have those like that Palanpur-Swaroopganj highway above.....
almost none.....age old tata 407 based recovery vehicles and dilapilated fire trucks...:hitwall:
Vadodara Bharuch expressway First Aid Center


toll booth



Palanpur-Swaroopganj emergency vehicles..

I have to say this looks WAAAAY nicer than Yamuna Expressway.

+ again pvt ERVs- is this mandatory for such projects now and is this a trend we see continuing in all upcoming highway projects?

I think highways done by Built Operate Transfer basis will have those like that Palanpur-Swaroopganj highway above,,,

+ any idea how long the concession period is for such projects until they are transferred to government?
I have to say this looks WAAAAY nicer than Yamuna Expressway.

+ again pvt ERVs- is this mandatory for such projects now and is this a trend we see continuing in all upcoming highway projects?
NO IDEA............
vadodara Bharuch Highway


Panipat Elevated Corridor
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